
Lackrian Academy

Zack's a lazy looser that lives alone doing what he enjoys doing, being a bum , until one day he decided to leave the house to go outside not knowing what lays ahead. is it power, mercury, happiness or fortune let find out.

jesse_gunn · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 10: 7 demons of (LA)

Zack's POV

At the dinner table, all seven of us sat down to eat.

"Now that we're all here, let's introduce ourselves to the new guy," the mature guy suggested. 

The vulgar female got up first, holding her bicep and yelling, "I'm Gloria Ashmit, the strongest; I'm the strongest being of the seven except for the captain, of course," as she spoke she released her aura. Her aura form's a peacock facing the east and a lion facing the west. It was dense and intimidating.

The guy with blue eyes got up next to introduce himself: "Hi, I'm Vinshu Sasaki; my enemies call me Vinshu, but my friends call me Sasaki; nice to meet you," releasing his aura as well. His aura wasn't as dense as Gloria's, but it was nothing to scuff at either. His aura formed a serpent with six heads and had eyes that could pierce the heavens.

Next was the little girl who was watching TV. For some unknown reason, she's sitting in my lap. She looked up and said, "And I'm Samantha Avaritia. nice to meet you. It's been awhile, master." She said as she show off her inner traits. Eocorythoderus incredibilis was formed by her aura, which expelled incredible weight.

["Did she just say what I think she said?"] Celia asked, 

"Yeah, I know. I'm as confused as you are," I replied telepathically.

And finally, the handsome, mature guy stood up, saying, "And I'm Daemon Garveet, the captain of this team. Nice to meet you, I hope we all can get along and work as a team.".

I got up to introduce myself: "I'm Zack Devilinch, and not to offend you guys but, I'm not staying, I don't think I'm a good fit for groups; I'm a solo player a loner; I don't do team work, so I'm just going to leave." I then asked Samantha politely to get out of my lap; she complied, hovering out like an angel. I got up and start walking towards the elevator, but to my surprise, it was not opening. I immediately understood what was going on.

"So you're not going to give me a choice in the matter, are you?" I asked, scratching my head as I turned to face their direction.

"Of course not. What kind of people do you think we are?" Daemon said it with a cocky smile on his face.

"What's your proposal?" I replied asking.

" if you can Take the card from me that opens the elevator or simply defeat me; that's the only way you get leave this room, and don't worry, you don't have to hold back," he suggested.

"Sophia, take us their" he said.

Sophia snapped her finger, teleporting all seven of us to a large white room that looked like a training area.

Standing unfaced with my hand in my pockets, I said, "So all I have to do is, beat you, and I can leave, right?" I asked, not moving an inch from my current position. 

He replied, "Yep, that's all, but you wont so I suggest you focus on taking the card" he suggested.

"nah, I'll win" I replied

"suit yourself", but as he finished his sentence he had made a fatal mistake, he blinked.

As I saw this, I used a skill that I unlocked after leveling up the other day, 'Flash Step'.

I used this to close the distance between us, Punching at his face, he stepped back dodging my attack. Luckily, I anticipated his dodge, leaning my fist downward mid-punch, shattering the ground causing it to shake, creating a cloud of dust at the same time, and using this as a smoke screen. This gave me time to use my new skill. I weaved two signs with my hands and said, "Ninpo, smokescreen of the undead.".

This move was from a passive skill I bought with the points I gained from defeating the minipede,'fist of the oni'. I bought this skill because it had an active skill within it, 'Ninjutsu', allowing me to possess the fighting abilities of a ninja and the ability to use Ninpo. But unlike my other skills, this one is more practical; I can't just summon it like the other skills; I have to weave the necessary hand signs for the specific ninjutsu I wanna to use. This act as a set back because of the split second difference in a fight; weaving hand signs is cool and all, but it's too slow for supernatural fights like these. So I needed a distraction or something to obstruct my opponent's vision; that's where the smoke screen comes in, giving me that split second I need to use ninjutsu.

A mist of darkness starts to leave Zack's body, forming four figures, they were pitch black with swords and kunai. they were ninjas.

The Ninjas of the undead who was summoned by Zack, engage Daemon in the smokescreen. Suddenly, the smokescreen was blown away by a gust of terrifying wind. "You're not half bad, but you're gonna have to do much better than that to defeat me," said Daemon, swinging a Golding sword to defend and fight off Zack's ninjas, parrying one and destroying it in the process. Seeing this, Zack joined the assault. Zack and his ninjas were holding up a good fight, but Daemon was so skilled that he was holding Zack and his three remaining ninjas off, until Zack was sent flying with a solid kick from Daemon, which he barely blocked. While flying back, he turned in the air to recover his landing, skating back with tremendous force. Not wasting any time, Zack sent a destruction shot in Daemon's direction, hitting the part of the roof that he was standing under, causing huge pieces of rubble to descend on him.