
Chapter 34 - Division of Work

After the announcement that Shinji had been chosen as the hero, after that a mass division began where the useless were separated from the useful according to their abilities, although this social caste system had existed in the school even before we came to Babel, it was now much more visible, and at the center of it all was Shinji with a smile on his face, his attitude clearly showing that he thought he was superior, while this was going on I was standing in a corner looking at this situation and trying to get answers from Aurora-sama.

"This boy, he seems to have received the blessing of Artena"

Aurora-sama said in a particularly indifferent voice.

"Artena... so maybe he is stronger than me?"

I asked a little anxious, if Shinji was stronger than me my revenge would go down the drain, if I can't show superiority to him none of this will be meaningful.

"You don't have to worry about that, although it's true that his class is probably the strongest among all these people, he still would be no match for you, your class and special"

Aurora-sama said.

"Besides, Artena has always lost to me"

Said Aurora-sama, her voice sounding totally smug.

(These two... could they have some rivalry with each other?)

I wondered as I looked at the ground, thanks to that I didn't notice when someone approached me at heavy steps.

"Tsk, hey, you and the last one"

Hearing a voice, I raised my head and saw that Ramon was standing in front of me with an uninviting face, his hatred for me was quite visible.

"Uhm... right"

For now, I decided to act harmless, I don't want to draw attention, the less of my powers people know, the more freely I can move in the future, with that we started walking among the crowd of people as we approached Shinji.

(But seriously, why did we have to go to Shinji? did he become the king or something?)

As that thought went through my head, we finally reached Shinji, looking up I found Shinji looking at me as he examined me, to be honest he was acting a little strange, normally he would look at me in anger or something, but this time he was simply looking at me the same way someone would look at an ant, with indifference, i looked over and saw that Saemi was standing next to him, as soon as she noticed my gaze on her expression became even more concerned.

"What is your skill?"

Shinji asked bluntly, that was the first question I would need to solve, normally I avoided using gluttony on enemies that looked like they wouldn't give me any useful skills, thanks to that I accumulated many skills that would be considered strong for someone who was supposed to be harmless, but luckily, I had one skill that would meet my criteria, although I picked it up in the heat of the moment it really came in handy at a time like this.

"Well... F-Fertiliz-zation"

I said in whispers and in a broken way, as soon as they heard my answer everyone nearby was shocked, or I should say paralyzed, they really didn't seem to believe what I just said.

"Ha, Haha, Ahahahahaha"

With an extremely loud laugh Shinji gets the attention of everyone in the place, i glanced at Saemi and noticed that she had an extremely incredulous expression, though not for the same reason as the others, I think she was simply surprised that I had this ability since I never told her about it before.

"Are you really serious? Even in another world you are still a useless orphan who is useless"

Shinji says amid laughter, after calming down he points to one side and speaks.

"You can go, go to that side, the other useless people like you will be there to keep you company"

Said Shinji after sighing, without saying anything I started walking to a group of boys and girls who were with depressed and anxious expressions, apparently, they were not as lucky as me, as soon as I reached the group I walked over to the wall and sat down waiting to see what the others would do.

"Wouldn't it be better if you told the truth...besides, you could just kill him now and take over as leader"

Aurora-sama said in my mind.

(I'm fine with that for now, besides, killing him that easy would not quench the hatred I feel for him, I need him to suffer in the worst way possible before he dies)

I thought while looking at the divisions, from what I was able to identify so far, the division is into useless and useful, the useless are left aside and will probably be used to carry things and do jobs that the useful don't want, on the other hand the useful will be used for combat, i noticed that the groups were divided between Shinji and Saemi, Shinji was in charge of the men while Saemi was in charge of the women.

(She probably told what her power was to Shinji.... anyway, it doesn't matter, I didn't tell her to hide it after all)

As I thought about it, I saw that there was someone approaching with a smile on his face.

"Hey you worthless assholes, get off your asses and follow me, we'll make you work yourselves to death as we'll take care of you"

Said the man with a smile, looking closer I realized that he was one of Shinji's henchmen.


I thought as I looked at him, he was also looking at everyone here and soon his eyes stopped on me, with an even bigger smile on his face he walked towards me.

"Well, well, it seems that a useless will always be useless no matter where he goes"

He said as he looked at me with an air of superiority.

"Although Shinji didn't tell me what his skill is since Saemi said he shouldn't care about it I know his skill must be the most useless one here"

He said as he stopped right in front of me.

"Since you are the most useless one here, I guess you will also have to obey the other escra...oops, useless ones"

He said with a smile on his face.

At that moment I really wanted to kill him right there, but I have to wait for the right moment, each of them will die at my hands, until then I have to find a way to make his death as cruel as possible.

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