
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 3

I woke up and my eyes landed on a handsome man beside me.

A man? I tried to remember everything.

My head is laying on his chest.

I examine his face. He got the look of an angel.

How could he be this handsome? His angelic face and perfect features.

A tall pointed noise, sharp jaw, and a perfect set of eyes with long eyelashes.

He moaned, I think I woke him up, go back to sleep Violet, just pretend that you are still sleeping.

"Good morning my love, I know you're awake. Stop pretending or I'll kiss you ." He whispered in my ear.

When I opened my eyes, I saw his face, completely. All of his structures are unbelievably perfect.

A perfect set of white pearl teeth and a beautiful smile.

"Keeper?" He looks at me with amusement plastered on his face.

"Your one and only. My real name is Greyson at your service." He kissed me, a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips.

So this is the feeling of having a husband who will kiss you first thing in the morning? Wait, what are you thinking Violet?! He's not your husband! Remember, he's still a stranger to you.

I pushed him lightly but he quickly wraps his arm around me.

He's topless and I can feel his completely intact abs.

"Why? You don't like it?" He curiously asked.

Of course not! Wait, Violet why do you have to be so flirty?! I can't believe it!

"What Am I doing here? Let me go!" I shouted. Acting so tough, huh? What a way to scare him, as if.

"Love you're already home, with me." He winked and kiss my forehead.

I sat down still his arms wrap around my waist.

"You have to be serious with me now. I wanna go home and please, stop bothering me! Mind your own life!" Yes, he got his wonderful looks but he shouldn't act like kidnapping and violating me is right.

"Can you act your age?"

"What's wrong with my age then? If I want you, I will have you for myself no buts. And please, don't act tough I know you're not capable of hurting me, I can hurt you and you have nothing against me. But don't worry my love, I won't hurt you." He winked and made me lay on the bed.

"Never shout at me like that, again. You don't want to see me mad, don't you?" He whispered in my ear.

Thinking about what I did earlier, I think I did a wrong move.

He gets out of bed.

"Let's go downstairs, we're having breakfast." He said and wear his shirt.

He's wearing sweatpants and a white shirt.

"No, I don't want!" I shouted and put the blanket over my head.

"Darling, if you don't want... then I'll have a pregnant woman for a breakfast." And he forcibly removed the blanket.

"Okay! Okay! You don't have to use force on me." I got up and went straight to the bathroom to fix myself.

"I'll wait for you downstairs ." He informed me and left.

"I'll wait for you downstairs blah-blah-blah." I look at myself in the mirror. I look like life beat me up to death. What did he want from this face?

After fixing the unfixable me, I went outside and I noticed that this mansion is incredibly huge. Maybe I didn't have much time to observe because of fear that I might bump into him after what happened to us.

Seriously? He has this huge stair that I did not notice when I was here. I carefully took a step until I reach the bottom. If I weren't careful, this will be a death march to heaven.

"At last!" I exclaimed. I heard a ding sound from above and I saw a two-door automatically opening just like an elevator.

When it was completely open, I saw Greyson came out of there.

"Honey, why didn't you try the elevator?" What the- an elevator? This house is so frustrating!

I look at the huge stair that I used to get to the bottom and then to the elevator. This is getting on my nerves.

"Why didn't you told me earlier?" I asked. I can't remember that we use the elevator when I was here back then!

"It took me too long to get down!" I shouted, his expression change.

Did I just shout at him?

"How can you be so stupid that you did not notice this elevator near our room!? Why didn't you see this fucking elevator right here?! Are you blind?!" He angrily yelled.

I got startled, I don't know if this is a pregnant related thing but why Am I getting so emotional?

He saw my reaction and decided to go down. "Honey I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." he tried to talk to me but I walk past him.

He is freaking annoying! I reached his living room where his friends are.

"Violet, what's wrong?" A man approaches me with a worried expression. Do I know him? I ignore him when I saw Grey coming towards me.

"My love, I'm sorry." He apologizes but I don't want him to come near me. He made me uncomfortable.

"What have you done, Grey? Why did you make her cry?" A guy who's constantly chewing his food teasingly asked.

"Dwayne! Shut up!" Grey shouted towards him to the guy who acted as a hotel staff last night.

"Love, I'm sorry." Grey still begs for me to accept his apology. He caressed my cheeks.

"He's making his move in front of us! This is so funny!" Dwayne said still chewing a huge amount of food.

"Shut up!" Pissed off Grey took out his gun came from I don't know where and pointed to Dwayne.

This is so alarming. "Or I'll kill you !" He continued. Can he do that?

"Whoa! I'm just kidding! Why are you all are always hot-headed? Check your temperatures, you might have a fever." He said, raising both hands.

"Stupid! You're a polluted air. You always know how to ruin the atmosphere." One of the guys said.

They all laugh except Dwayne who I think always gets bullied.

I saw his pouted lips and that made me giggle.

"Ouch! Hey! Stop! Grey help!" Dwayne's trying to remove my hands from his cheeks.

I didn't notice myself pinching his cheeks. I removed my hands and felt awful.

"I'm sorry... you're just too cute." I look at him cheekily

"Hey! Stop that love!" Grey pull me closer to him. "I can be cute too!" he showed me his cute face but I don't feel the same way. So I ignored him.

I saw Dwayne's cheeks turn red. I felt shy.

"Finally, someone finds you cute!" three of them laugh. While Grey seems to be pissed off.

"I don't want to be cute anymore," Dwayne said with teary eyes.

I must have pinched him that hard. "Sorry." I apologized.

He looks at me, I'm trying my hardest not to do the same thing I did earlier. He forces himself to smile.

"It's okay, Violet. You don't need to worry." He assured me.

"Let's eat." I can tell that Grey is pissed off, he wrapped his hand to my waist.




"I'm handsome!!!"

Grey turns his head at them and took out his gun.

"Are you saying something?" He asked.

"NOT ME! It was Dwayne!" Someone pointed Dwayne.

"What? I said let's get it on!" Dwayne nervously looks at Grey.

Grey escorted me to the dining area.

Something is bothering me, why does Grey have a gun?


Greyson's Pov.

Violet sat on a chair and I sat beside her.

"Love, eat this and this and this and oh, this." I put every vegetable dish on her plate and I saw her face change into a disgusted look.

"I'm not a vegetarian. Why did you put too much vegetable?" She annoyingly asked.

"Here!" I put some beef on her plate.

"Bro, me too." I heard Dwayne asking for beef too. So I did.

"That too." I took a piece and gave it to him.

"Also that one!" He pointed and put it on his plate. I'm getting pissed off.

"Pfft." I heard a compressed laugh.

"And that too!" I took out my gun. This is too much.

"How about this one?" I asked him.

"I can do it myself, thank you very much!" After that, I started eating.

Dwayne has been eating earlier and you're right, he's eating with us, again.

"Grey, I want to go home," Violet said out of the blue.

"Love, I told you this is your home now." She frowned.

"Violet, just trust Greyson. You can't go home to your situation ." Lore explained.

"Why!?" She shouted seems like she's frustrated.

"You really wanna know? Other organizations of mafias might find out about you and kill you. They want you dead because you're carrying my child." I explained.

"M-m-mafia?" She frighteningly asked.

"Well, darling I'm a young mafia boss and whether you like it or not, you don't have a choice. Finish your food and I'll explain it to you later." She submits to what I say.

"Wait, how come you had access to the hotel I'm staying in?" She innocently asked. Damn, she is beautiful.

"Cause he's fucking rich!" Dwayne proudly said.

"Yeah." Ford second while eating his breakfast.

"It is easy for Dwayne to flirt with the old owner of that hotel, right? Dwayne?" Zeek teasingly asked while wearing his smug smirk.

Yes, you're thinking it right. Dwayne flirtatiously persuades the old woman who owns the hotel to let us in without having trouble.

"Guys, can you stop? I don't want to remember what I did last night, except for the moment I have met you, Violet." He pointed to her and winked.

"Plus, she does smell."

"Don't tell me you had sex with that woman?" Klein asked.

We all laugh at Dwayne's reaction.

"Of course not! I can smell her even from afar." He looks at us. "Guys, don't you believe me? My god-"

"Excuse me, Sir Grey, someone left a letter outside." The maid handed me the letter.

I opened it and as soon as I read it, I got pissed off.

I heard you got someone pregnant, be careful... she will be our next target.
