
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 1

I don't know what to do. I'm completely speechless. I wanted to curl up and cry the whole day.

I don't want this, no... I don't want to be a single mom. I want a complete family for me and my unborn child. I already know the feeling of not having someone to look up to, to depend on your life to, and having to feel incomplete.

"Violet, please stop crying.", Xandra hugged me, I know it's her way to comfort me.

"Xandra can we try again? Maybe it's just a mistake." I whimper. I'm frustrated. I know I'm just in-denial but trying a second test won't hurt me.

"Uhm, I think we need to go for a check-up to make sure that you err- pregnant.", She said, I can tell that she's worried about me. I nodded for the reply.

I felt blessed that I have Xandra beside me, to support and guide me. She's a blessing. I lost my parents but fortunately, I had her in my life.

"I think I'm gonna head home so you can rest here." She said and smiled. I can sense that she's faking it.

I know she's worried, Xandra is very secretive when it comes to her feelings. I just figured out how to read her after years of having her in my life.

"Okay, thank you so much." I hugged her and she hugged me back.

Xandra escorted me to my bed, I can't stay still because of my weak state.

She tucked me in my bed.

"You should take some rest.", She kissed me on my forehead. "I have to go now." She bid her goodbye and slowly slammed my door.

She's right I need to rest. I should stop worrying too much.

I have a baby inside of me and I have to take care of myself more.

I'm can't overthink about the unknown.

I closed my eyes. And fell into a deep sleep.


I heard a loud thud outside my room. Fear took over my body. There might be a burglar! Despite being afraid, I went to my closet to get my metal bat baseball. Good thing I bought this for my protection.

Ever since what happened to me with that stranger, I became paranoid.

I went outside my bedroom slowly, trying to measure my every move.

I was astounded by what's in front of me. My house is full of men wearing a tuxedo. And they are rummaging my place.

"You assh*les! What are you doing in my house?!" I should be afraid of them but my house looks like it got hit by a strong typhoon.

Or maybe it is just because I'm pregnant and my high adrenaline?

They all looked at me like I'm an alien who came from nowhere, and they ignored me and resume what they were doing earlier like I'm nothing. I saw a guy holding a somewhat - white stick - wait, is that my pregnancy test? Where did he get that?

"Got it! Let's go!" The astonishingly handsome guy commanded.

My gosh! What are they going to do with it?

"Hey! That's mine!!!", I screamed my lungs out, but they seem to be un-bothered and left without uttering a word.

Fear has taken my energy. Those guys might be working for the guy who violated me! I need to get out of here.

I hurriedly went to my room and get all of my important things. I will stay at a hotel nearby, I don't want to disturb Xandra. I know we're friends but I know my limitation plus I have watched horror movies and people who got involved get killed or something. I'm not her responsibility.

I get into my car, I'm going to look for a nearby hotel to stay. I can't get worn out.


Greyson's POV.

I can't imagine my life without that beautiful and amazing woman I slept with... or should I say violated.

I can explain myself. I was drunk and not in a sober state. I saw her walking late at night.

I admit that I'm a physically fit man, I kinda kidnapped and took her home. I still can't get over her beautiful face. She is an angel.

I was still daydreaming when my staff came in. "Sir, Mr.Lee is here.", he announced.

"Alright, this is fun." I went out of my office and went to the Red Room.

Red Room is my killing ground, where torturing and killings happen. It has locked inside and outside, to fully secure the whole room, I assigned guards on both sides to guard those who are inside and stop those who will dare to get in.

I know my house is guarded by my well-trained men but I'm not stupid to let my guard down.

I insert the password for the Red room.

Only me and my trusted staff knew the password.

I went inside as soon as it opens and saw Mr.Lee, a man in his 30's. A very ambitious man.

"It's good to see you, Mr.Lee." I maliciously smiled.

"What Am I doing here?! We had a deal!" Deal? He's planning to sabotage me.

"I must admit that you are smart Mr.Lee, but not as smart as me, I don't trust people whom I had a deal with, easily. I hired a detective to spy on your every move. You had a deal with Sinister, right? And they are planning to kill me and you agreed to be used as an instrument - you're trying to earn my trust so you can lure me to your trap." He turned pale now... a sign of fear.

"No, I-I d-didn't!!!", I love how he looks at me with wide eyes. Poor Mr.Lee, trying to convince me with lies.

"You know how much I hate liars...", In this underground world, liars are considered a parasite.

It'll give damages to you and your business.

I took a knife, a three-inch but sharp knife.

"Wh-what are you planning to do?!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted. I'm quite short-tempered. I have anger issues and I'm not the one to messed up with.

He went silent. Good boy.

"I have one question, Mr.Lee and you have to answer me with the truth, yes?" I asked him, while I'm pinning the knife to my finger.

He nodded as an answer.

"Be honest, did you made a deal with Sinister, and they are planning to kill me? I want an answer, right now!" I demand.

I look closer to him, face to face trying to find an answer in his eyes. Reading his mind and soul.

"No! I didn't!"

"Eyes reveal lies."

I stabbed his eye with the knife I was holding.

He screamed in extreme pain.

"I told you before, I hate liars," I reminded him of what we had talked about. I left the knife in his one bloody eye.

"I'll give it to you as a souvenir." I tapped on his shoulder.

"I'm very disappointed in you."

"I know you already knew the answer. So why did you have to ask me, you stupid!" Not a good thing to say when you are in a life and death situation.

"Well, let's just say that I love seeing people trying their hardest to keep their lies within them." I demonically laughed.

"Boys, torture him slowly until he won't be able to breathe. I want him dead by tomorrow and I want you to film your fun activity while you're torturing him. And then send it to Sinister, they need to know that I already caught their planted parasite." I ordered and went out of the torture room.

"That was fun." I expressed the enjoyment I felt.

Before I get further, I heard Mr.Lee's screaming in pain - what a great way to die.

My people will do the rest, they know how to satisfy me when they're tormenting my enemies, they are doing it with so much fun!

That kind of people - like Sinister and Mr.Lee, they already know how bad I am yet they are still trying to do this poor type of game.

I went to my office and sat in my office chair. I often stay here to relax and have peace of mind.

"Sir, we found this!", He abruptly came into my office without knocking, so this is what you get when you're friends with your people, huh? Unprofessional.

He gave me a white stick that has two lines.

What the hell is this?!

I assume he saw my expression.

"Sir, that's a pregnancy test, I got that from Ms.Violet's house.", He stated.

"What? She's pregnant? With whom!? Why didn't you tell me that she slept with another guy?!" I exclaimed. I told him to spy on her and know her every move! Damn! That woman! Very sneaky!

"Sir, she never slept with any other guy. I never left her under surveillance since she came home two months ago, her only visitor was a woman - I think that woman can sense that there's something wrong. She knew that I was following her and I always lost track. I never had a chance to know who she is." He stated. I didn't mind the woman he was talking about, all I could think of is Violet.

"So I got her pregnant?" I can't believe it! This is a blessing in the sky.

"Yes, sir." He gave me a naughty grin and wiggled his eyebrows.

Yes, I'm friends with my trusted mafia members, we make fun sometimes, and right after we act like we don't know each other when it comes to working, that's what I call being professional.

This guy's name is Nutriel Klein.

He burst into laughter. "Admit it, I'm pretty good at acting, if I was not in this kind of business ground, I might be in the acting industry." He arrogantly stated and sat on my single sofa in front of my desk.

"Shut up!" I irritatedly said.

"Nice shot! You got her pregnant in one shot." he teasingly sang it.

Yes, I had her that one night and didn't expect her to get pregnant. It's not part of my plan.

Now, I have to make that baby a part of my plans.

"So, where is she now?" I asked.

"She's staying in a hotel, we kinda frightened her earlier when one of my team made an itsy-bitsy noise -" He stood up and went to my food storage and took a chip, "but believe me. bro, that woman - she's crazy. Other people should have been screaming in fear or run away but instead, she asked what we're doing there." He laughingly said while eating his chips.

"Is she fi-" I was just about to ask if she's fine but a loud thud interrupted me.

"BRO! WE HEARD YOU GOT SOMEONE PREGNANT!" A full of energy staff of mine, I thought when we were kids he had taken a lot of energy vitamins.

Dwayne Nicholai, a smart guy disappointingly stupid at the same time.

"Are you trying to destroy my door?" I annoyingly asked. You can't argue with him, he's unreasonably annoying.

"Yeah!" Lore Blaine entered the scene.

I assume they have been talking about this earlier since they are coming in with this information.

"No bro, we just want to have a cool entrance.", Zeek Tyrell said, walking while his arms are wide-open.

They are my trusted staff and my childhood friends. Trie, Dwayne, Lore, and Zeek.

"What are you planning to do, now? You're having a child, are you sure you want to be a father?" Lore asked.

I'm not sure what should be my next move but I got to do something.

"I'm going to-"

"You're going to what?!" Dwayne shouted in front of my face. Spilling his chips into my freaking face.

"I'm going to-" he cut me again.

He gets closer to my face. "WHAT?!" This stupid motherfucker is testing my patience, again. I took my gun out and pointed it in his face.

"Whoa!" He raises his two hands as a sign of surrender.

"This hottie wattie is not yet ready to go to heaven." He said, he raised his hands in the air and started wiggling his butt.

"You shit! Let me finish first, you good for nothing!" I said.

"Okay, okay! It's getting really hot in here." He said referring to my temper.

"I'm going to get her by hook or by crook!"

You'll be officially mine with our baby, Violet Gomez."