
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 13

Martha's POV

"So, what brings both of us here?" Brooke asked. She looked around my office.

"Grey is having a child with a low-class quality of a woman," I said to her. She was shocked by what I just said.

"WHAT? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? I THOUGHT YOU'RE FIXING EVERYTHING BETWEEN GREY AND I?" She hysterically reacted. I have promised her a wedding with my son. Brooke is my favorite among all of them, she listens to everything I say, and she is the perfect example of a true wife of a mafia boss.

"That's what I thought so. My son has planned this." I told her. I have told this about Grey years ago that I am planning to arrange a marriage between them but I guess my son has it against my plan.

"You have to do something about this matter, Brooke," I told her, I can see that Brooke was pissed off about what she had known right now. I was too when I found out but we have to fix this mess. I'm not giving a chance for another bastard child to be born again, not this time.

"Where is the woman?" She asked.

"I think she's with X. Her name is Violet, that's all I know for now," I said.

"X? What about her?" She confusingly asked.

"I think that woman and my daughter are pretty close to each other, I think X had made friends since I left here, be careful with your actions, we must move silently, we don't know who's protecting that woman. I will take care of my son." I said to her. Grey will be easy to manipulate, I know his weakness.

"What's the plan?" She interestingly asked.

I brief Brooke on what we will be going to do for our plan to work.

"So, you're saying that I have to get her to have a miscarriage?" She asked.

"Yes, it'll be a huge humiliation if our clan will know about this child," I said worriedly. I don't care about that baby, I have to protect our reputation.

"Sounds exciting." She plashes a wide smile.

"And please, be meticulous. I know how you move, Brooke. Consider this as one of your training, don't fail me." I told her.

"Alright." She said and left my office.

Brooke is a great asset, she's willing to be taught how should things be in this world. She believes in everything I believe.

Brooke's parents are my family's friends. They wanted Brooke to be good, and when I saw her when she was young. I saw myself from her, a child who knows everything and obey whatever she is told to do so. That's why I trained her with them, she's a great fighter and doesn't doubt what I tell her, she absorbed every information she's fed.

That made her stronger than the others. I just wished I had a daughter like her, fortunately, I found out that she dreamed about achieving more and possess more power. She decided to talk to me about it - marrying Grey would make her achieve all that, and I think they're a perfect match.

I notice a piece of paper on my desk.

"A snake you taught can still bite you back."

I read. I crumpled the paper, who are you referring to?

The only person I can think of was my black sheep daughter, X. She's the only one who can mess with me like this.



After I left her office, I noticed a woman, getting down using the stairs.

I walk down close to her. She's new to me, she must be Violet.

"Hi, why aren't you using the elevator?" I asked. She looks typical, nothing special. Why would Grey choose her over me?

"Ohh, hi! I wanted to exercise using the stairs. I'm not allowed to go outside so I'm trying to walk everywhere." She said, plashing a wide smile. Showing her white pearl teeth.

"Why is that?" I asked.

She's wearing an oversized dress.

"I don't know, I think my legs are getting weaker." She softly laughs.

"So, do you know the woman whom Grey got pregnant? Well, I wanna know her. Although you're new here I doubt that he's going to hit on you because you're not that pretty. So, do you know her?" I asked. I know you are Violet, but I wanna know how much you know about everything.

She just smiled at me awkwardly and bit her lip.

"I think you're talking about me." She shyly said.

"Are you serious? Oh, I'm so sorry." I sarcastically apologized.

We were at the last 6 steps of the stair. I started to look around and when I noticed that no one is there. I smiled. I didn't know this will be that easy.

"Oops, my bad." I lightly pushed her. The fell will be enough for her to have a miscarriage.

But before I see her fell down, I felt a light push behind my back that made me lose my balance.

My reflexes were fast and I was able to turn my back.

It was X. I started to feel a slow-mo, I tried to grab her hand and luckily she grips, my body was still unbalanced and X can prevent me from falling, I smiled at her.

"Oops, my bad." that's what she said and she started to loosen up the grip. I saw her devilishly smiled. I started to fell down the stairs.

I think that fall hurt my spine badly.

I screamed in pain.

I saw the woman hurriedly walk down to me and started to check up on me.

"Come on, Brooke. It's not that high, don't overreact. I know what you're capable of, but I do know too how reckless you are." She said, "Violet, don't help her." She pulled Violet's arm away from me.

"I saw what you did there. Do it again and I won't spare your life. Just be grateful, I didn't push you earlier when you started talking to her." She said. How dare she did that to me!

"What a disappointment you are to my mother, right now. Her little pet still doesn't know how to use her brain." She insultingly said.

"You're still the careless kid I knew back then, smart but not too careful. I was surprised you're not yet dead. Ohh, I know why... you haven't been to a mafia war before, yes pet? That explains why you're still stupidly breathing." She annoyingly said.

"Because I'm intended to be in a more comfortable position unlike you," I said and I stood up.

"Oh, is that mommy and daddy want you to believe? Their poor baby can't be in a deadly affair 'cause she's stupid and she'll be barely alive if that happens." X said.

She's pissing me off. "Since when did you started to talk back to me like that." I grinned. X has changed, she was supposed to be looking down or avoid me whenever I'm talking to her but I guess, that was years ago.

Her face turned serious, "Starting from now on, touch Violet and I will kill you." She warned me and she brings forth a knife and put it against my neck. "Try me." she pressed it deep and I felt a sting on my neck.

"Xandra." X was called by Violet who's at the back, X stopped as soon as Violet interferes. So, you are her strength and weakness?

They vote left after X withdraw.

"Violet, huh?" I said to myself. My back hurts so bad.

Violet did not fall since she was able to grip on the stair handrail. I missed the chance.



I brought Violet in the garden.

"Don't you ever talk to that woman again, Violet," I warned her. Brooke's starting to do something.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" She innocently asked.

"Didn't you know what just happened back there? She's dangerous to you, she's Brooke, I know my mother is behind this, but Brooke always listens to every word she says and that should make you be more careful. If you weren't able to grip on the handrail, I'm pretty sure you'll be losing your baby." I seriously said. I was watching both of them from the very start when I saw Brooke's hand move to Violet's back. Luckily Violet was near the handrail and that saves the life of her child, it's good to know that they aren't planning to kill Violet but I still have to worry because of the baby - Violet already loves the baby and I have to protect them both at any cost.

"Just listen to me and do what I say. You're in a dangerous situation right now, Violet. And I'm not capable of getting you out of here because of my situation." 'But I know I can protect you' I wanted to say that but I don't want her to always depend on me, she has to be careful herself too.

"How about Grey? Maybe he can get us out of here." She cluelessly said.

"We can't trust, Grey. We don't know whose side he is. The only thing I know is we need to be more careful and gather people whom we can trust." I took her hand, "When we are sure that he's on our side, then we can finally trust him."

She agreed with what I said.

"You need to be careful and for the nth time, please-" I was cut by Lore who just walk in with Que.

"X, we have something to tell you." He said.

"We think Aunt Martha is planning something - maybe to get rid of Violet," Que said.

"I already know about that... but they are not after Violet, Grey's first child is who they are after," I told them.

"I don't know if I can trust you with Violet either. We don't need your help." I honestly said.

Violet hold my hand and squeeze it that made me look at her, she's telling me to listen to what Lore and Que have to say, "You told me that we have to look for people whom we can trust."

"You don't have to trust us. We just want to help, especially Violet." Que sincerely said and look at Violet.

"What will it be with the both of you? And you Lore - you're with Brooke back then, Brooke will be the one whom we'll stop and I doubt you can go against her." I look intently at Lore.

Que looks at him, trying to find an answer from him.

"That was from the past, X. That child is important to all of us, and you know that we all took an oath to protect the mafia's leader and the next generation. We will not do anything that will cause harm to Violet, and that what I can promise you." He genuinely said.