
Label : Shadow Route

ultr0_gamer · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter One: Unveiling Shadows

The night hung heavy with anticipation as Misha, a tomboyish girl with wild auburn hair, and her best friend, Sarah, prepared for a party on the top floor of their apartment building. The world had changed since the peculiar asteroid had graced the sky, gifting ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. Misha, however, remained oblivious to the storm brewing within her.

As they stepped into the vibrant atmosphere of the party, Misha's unease simmered beneath her tough exterior. The laughter and music pulsated through the crowded hall, but a knot of secrecy tightened in her gut. Tonight was meant to be a diversion, a chance to escape the shadows of their daily lives.

The night took an unforeseen turn when Misha's rebellious spirit led her to keep the party a secret from her parents. Returning home later, adrenaline pumping from the clandestine celebration, she found herself caught in the tempest of a heated argument. The words exchanged were harsh, cutting deep into the fabric of their familial bonds.

Anger surged within Misha, a torrent of frustration seeking an escape. Unbeknownst to her, the strange powers gifted by the celestial visitor lay dormant, waiting for the catalyst to unlock them. In the midst of the verbal storm, Misha's telekinesis manifested with an explosive force, an uncontrolled torrent of energy that shook the very foundations of their apartment building.

Collapsed amid the wreckage, Misha awoke to a nightmare of her own creation. The apartment lay in ruins, a chilling silence replacing the earlier cacophony of life. Panic seized her as she realized the magnitude of her newfound abilities – she had inadvertently taken lives.

The tragedy did not escape the notice of the government, swift to react to anomalies in the wake of the asteroid's influence. Misha, now a vessel of uncontrollable power, was captured and thrust into the institution for the gifted. What was meant to be a haven for those touched by the asteroid's strange energy became a prison, cold and unforgiving.

Days blurred into weeks, and Misha's world shrank within the sterile confines of the institution. She became a subject of experiments, probed and tested for the limits of her supernatural abilities. Traumatized, Misha vowed to suppress her powers, burying them deep within her psyche to avoid further catastrophe.

The institution, however, became a breeding ground for isolation. Misha distanced herself from others, avoiding connections that could shatter her fragile semblance of control. Yet, in the desolate landscape of her confinement, two persistent shadows emerged – Liza and Alice.

Liza, with a fiery determination matching her ability to manipulate flames, and Alice, whose icy cool exterior mirrored her power over frost, refused to be deterred by Misha's stoic resistance. Slowly, against her own instincts, Misha found herself entangled in the unyielding bonds of friendship.

As the years passed within the institution's cold embrace, the trio navigated the challenges of confinement. Misha's powers evolved, revealing dormant abilities that transcended the ordinary. She discovered the ability to manipulate time and conjure black fire, drawing the government's increasingly intrigued gaze.

Yet, as their connections deepened, so did the shadows of experimentation. The government probed the limits of Misha's powers, subjecting her to torturous trials that left her unable to express the emotions coursing through her veins. The weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future pressed upon her shoulders, a burden she struggled to bear in solitude.

One fateful night, as the clock struck midnight, Misha made a daring decision. The trio escaped the institution's clutches, their abilities intertwining in a dance of liberation. The cold night air filled their lungs as they stood at the threshold of freedom, but Misha's voice broke through the newfound silence.

"Go your own way," she pleaded, her eyes reflecting the shadows of a haunted past. "I cannot guarantee your safety."

Yet, Liza and Alice, bound by a friendship forged in the crucible of adversity, refused to abandon Misha. The journey to freedom marked the beginning of an odyssey, shadows cast upon the walls of their shared destiny. Little did they know, the echoes of a dream foretelling a post-apocalyptic world whispered in the wind, an ominous prelude to a future yet unveiled.