
Chapter 1 - Holy Blood

A senior basketball coach look at one of his player with a frown "although he is performing well, it's not as good compared from before his injury"

a deep voice agree with him "yeah... tho there's no trauma, he can't seem to go at full power" 

"Akai, what are you doing here?" coach was surprised to see one of his successful athletes that plays pro visit the school and watch a college basketball game.

Akai looks at his old coach and smiled  "I was just passing time. besides, I'm curious on how well is he doing right now" as he looks at his cousin. He can't help but look at him with sad gaze

Akai still remember how crazy good hiro was before his injury 'I only hope that he can still make a full come back...'

While the two men were talking. Hiro was organizing a play for his teamate.

Upon getting the ball he position his feet for triple threat. he tried to jab to right and the defender reacted, by seeing that defender give him space he quickly change his form to shoot a three.

'Shit!' the guard jumped quickly and tried to block him

Seeing him jump Hiro smirked, he quickly dribbled to the perimeter and was about to stop and jump in front of his opponent when he felt his knees giving up. A frown appears on his face.

'Fuck... now what to do'

His brain quickly calculate and form a plan. He greeted his teeth and steadily loosen his speed and shoot a jump shot in front of the incoming defender.

'I won't let you score!' the defender jumped quickly and tried to block him

Hiro smiled and quickly pass the ball to his now free teammate in the paint. His teamate received the ball and dunk it.

"nice pass"

"nice assist"

The game continued to play and they won quite easily against their opponents. The coach dismissed everyone after the game but Hiro stayed seating on the bench.

"Hey, how was your injury?" Akai suddenly sneaks behind him

"Big bro... what are you doing here? I thought you're preparing for your league?" Hiro was honestly surprised to see his older cousin.

"It's my day off today. Besides, i want to see you. So how's your leg?"

"it's okay..." he smiles but feel regret thinking on what ifs.

on his second year finals. The game was closed with only 1 point difference. There was only 20 seconds in game. Hiro was defending against their point guard.

His opponent can't help but thought 'shit, this guy is good. I can't move pass him' all his moves were not working on him. He tried dribbling again but this time he easily pass him on the left side. suddenly, the ball was poked behind him. 'shit, he baited me!' he tried getting the ball back but the guy in front of him beat him to it.

After purposely loosening his defense and tipping the ball from behind. Hiro immediately look at the shotclock. With only 8 second left. Hiro was already running to the other side of the court. His teamate quickly give him a long pass. seeing him running at full speed, his opponents was panicking and tried to go after him.

One of his team opponents tried to chase after him while he is dunking. Seeing that the defender is too late and can't catch up to him. He decides to ignore him and slam the ball to the rim. He was about to jump off from the rim, when he feels a force behind him. Everything become blurry and the last thing he remember was seeing the ceiling of the basketball court and feeling pain in his right knee. unbeknown to him, his opponent jumped even before him. the defender tried blocking him, hoping that he can catch up but missed the timing.

After opening his eyes he felt a little sluggish.

He tried getting up, but felt pain in his right knees. Upon taking a look, he sees his entire right leg covered in bandage.

"Hey, call the guardian of Mr Fukuzumi" the middle age doctor quickly examines him after ordering his assistant.

Outside the hospital room, his aunt and cousin were about to enter the room when they saw the doctor coming out. Kishina quickly ask the doctor. she can't help but feel nervous when receiving a call that her nephew was rushed to the hospital after a call "Is he fine? I'm Hiro Fukuzumi aunt"

"Well, good news is that, there's no critical condition that can threaten his life. We just need to monitor him. To ensure that there are no implications that can cause problem in the future because of his earlier concussion."

"And the bad news is... his right knees is injured and he needs to undergo a surgery and take 9-12 months rehabilitation with 70-90 success rate if you go to the best hospital"

Hiro was devastated when he hears the news. unbeknown to him, tears start dripping from his eyes.


"Hiro" Akai tap his sholder.

"Yeah?" Hiro got out of his head and look at Akai.

Akai sighs and then smirks smirks at him "Nothing, you're just acting all weird looking at the air and all. Aren't you too old fantasizing about your crush?"

"Shut up old man" Hiro retorts unwilling to lose.

"This brat..." Akai was dumbstruck.

"Anyways, let's go home. Mom prepared quite a lot of food"

"yeah" Hiro was looking forward to it. After all, His parents died while he was young and his aunt and cousin was the one who take care of him.

Both of them exited the gym and walked to the side of the road. While waiting for taxi. Akai calls his mom "yeah, we're on our way."

" We're just waiti..." "ANIKI!!" he suddenly feels pain on his back from getting pushed by Hiro.

He looked at his right and saw a car that crushed into a post just beside him

"What the fuck!" he was frightened. in panic, he begun looking for Hiro and quickly run into him when he saw him laying down beside the car

"BRO ARE YOU OKAY!" he quickly scan his body and begun looking for injuries. thankfully, he just found some bruises and no major injuries visible in the eye.

"No...I was dragged along the car and it fucking hurts!" he looked at Akai with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah, anyways let's get out of here" Akai sighs and thought 'this kid can still joke around with this situation'

"Lets g..." "BOOOOOOM!!!"

Hiro was frightened and immediately looked at the explosion and can't help but thought 'bloody hell..'