
Kuroka: BLEACH (Fanfic)

A Fanfic of my own. None of what is written is mine aside from the MC and those relatively close to her. I own NONE of the series and they belong to their respective owner/writter. (Image is from Google) THIS IS A FANFIC. :P

Charlotte_Violeta · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

From The Cltuches Of Death

("What is this… I am alive? How… unfortunate. The first ever being-no… monster capable of killing me after 200,000 years finally appeared and took my life in a battle that decided the fate of the Heavens and the Old World. I have wanted power when I was born and in less than 1,000 years, none could land a critical strike on me anymore. No Demons, Dragons, and Death could not touch me as I was too strong… hehe… but what I find ironic was that I was done in by a human. My killer was a human! Bahaha! I love how Fate has a sense of humor. 

But… now that I died… Death would have made me into her plaything the first chance she got when my soul was ripped from my body. I wonder… who intervened in my Fate?")

["I did, of course."]

("Who's there!? Show yourself!") 

["Calm yourself Empress Kuroka. I am certain you have questions about this. I assure you, I am in no way a threat to you and am in fact here to give you a second chance of sorts. Would you listen to what I have to say before you ask any questions ?"]

("... Hurry up then. ")

["Thank you. My name is @$@#! Although, you cannot understand nor comprehend my true name. So in short, you may call me Grandpa. Believe me when I say that I am as old as the Cosmos itself. Though I hold no physical vessel anymore, my power and reach goes beyond this and any realm in existence. I have chosen you, Empress, to start a path that I wish to see you follow. Apart from what I have seen, you alone have borne all the power and felt such emptiness so you can only fathom how I must feel. 

In which case, I have given you a second chance that you do not deserve but I shall make an exception anyway. My little girl really wanted to rip you to shreds the moment your death was confirmed. She had been patiently waiting for you since your first kill. 'Death'!"]

"Yes Grandfather-"Turning to a dark mass of shadow and abyss, a fair skinned and tall and dark haired woman with striaght silky hair had appeared out of nowhere in the void of space where the two entities were conversing in. "You! How… Grandfather! Please explain!"

["Hehe! Easy Death. I have chosen this one to become my first test subject in the past dozen millennia. I am aware you have been diligently waiting for her arrival in the otherworld but I am sorry sweetheart. I have made up my mind."]

"A… Ahh. Is that true? "Death slumped her slender shoulders and sighed. "Very well. Then why am I here Grandfather?"

["Hmm… I want you to guide this soul in her new life. You are to be not only her guide, but also her jailor. She will undoubtedly grow powerful and in exchange for going with her, I shall lift the 5th layer of restrictions on your power. You will be allowed to use your Hell-chains if she becomes too troublesome and decides to wipe out the world's population. I shall leave her punishment up to your judgment. You needn't worry because I have already been grooming your successor to take your place after I found her roaming an expired universe a few thousand years back. She shows potential and you will meet with her soon, Death. Her name is Yang."]

"Yes Grandfather… "With a bloody tear threatening to fall the moment she heard the sagely and old disembodied voice, Death flashed a smile so bright that it would send shivers down anyone who looked upon the face of Death. "I will not fail you! And as for my new sister, she can come visit me anytime and I will pass along any advice she needs. I can finally take a break from collecting souls and finally have a vacation… And as for this souls Fate, her punishments will be a delight for both of us… hehe~"

("Um… Hello! Don't ignore me! What are you going to do to me! Who ar-")

["Have a safe trip, sweetheart, Empress! Hohoh!"]

("Suck a d-")





("Agh… My head. Where-")

{"Took you long enough! Try no to move too much. You are just about to be born anew!"}


The sound of water gushing snapped Kuroka out of her stupor as she felt an all but familial warmth enveloping her body. Muffled sounds could be heard and Then a woman's whaling echoed in Kuroka's ears. Within several dozens of minutes to a few passing hours, a tightening feeling could be felt all over her body and all of a sudden, light. Wind wrapped around Kuroka's body which caused a slight tremble and an insane burning sensation. 

"WAAAAA!" Was all Kuroka's body could do as she had no control over her voice. ("How disgraceful! Why have I turned into such a weak and feeble creature!?")

{"Grandfather blessed you with a second life, dummy. At least be grateful why won't you. "}

("Oh! Excuse me, my Queen! I had no idea I was spoiling your worship for that old man. ")

{"Har-har. Look, I am not in any way going tos top you if you want to wipe out a few countries or whatever, just let me enjoy my peace for a few hundred years and we stay out of the other's way. K~!"}

("... Screw that! You have to be with me or even I don't know what I might do! ")

{"Ugh! Why are you such a pain! I thought you looked pretty in your past life and when we fought, I was not allowed to use even a fraction of my full powers. So that battle was a fluke! "}

("What… no! Wait… that big skeleton lych! That was you! Pff-HAHAHA!")

{"SHUT UP! I was having an off day and was mesmerized by your souls pitch darkness that I was momentarily stunned by its beauty. Despite your cold exterior, you are not entirely bad and have some good in you. Just a miniscule, insignificant, tiny little speck of light but that light is so pure that it commands all of that darkness by itself. Your will, my Black themed Empress, was too good for your old world. Hells, even that supposed hero that killed you was a sinner and I personally crushed his balls for a few hundred years after I found out he claimed your life before I could get Grandfather's approval to bring you in as my protege. Haaah… but then this happened. "}

("... Y-You thought I was pretty?")

{"Well… yeah. I am Death. No souls can hide from their judgment from my eyes. In the span of my existence, I have only ever seen four souls including you, as beautiful as yours. But the other three were men so it was somewhat a bummer. At least after they repented, they ascended to the Light realm and are High ranking officers in it's many legions for Grandfather. "}

("Why does it sound like your Grandfather is a conquerer?")

{"Oh! It's because he was the first being in existence with the power to decide the fate of all things in existence. Many try to reach his level of being but lack the power. Grandfather is so great, that even reality has had to compromise for Grandfather's whims but, ultimately, the two fell in love and now work side by side in furthering the universe. Reality makes and brings life while Grandfather is like an enforcer. He found me after my universe implode don itself due to stupid monkeys wamting to harness the power of an atom and inadvertently dove deeper into the microspic universe within each of them… causing untold rules to be broken and Auntie Reality told Grandfather to check in on a few universes that had gone dark. 

That's where he found The Void. Where I was born and he took me under his wing. But now! I have a little sister and she can do my job for a while until I return and properly train her! Haha! "}

("Why are you telling me all this?")

{"Oh? Didn't you hear Grandfather? Look, you are without a doubt a sinner for killing millions across your time. Although almost all of them were scums, you did kill 1 that was innocent… that 1 was you. "}

("'Me'? What the hell are you saying? How could I-... ")

{"It seems you figure it out. As expected of my new woman. "}

("You can't mean… ")

{"Oh yes! Very much so. You were so hellbent on having someone kill you that you yearn for it. So much that I came almost instantly the moment I felt your wanting for me! Haha! That's why I am laying my claim on you. You're forever mine Kuroka. Oh… I wanted to do badly make love to you for countless years to come when you finally kicked the bucket. But alas… Grandfather had other plans and I can not touch you until you perish in this life as well. Mou~"}

("Hehe… guess I am fortunate to have the old man give me a second chance. ")

{"Tell me about it. At least we won't be apart and we can get to know each other until after your death, were I will jump your spiritual bones until you put out… but it will never come, Fufufu~"}

("... I feared no man or beast in mg time… but for you, I can make an exception. ")

{"Awe~ thanks a bunch honey!"}

("That's… ugh. Nevermind. Anyway, where am I? ")

{"Currently, you are being held in a small wooden basket. Your mother has… unfortunately passed. And your father has dropped you off at a random house doorstep and disappeared not for the reasons you would think. He owed a lot of money and as we speak, he is getting the crap kicked out of him by his collectors. Oh… nope. He's dead now. Wish I could show sympathy. "}

("Sheesh… this new life is just as problematic as my old one. ")

{"Hm…. What? You were an orphan before too?"}

("No. I killed my parents because they were slave traders and my old man beat innocent kids with a club so I broke his legs and shoved it up so far up his a-")

"Oh dear! Who left this youngin' here all alone!" A warm and kind elderly woman's voice echoed in the doorway as she had just returned from the visit to the market. She wore a white thin robe with Balck lining stitched along the sleeves and collar of the robe. "Come here."

{"Looks like your father did something right in bringing you here. "}

("I'd say. I've never heard such a kind and caring tone of voice before. ")

{"True. Your old world was one of the lowest and most forgotten in existence. Only true powerhouses existed in your part of the universe and you became the Apex of all of them. "}

("Yeah. But at what cost. I would never see another being aside from the ones who wanted my head. And even then, I was almost r***** several times and had developed an immunity to poison. ")

{"Yeah… that's probably why you are still somewhat sane and didn't go around killing everything in sight. "}

("Hmm… What choice did I have? For women in my world, it was to be used or be tortured and then used. I opted for power to protect myself. I still can't decide if I regret growing so strong that I could not die or that I did not die before I became strong. ")

{"I see~ I just want to shower you with so many kisses and hugs! Mou~ Hurry up then! I want to have you in my arms already!"}

("Quit trying to rush my death! Besides, even if I wanted to, I just promise myself to make the most of this new life and die peacefully. Unlike in my past life, I lost that option then. ")

{"Ugh… fine. Whatever. I'll have you either way so it's a win-win! Hehe~"}

As the two were conversing inside Kuroka's mind, the elderly woman had lit a match and began lighting a few candles around the room. Seconds later, another voice appeared as another woman was welcomed inside. 

("Who is it?")

{"Looks to be a younger woman. 20-30 I take it. Has a nice rack-"}

("Don't need to know that. I wonder why she is here.")



{"You lucky bi*ch. "}


A busty woman sat with a baby cradled in her breasts as the baby happily and hungrily ate from her bosom. In a controlled and professional manner, the two women conversed. 

"I did not expect to come home to find another mouth to feed Mother. "Spoke the breastfeeding woman. "Did you see who left her? A note?"

"Ahh… afraid not. I had just gotten home after the sun had set and found her at the front door as she is. "The elderly woman sat back while closing her eyes as she scrunched her brows "What idiots would think it is fine to leave a newborn and defenseless child out in the cold. "

"Calm down Mother. Maybe the baby's parents were young teens who got scared and dropped the child off at our doorstep. "Spoke the younger woman. "Besides, I already have a job in feeding the noble's children. What's one more? Hehe. "

"Yukina… Haaah. Fine. But I don't want you pushing yourself, you hear! "Yukina smiled softly as she chuckled and nodded. "What's her name going to be then?"

"Hmm… that's true. Since she was left here, we might as well give her a new name seeing as she came without a note. Lets see…"Yukina started contemplating and after several seconds, she looked down and noticed the dark hair in the newborn's head. "Kuro… her new name will be Kuro. Nice to meet you Kuro-Chan."

{"I'll be damned again! Haha! What are the odds!"}

("Was I really given that name? This is not a dream is it?")

{"Nope. Anyway, now that you have been reborn and properly named, we'll just hang around until you can actually do something. Grandfather told me that this world has a lot of strong beings. So strong that few can actually die if these beings release their full power in people who are weaker than then. "}

("Gee… how am I ever going to survive.")

{"Nice sarcasm. Anyway, these two souls are fairly pure. Granted, one has a slightly darker tint but that may be because she believed something she is doing is wrong. "}

("What do you mean?")

{"Didn't you hear what her day-job was? It was to breastfeed some noble's infant kids. But… I suspect that is a lie. If anything, it is somewhat true and not…"}

("Argh, get to the point already!")

{"Fine! Look… Well, you can't see so I'll tell you. Around the woman's nipple, there are teeth marks. A lot of hickies on her collar, neck, and I surmise she has quite a few down below as well. "}

("I see… poor woman. It would seem that even in this world, women are oppressed. ")

{"Or she could just be one of those that likes it rough. "}

("If I could, I'd beat your head. This is no laughing matter. ")

{"Hoho~ the great Empress Kuroka, the walking Apocalypse actually has a heart to care over one mesly woman?"}

("Tsk! Say what you want. I don't care. I always kill my enemies in the swiftest and fastest way possible. Even if they were scums, that was the mercy I gave them. But for the women, I refused to step all over their hard work and gave them a final warning to go or die. That's my mercy for the woman who followed in my footsteps. ")

{"... Grandfather's name, I love you!"}

("... 'Grand-'")

"Oh… looks like she fell asleep. "Yukina walked Kuro over to her basket and set her down to sleep. 

'I promise that I will not let my new family down. Reaching the power I had before was a necessity to protect myself. It is no different in this life. There was almost no such thing as innocents in my past life. Kids killed and were recruited or often at times, captured and sold. Death was a constant in my old world but these two women are kind. They are innocent. Such rarity may be common in this world but also cruelty as Death revealed. I'll just become an existence that will stop such cruelty if there indeed are more innocents in this world like Yukina who are being wronged and soon turned into monsters… hopefully this world doesn't have that evolution in place…' Kuro thought to herself inside her head. 





14 years later. 

Striking a thick log of wood lodged into the ground with her fists, Kuro's wavy pitch black hair swayed in her back as it had reached down to her waist as two long strands fell on either side over her eyes. She wore a white robe with a light emerald sash around her waist that kept it in place. Her sleeves slid back to her elbows whenever she struck the pillar of wood and the same result when she raised her legs and kicked at lightning fast speeds without restraint.

Kuro's skin was pale, ghostly and above all, porcelain as her deep, black eyes shone with a white reflective light that revered her purity as if she had never before taken a life or was known as the Empress Kuroka, the Walking Apocalypse in her past life. 

Staying in place to her side, a pitch black katana with a skull embroidered on the hilt of the sword showed as it was laying in the grass over a thin white cloth. 

As Kuro was drenched in sweat after going at it for hours and even days on end, Kuro refused to lose as her memories of her new life flashed by in Crystal clear detail. Yukina's mother, Yasha, was killed by a passing monster who managed to slip past the gate that surrounded their district. This monster was 3 stories tall and attacked the small part of town where Kuro and her new family lived. 

At the time, Kuro had gone out to the market to buy groceries when she heard a ghostly whale and an explosion following after it. Unable to process thought, her body instinctively moved as her groceries struck the ground when Kuro was already half a mile to her home. 

When Kuro arrived at the scene of carnage, her heart clenched as she saw her home destroyed underneath the massive monster. Kuro ignored it as she saw a lifeless and bloodied hand sticking iut of the rubble with a braided bracelet she had given her living grandmother. 

Something soon snapped and this caused Death to awaken from her slumber as she had fallen asleep for a few years due to her adjusting to her unlocked layer of power she was given. 

{"What… what is that!? Wait… its on… NO! Kur-"}

Thought alluded Kuro as her eyes lost the white shine they once held. Now, all that remained was cold, empty pitch black eyes as Kuro stood still while everyone passed her by, screaming in terror. 

No matter how loud Death screamed Kuro's name, Kuro could not hear her voice. Only silence filled her senses. Kuro's eyes hallowed yet, they held intense rage and calm all at once. Time seemed to slow to a fraction in Kuro's eyes and when she finally moved, her first step forward… 

Without a second thought, her powwr or more closely, her reiatsu exploded in mass as it sent shockwaves across the entire realm. Dozens of powerful figures and even hidden ones, felt the weight of her rage and sorrow. A storm no, a sea of darkness that entered the path of an abyss. One so cold, one so broken, it was a feeling many understood all too well… 

"Death. "With a clear, calm, and native language in an unnatural deep cold voice unbefitting her appearance. Kuro's body burst in dark shadows and the ground beneath her feet sank a quarter mile. It's length extended for more than a mile as many houses and rubble were seen floating in mid air as if someone had pulled the world underneath them. 

In Kuro's left hand, a stainless steel sword appeared with black flames engulfing its blade. It resembles that of a Japanese katana as it's violet colored gleam tilted ever so slightly and the clear reflection of the monster appeared on the blade. 

Not a second passed and Kuro stood firm as the Monster had already deemed Kuro a threat to its existence. Striking down at her location even as it fell from the sky, Kuro's lifeless eyes did not waver as in her eyes, she slowly moved her blade to the strike which resulted in the monster to screech in pain. It screeched, moaned and shouted like knives to a chalkboard. From an outsiders perspective, it was hard to tell who was the real monster between the two. 

Kuro felt she had waited long enough and with a miniscule amount of effort, her body blinked to the opposite side of the monster. 

The last thing the monster saw was Kuro's flowing black hair that shone magnificently behind her as she struck down her sword with minimal movement. 

A simple slash.

The monster stood frozen as a loud crack could be heard. On its head, a white and balck mask soon shattered into dust and before that, the monster's body slid and collapsed into itself as a thin visible line could be seen as the monster began dissolving while its body slid in opposite directions. 

Kuro stood lifelessly and held her katana as she did not make a single move. Time was slow in her eyes, painstakingly slow. But she remained there, standing and void of any kind of emotion. 

12 shadowy figures soon surrounded the crater and before long, 1 large shadow appeared at its center as it came down and stood directly over Kuro. 

"Captain-Commander… "A second shadow figure addressed the first as it towered over the lifeless Kuro. "What is she?"

"..." The one called by Captain-Commander stood before the black flames and felt little to no heat radiating from them. "She is… an anomaly. Relay my orders, this is a Captain-Level secret and must remain so. Keep anyone from coming this way and block off any and all communications with anyone from the Royal Palace or Central 46. "

"Yes!" The second shadow disappeared in an instant but in Kuro's eyes, he moved very slowly. 

Kuro stood motionless while gripping her sword as she was delving further into the darkness when something caught her attention. A slight commotion could be heard above the crater behind her. The tone of voice and its level of fear and worry could not contend with Kuro's current state. 

The Captain-Commander saw this and immediately locked eyes with the figure in the distance. Raising his hand, he let the woman through and like a cannon being fired and breaking through a castle's stone walls, she crashed into Kuro who's black flames dissolved in an instant as she felt the warmth fit the person holding her and kissing her head. 

Kuro's pitch black eyes remained hollow but at the moment she was about to pass out, her eyes returned to normal and regained their clarity as she willingly passed out while her katana fell out of her hand. 

"Hmm… "The Captain-Commander was amazed by the unknown woman and Kuro. 'It would seem that Soul Society may have a new Shinigami to welcome in the near future. Maybe even a kenpachi if what I felt was her reiatsu. In any case, she will definitely become someone great if she is given a proper path to follow. Especially with what I saw on my way here. People without any reiatsu did not feel her spiritual pressure. Only the other captains or people with reiatsu. If she can willingly control who can feel her reiatsu, she may be a once in a millennia prodigy. '

"You… what is the young one's name?" Spoke the Captain-Commander in a manner not too forceful but not too insensitive either. "She not only took out a Menos on her own, but unlocked her zanpakuto at her age. This is unheard of in all the history of Soul Society. "

"... Kuro. "Yukina who was holding an unconscious Kuro in her arms spoke shakingly. "W-What will you do with us?"

The Captain-Commander raised his brow and shook his head.

"Nothing. "A single word and it stunned Yukina as she had trouble keeping up. "This Kuro is quite brilliant for her age. She has the reiatsu of a Captain but lacks the proper control over her zanpakuto. For now, we will do nothing but watch over her as she grows up. Tell me, how old is she?"

"... 6. " The Captain-Commander raised his brows a second time and simply nodded. 

As the whole spectacle came to a close, Kuro was taken to a new home paid for by the 1st division itself as the Yukina and Kuro remained ever since. 

As Kuro struck the already creaking pillar of wood, Kuro buckled her muscles and in a final strike, her leg tore apart the pillar of wood with sheer force alone. 

Standing firm and ignoring the slight tinge of pain on her leg, Kuro stood firm and closed her eyes as she caught her breath. As she soon became tranquil, her instincts flared and she snapped her head to the side as a small stone could be seen embedded on the bark of a thick tree a few dozen meters away. 

"Hoh~" A tall, old looking man wearing a white and black haori with a single dash on the back in a circle as it showed who he was. His long braided beard hung as his bald head reflected the sun. "You are quickly reaching my level yet, you haven't even started in the academy. Hoho~"

 "Grandpa. "Tick marks could be seen on his Lieutenant as he had just taken his post as division 1 Lieutenant, Chojiro Sasakibe. "Uncle. "

"Are you still practicing your martial arts, Kuro-San?" Chojiro spoke as if the earlier comment went unheard as he had only got to know about Kuro in the past 2 years since he took up his post. 

"Hn. "Kuro kept her responses short and simple. "Is Lady Yoruichi coming by for my lessons?" 

"Yes. She will arrive shortly. "After the Captain-Commander also known as Yamamoto spoke, Kuro nodded once and turned to a pile of brand new and finely cut pillars of wood. She then took one and flared her reiatsu as she pierced the ground where the last pillar stood as it disappeared in black flame. "How is Yukina-San doing these days, Kuro?"

"Good." Chojiro kept a neutral expression as he secretly felt his soul tremble a tad bit from seeing Kuro's 'Shinigami Flame'. 

"Ahh… you still have that habit of not interacting enough. "Yamamoto then felt a familiar reiatsu approach and took his leave. "Don't strain yourself, Kuro."

"Hn." As Yamamoto left, not a moment later, Yoruichi arrived and stood wearing a white uniform of the Onmitsukido Correction Corp. "White?"

"Hehe~ it's an old outfit and I didn't want to trash my new one. So! Do we spar now or-"Yoruichi did not get to finish as a fist struck the air beside her head, ruffling her hand that held her hair up. Flowing down like a stream, Yoruichi's purple dark hair reflected the sun as her tan skin made her look exotic. "Staring without the pleasantries again huh, alright~"

The two then blinked out of sight and reappeared over the grass as each sent a punch and kick while the other either dodged or countered with one of their own. Before long, a silver shean could be seen and in an abrupt moment, two swords clashed as Kuro held her Zanpakuto while the other was in a similar stance. Both women looked at one another as a mischievous smirk appeared on their face as the two soon disappeared and reappeared all around the training ground as slashes and powerful winds burst out in different directions. 

After what felt like eternity, in reality lasted only 10 minutes and soon the two collapsed on the ground panting as their chests heaved. Having exhausted not even half of their reiatsu, the two had begun circulating their reiatsu in their bodies which made them expand even more at shorter amounts of time for a greater boost in ability, speed, and power. While the two were on the ground, Yoruichi suddenly stood and took a seat beside Kuro. 

"Lady Yoruichi-"Kuro went silent as Yoruichi closed her eyes and sighed. 

"It's Kisuke…" Yoruichi felt comfortable confiding in someone like Kuro who was reserved and quiet but strong and dependable. "He's skipped out in practice again and is always in his lab doing whatever it is he does. "

"Hn." Kuro remained silent as she stared up into the sky with half-hooded eyes as she listened to Yoruichi ramble on about Kisuke, her childhood friend. 

After a couple of minutes venting, Yoruichi soon hugged Kuro who remained indifferent and let herself be hugged. Kuro was never one to push away someone who depended on her and helped her in her time of need. Had it not been accidentally meeting Yoruich one day, Kuro-s far could have been a lot worse as the central 46 eventually discovered her potential and deemed her to be a possible threat. As such, they were going to send only Kuro to the 11 division where the strongest would keep an eye on Ouro and possibly keep her in check if need be. 

However, with the help of Yoruichi and the status and backing of her clan, Yuroichi resolved to take care of Kuro despite being in a Captain seat already. Which meant that any actions Kuro made reflected on Yoruichi. Yukina and Kuro were also grateful to Yoruichi for taking Yukina in as a maid for her clan. Tears of joy were shed and Yukina quickly rose to a 4th position inner maid which was a few ranks below Head Maid after working her way up in the past 2 years.  

"Kuro." Kuro lowered her cold gaze and met with Yourichi's which was closely looking into hers. "Who are you, Kuro?"

Kuro was confused and Yourichi saw this and smiled as she then released Kuro and stood up. Kuro followed suit and after walking back to the mansion, Yoruichi had a few maids bring some tea. The two sat down at a small wooden table with sweet cakes that hold little to no flavor at the center that were more for prosthetics than for enjoyment. 

Yoruichi then turned as the tea was brought in and soon began performing a tea ceremony from her clan. After finishing, Kuro took the cup with both hands and took a light sip. A bitter-sweet taste engulfed Kuro's tongue but no emotion was shown as Kuro rather enjoyed the strong aftertaste that lingered after drinking the tea. 

"Kuro… I have a present for you today. "Two maids soon came in and bought a small wooden box in tow. Setting it down beside Yourichi, Kuro sipped her tea and continued as if the two maids were not even here. "I'll open it. "

As Yourichi opened the box, a black hairpin that resembled that of a small cat made of black jade appeared. Without much resistance, or any, Kuro sat with a new accessory on her head as the car hairpin parted one of her bangs on her left to the side. It showed a vast improvement and revealed Kuro's otherworldly beauty. Making her see like a Princess. 

After a while, Yourichi soon left as she had to get back to work and Kuro went straight back to training for a few hours until she stopped and went toward the chamber room where she then soaked in a nice long bath within a natural hot spring. 

Revealing her built and slender physique, even the few noble girls in the large bath had taken turns to see Kuro as she had become a semi-popular during her time within the Yourichu clan. Kuro's cold and indifferent attitude as well as her blessed abs and toned as well as compact muscles drew at many innocent girls heartstrings. 

Kuro had shown her strength in the usual spare she and Yuorichi would do and it is no secret that Kuro would be someone great in the very near future. Many girls admired Kuro from afar while many boys were beat and or refused to enter even close to Kuro's vicinity as Kuro even got along with the previous Shihoin clan head even room a liking to her discipline and well behaved manners. Kuro was truly doted on and had no shortage of admirers after the eventual truth to Kuro burst through to the entirety of the Soul Society. 

Taking her leave, many girls fell limp while others panted with serious thoughts no one their ages should ever know. As Kuro got dressed, she soon left and went back to her bedroom whcih wa right next to Yourichi's as she rarely ever came home to use it anymore ever since she began training to be a Shinigami. 

Closing her eyes, Kuro felt herself effortlessly travel somewhere in darkness until a soft and cool breeze strolled past her face. Opening her eyes halfway, Kuro was in an open plane with nothing but green grass, a marble blue sky, and an endless sunset as she was on a hill under the shade of a large flourishing redwood tree. 

"Welcome back, Kuroka." A pair of spender hands wrapped around Kuro's chest and felt up her muscles hidden underneath her robe. "I missed you."

"Hn. " Kuro said nothing else and closed her eyes as the passing breeze twinkled the dope wind chimes slightly above her head and hung on the lowest branch of the redwood tree which was still a couple of meters up. With the soft and soothing advances of Death, Kuro could only ever truly fall at peace in her embrace. 

"So warm…" Death softly spoke as she rubbed her face gently over Kuro's neck as Kuro tilted for her to get better access. "Your all tense again. "

"Hn." Kuro replied briefly and silence enveloped the two as no more words needed to be said as they both laid down in the soft grass and slipped away in the passing cool breeze while basking in the other's scent. Death scent was surprisingly that it clovers and spring. Signifying a new beginning rather than the abrupt end. While for Kuro, it was more smoke wood and the scent of an untouched forest. 

Soft breathing could be heard as they synchronized within seconds. Neither made a sound and both soon let sleep claim them.




Waking up, Kuro moved to the training grounds early in the morning and stopped when Yourichi, Yamamoto, and another woman, Unohara, a sweet and caring Captain rank medic from the 4th division stood talking. Having never seen Unohara before, the moment Kuro was within a few feet from her, Kuro's eyes dulled and her old world instincts resurfaced. Without a second thought, Kuro blinked out of existence just as Yoruichi took notice of her and froze when Kuro stood directly underneath Unibara as her sword was pressed against the woman's throat. Shock but nothing else could be seem as if it didn't matter to her that there was a sword against her skin. 

"What are you…" Kuro spoke first, greatly shocking the other two as Kuro did not faint any weaknesses as she knew it would be disastrous against the kind of monster standing before her. "You are like me… something worse than a sinner. A monster. "

Both dull eyes looked into the others with a hint of respect shown as Yoruichi was pulling Kuro but could not move her to no avail. 

"Enough!" Kuro remained in place for a few seconds but retracted her sword at the end. "Ahh… this is perhaps my fault for bringing the two monsters together. 

'Im getting to old for this...'


If you made it this far... Thank you.

This is an unofficial Fanfic. My own as I had some spare time and remembered I had this app.

oops, hehe... ;)

Hope you enjoyed it as I tend for the MC to lean more toward a strong yet, glass canon type of persona.

Anyway, thanks for reading.


Charlotte_Violetacreators' thoughts