

What if there was another ghost in Hogwarts a ghost we didnt know about? And this said ghost was Snapes best friend and the closest thing to a sister he had? And what if she raised Harry Potter?

Ashmulee_Mulee · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs



"Naruto, Kit are you okay?" Asked a distressed ninetail fox. Naruto huffed slightly causing sharp pains to erupt all over her body "Ya, its not like IM DYING?!" She shouted in their mindscape causing Kurama to grin with his sharp teeth. "You wont die, I made a deal with the Shinigami."

Naruto's eyes widen as she narrows them "What deal?" Kurama scratches the back of his head as he hurried and said "You'll find out when you get there. But I wont be with you, and since I'm not good with this mushy stuff I'll just say bye" At that he touched Narutos cheek with his tail and left leaving Naruto in confusion, hurt, and sadness. Not but a little while after that darkness clouded her vision and she started to fall to the ground.

----Naruto POV

Blinking my eyes slowly as I made sense of my bright surroundings

'Great I'm in a bathroom' I thought as I saw the toilet stalls and sinks with mirrors over them.

i then tried to get up only to find out that my hands passed through the floor. 'Hands?' I thought as I looked at my pale, faded, mist like hands.

"Wait?" I whisper aloud as I hurried up but only to realize I I myself float, I looked up from my hands at the mirror in front of me as thoughts raced through my mind quicker than Sasukes Chidori.

"I'm a fucking ghost" I whisper shouted in pure anger. "I hate you Kurama" Shouted an Ghost like blonde within a castle as she floated around the bathroom angrily.

"Ghosts scare people right?" I asked myself aloud knowing what the answer will be. 'Well it looks like even as a ghost I shall be a ninja' Shrugging my metaphorically shoulders 'At least now I can put Ero-Sennins spy and informant training to good use.'

I moved my hands to make a Kai sign to make sure they didnt pass through and to my luck they didnt. 'Sucess but can I still use chakra?' It thought to myself as I made the signs to make my signature move 'RASENGAN' And much to my relief a ball of blue energy started to form in my hand.


I then walked..floated out of the bathroom, and entered into what I would guess to be a hallway. 'So different from Konoha' I thought to myself as I kept close to the walls and darkness so I couldnt be seen by the children walking along the corridors.

I roamed around for awhile before i spotted a long black haired kid with a black dress like cloak running away from a group of kids laughing at him. My eyes widen as flashbacks went through my mind.


A group of villagers trapped a blonde girl in the alleyway, hitting her throwing bottles, taking knives and carving the words demon and monsters into her skin as she scream and beg for mercy.


In the Valley of the End Sasuke put a Chidori through her nearly ending her life right there as he tried to cut their bonds.


'Hes just like me' These words ran through my mind over. And like that Something came over me like something was pulling me and so I followed the child.

---- 3rd POV

'How could they?' Severus asks himself as he continued running to the boys restroom. To utterly humiliate me like that in front of Lily and then I snapped at her calling her a mud blood.

Severus pushed open the bathroom door slamming it shut as he slide down it with tears staining his cheeks.

"I'm so stupid" He muttered aloud to himself not knowing that there was a certain ghost watching him til Naruto stepped out of the shadows and hugged him close shocking him with her cold temperature.

--Severus POV

As I was sitting down feeling sorry for myself I felt someone hug me but it wasnt a normal hug no. It felt cold and a little bit damp. 'Who could that be?' I asked myself as I looked up to see a female ghost with waist length blonde hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

Looking confused as I said aloud unknowingly "Who can she touch me?" Causing her to laugh startling me as I blush not knowing I asked that question aloud.

She moves over to besides me and sits down "Before I answer that shouldn't we tell each other our names?" She smiled brightly as she held out an hand "I'm Naruto Uzamaki Namikaze."

Widening my eyes I held out an hand "Severus Snape.'

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Severus." She said smiling, but then it dimmed a little bit as she asked another question "Can I ask why you ran here?" Causing me to look away and let the thoughts of what happened to me come back forth into my mind.

What I didnt notice was that while I was lost in my thoughts Naruto sat there smiling, with an evil glint in her eyes.

-- Time Skip--

"So I'm in Hogwarts now?" Naruto asked me still slightly confused as I nodded excitedly after all who would meet a perosn from another world? And have that person be willing to teach them about medical plants or herbs along with some techniques?

As I was about to ask Naruto another question I heard a bell ring throughout the whole castle causing my eyes to widen as I jump to my feet. "I must go to class before I'm late." I said as I started to run out of the restroom but stopped myself before I opened the door "W..will we meet again?" I asked hopefully.

'Ya, who would want a snake by her side?'My mind said darkly 'After all w-' Only for it to be cut off by hearing Naruto speak "Yes, we will meet later. Oh, Dont forget to apologize to Ms. Lily and watch the hall doors at lunch something interesting will happen."

---TIMESKIP--- During class

Severus was sitting at his desk in Professors Slughorns class doing an potions essay as his mind drifted to what Naruto said before he left.

'What should I watch out for? Interesting?' He asked himself as he started thinking of what might happen during Dinner.

--- Another Part of Hogwarts

"Well well well" A humorous voice sounded out as that set up a series for pranks for the boys that dared to humiliate and bully Severus with pranks of theirs.

Naruto paused from what she was doing to inspect what she had already done 'Well, I may go to far here but at least it wont be considered bullying and I am just humiliating them to down their ego but I will not do it the way that did Severus' she thought as she went back to work and let her imagination fly. After all they dont call her Konohas number one ninja for nothing.

For some reason, they keep putting &quot everytime I use quotation marks. *Shrugs*

Ashmulee_Muleecreators' thoughts