
Academy Doors

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo, what's good? Starting this chapter, we will finally see more of the MC's daily life, including how others perceive her.

BTW, I liked the grammar check I used for the last chapter, so I will use it again for this chapter. However, I will have to reread it at the end to make sure everything makes sense the way I want.

Anyway, this is all, I hope you all enjoy, and like always, if you have any questions, ask right here. I will try to answer what I can.


(Morning After The Exchange) 2/08/54 Yoruichi Shihouin POV

My eyes twitched as the first morning light managed to sneak in through the window, causing me to awaken from my slumber.

I stayed there with my eyes open for some time before they widened to crazy proportions as I sat up.

"No, no, Yoru! Are you still there?"

I panicked and called out to my future self out loud, even though I knew she would have heard me even if I spoke in my mind.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, waiting for a response, only to be met with silence. As my eyes started to water, I heard an unfamiliar yet strangely familiar voice.

["Good morning, lil me."]

'Oh, thank god, I thought I lost you for a second; what happened to your voice? You sound olde-…'

["…-If you're hearing this, then that means I'm gone."]

I froze as I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

["I am sending a message through your system that hopefully gets through to you… Well, if it doesn't, then that would be Awkward for me, heh."]

The tears that I managed to hold back before slowly started spilling from my eyes.

'No way… this has to be a prank, right?'

["Well anyway, I don't have much time, so let me say what I need. You're probably in denial at this moment, but it's true… I ended my own life."]

I covered my mouth with both my palms while crying silent tears as I tried not to interrupt her final message from reaching my ears.

["In doing so, I managed to remove all of the limitations that were placed on your System by the gods."]


["I won't get into it too much, as you should be able to figure everything out later. But what I will tell you is that your Template System works and that you should be able to get new templates soon."]

I put my arms down after hearing her words while I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths.

["But like I said, you will figure out how to do it later by yourself, after pulling up the System… Oh yeah, before I disappear completely, I have a suggestion. When you're about to get your Chakra unblocked, have Tsunade do it for you."]

Having calmed down somewhat, I frowned my eyebrows in confusion, wondering what she was getting at.



["Oh, almost forgot, I left you some gifts long ago, and you should be able to access it now."]



'Yoru… you still there?'

I knew she couldn't respond to me, yet I called for her in the hope that this was all a prank.

Yet after 2 minutes of waiting, I knew in my mind that I probably wouldn't hear from her again.

I laid back down on my back as I drifted back in my memories, remembering all of my moments with her, including the promise I made to her a while ago.

"I promise you, Yoru, I will get stronger, stronger than you… stronger than those gods."

Just as I finished speaking, my door opened, revealing my mother, who was looking at me strangely. I locked eyes with her before finally looking away in embarrassment.

"Did you hear..."

"Not all of it, no... Were you praying?"


"Um, yeah..."

I scratched my arm, appearing embarrassed about being caught, although in reality, I was confused as to why she thought I was praying.

"...*clears throat* Well, I made you some breakfast, so when you're ready, you can come down."

I nodded, and in about 5 minutes, I was ready and making my way downstairs.

Upon reaching the ground floor, I was surprised to see Auntie Tsunade on the couch, as you usually would find her asleep in her room around this time.


She shifted her gaze from the empty wall to me, and her eyes lit up with recognition and happiness after she noticed me.

"Oh, Yoruichi, happy birthday."

'Right... it's my birthday.'

"Thank you, Aunty."

"Any time, hmmm... Say, did something happen?"

She raised an eyebrow at me as she stood up.


I knew that I couldn't lie because I would get caught, so I chose to remain silent. However, even though I stayed quiet, it seemed like I made the wrong choice because her facial expression quickly changed to one of concern as soon as she approached me.

"What happened?"

Hearing her gentle voice escape her lips causes a fleeting smile to cross my face, only for it to vanish just as quickly as it appeared once I recollected what had happened.

"Nothing happened."

As she opened her mouth to speak, I swiftly interjected, smoothly transitioning to a new topic before she could talk.

"Hey, Aunty, can you be the one who unblocks my Chakra pathways."

After a period of silence, she sighed and agreed, saying she had no problem with it.

"Yosh, thanks a bunch."

Not wanting to be questioned again, I quickly made my way to the breakfast table and began eating.

Although I could feel her eyes boring into my back throughout the process, I tried not to pay attention to them.

It wasn't until Mom returned to the living room that Tsunade finally took her eyes away from me and she started a conversation with her instead.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally had a moment to eat in peace. But just as I was about to bite into my food, the conversation behind me abruptly stopped, causing me to look back and notice that now both of them were looking at me with worried eyes.


(20 minutes later)

I was able to soothe both of them by explaining that I had experienced a bad dream. Luckily, my words seemed to have a pacifying effect as they both relaxed and softened their previously tense expressions.

Every time I return from my mindscape, it feels as if everything that happened there was a dream, so what I said wasn't actually a lie.

After breakfast, we three discussed how to celebrate my birthday as we had decided not to hold a party this year.

"How about we just stay home and eat together as a family after we get your Chakra unblocked."

"That's not a bad idea Tsunade. What do you think, honey?"

"Yep, I'm fine with that. But can we hold up on unlocking my Chakra till after lunch."

Mom tilts her head as she opens her mouth to speak, probably to ask why. But before she can, Tsunade intervenes, saying it's okay to wait.

"Thanks. I will go upstairs, so can you call me when we have lunch?"

They nodded before I stood up from my seat and started going back up the stairs.

(Yuzuriha Shihouin POV)

Nodding, I watched my child climb the stairs before turning my attention to Tsunade.

"Do you know what happened?"

She also took her eyes away from the stairs before responding to me with a shake of her head.

"No, I don't… although."

"Hmm?" I tilt my head.

"It's just she asked me to be the one to unblock her Chakra pathways instead of you."

Hearing her words made my face pale as I stuttered slightly in fear.

"D-Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't think so, maybe… did you?"

I lowered my head, allowing my hair to cover my face, while I reflected on the interactions between my daughter and myself over the past few days.

"Was I a bad mother?"

(Yoruichi Shihouin POV)

I closed the door behind me before making my way over to the same seat I was sitting at before when I saw her for the last time.

Taking a seat, I looked across the small table towards the empty chair before me.

After staring at it for a while, I raised my hands and gave myself a firm smack on both cheeks.

'She wouldn't like it if she saw me like this?'

Taking a deep breath, I stood up from my seat and went towards the bed, where I sat on the edge.

'Ok, first thing first, let's check the system.'

And with a simple thought, the system screen appeared before me.

______System Interface______

Yoruichi Shihouin Age 5

Tier: 9-B

[SP Multiverse Travel System]

- time remaining before next travel function: 28 years, 04 months, 12 days, 14 hours, 37 minutes

- Available Worlds

• {Naruto-5305369}

[Template System]

- Yoruichi Shihouin 005% (^*)





'It changed!'

I noticed that the question marks from before disappeared from the age and tier part alongside the locked options on the Template System.

'Ok, hopefully it works.'

I attempted to mentally click on the words 'Template System'.

______System Interface______

<—< p>

Template System- made by D̶?̷m̵?̸ for the sole purpose of creating the ultimate warrior who gets stronger by slaying foes that are worthy in his eyes.


'Ultimate warrior? Interesting.'

Clicking on the back arrow, I look at my other options and quickly notice something blinking purple next to the percentage on the Yoruichi Template.

'What can that be?'

Clicking on it, I watched as it expanded to another page.

______System Interface______

<—< p>

~Gift's from Y̵o̸r̸u̵i̵c̵h̶i̵ ̷S̶h̶i̶h̶o̶u̴i̶n̶ ~


-Yoruichi's Leotard (adjustable size)

-dildo (adjustable size)

-strap-on (adjustable size)

-Squad 2 captain attire (adjustable size)

-Yoruichi signature orange outfit (adjustable size)

-book (100 different lesbian sex positions)



As soon as I read the list, my ears turned red with embarrassment, which in turn caused me to curse Yoru and her stupidity for gifting these to a five-year-old.

'What the fuck is wrong with her..'

However, in the back of my mind, I secretly thought of a certain blonde.

'Actually, these might be useful later.'

Ignoring those LEWB items, I decided to read the note before looking at what I gained.

______System Interface______

<—< p>

~Note from Y̵o̸r̸u̵i̵c̵h̶i̵ ̷S̶h̶i̶h̶o̶u̴i̶n̶~

'Hey there! How do you feel about the gifts I got for you? I'm pretty sure you already have someone in mind whom you'd love to use them on. By the way, I got you these gifts as a birthday present since it's your second birthday today. However, I'm guessing you'll open them on your fifth birthday, so happy birthday in advance! Can't wait to actually meet you!'



After reading the note, a small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on my face as I exited the page and returned to the list of gifts.

Looking at all that I've received, I look at one in particular with confusion.

'A Zanpakutō?'

Clicking on it, I was surprised at what it read.

______System Interface______

<—< p>


-created by Y̵o̸r̸u̵i̵c̵h̶i̵ ̷S̶h̶i̶h̶o̶u̴i̶n̶ infusing her essence into a special Zanpakutō that was crafted from the ashes of the goddess ????, to create a perfect Zanpakutō for her younger self.


'…how long were you planning this for, Yoru.'

I clicked on the Zanpakutō again, but this time, with the intention of pulling it out from the screen.

As soon as I clicked on it, the same screen that I had seen before suddenly materialized in front of me. It was as if I could reach out and touch it. But that wasn't the only thing that was different this time. Right in the center of the screen was a hilt of some kind sticking out, which looked incredibly realistic.

I reached out as my fingers curled around the hilt of the sword, I applied a gentle yet firm force to pry it loose from the System display. When the blade emerged from the screen, I found its appearance was strikingly simple and unadorned, yet upon closer inspection, I noticed a subtle purple and gold tint that traced its way down the weapon's length. It was a katana - a traditional Japanese sword.

As soon as the sword was drawn from the screen, the screen vanished from my sight. I casually ran my finger along the blade, taking my time to inspect it.


As I gripped the blade's hilt with my right hand, I was struck by its weightlessness, as if it were lighter than a feather. I extended my arm, holding the sword straight out in front of me, and placed my left hand on my forearm. I then yelled out a word that brought back so many memories.



One, no, three seconds passed before I dropped the blade to the ground while covering my red face with my hands as I squealed in embarrassment.

'That's so embarrassing...'

I peered through the gaps between my fingers, directing my gaze towards the door, and noticed that it remained in the same position as when I had left it. A feeling of immense relief washed over me as I exhaled a deep sigh upon realizing that no one seemed to have noticed my embarrassing moment.

'Good, now it's time for you to go back.'

Picking up the katana, I tried to insert it back into the System. Only to find that the blade would only go through the system without actually going back into it.

'Oh crap, don't tell me.'

Unfortunately, my attempts to return the Zanpakutō to the system were unsuccessful. Despite multiple tries, I still found myself holding onto the weapon. It was a frustrating experience as the system refused to accept its return, no matter what I tried.


"Yoruichi, it's mommy. Can I come in?"


"One second!"

Quickly looking around, I look for a place to hide the blade so as not to get questioned about where I got it. And luckily, I was able to slide it under my mattress, perfectly hiding it.

After getting that done, I headed towards the door, and upon opening it, I found my mother standing there with a plate of oranges.

"Hey honey, I got Oranges…"

I looked at her expression, finding something odd about it, but chose to ignore it for the moment, as I needed her to leave so I could get back to what I was doing.

"Thanks, I will take that."

As she handed me the plate, I carefully took it from her hands and placed it on the table in my room, making sure not to drop any of the contents. After setting it down, I turned to face her and noticed that she was still standing near the door, looking hesitant. With a gentle smile, I approached her and asked if there was anything else she needed.

"Umm, no, nothing else."


Yet, just as I was in the middle of closing the door, she stopped it with her hand, making me look at her in confusion.


"Actually, there's one more thing I need to say… I love you, and I want the best for you."

'What gotten into her?'

Although I didn't understand why she would say those words to me at this moment, nevertheless I still replied to her with a big smile.

"I love you more."

Apparently those were the words she was looking for as she gave me a beautiful smile before giving me a big hug as she muttered under her breath.

"I doubt it."

After releasing the hug, I watched as she made her way down. However, unlike when she arrived, she was smiling this time around.

When she disappeared from my vision, I closed the door before making it to the bed, where I pulled out the Zanpakutō from under the mattress as I decided what to do with it.

'Can't I just carry it around? Now that I noticed, isn't it pretty small?'

I was right. The katana that should have been around thirty inches long was about half that length, almost as if it was adjusted to fit my petite frame.

When thinking about it, I remembered that most of the gifts were adjustable, so who's to say that this one isn't either.

'But wait, it didn't come with a scabbard, so how will I carry this.'

After some time of trying to come up with something, I gave up and decided to hold on to it for now.

'What's the worst that can happen?'


"Hey kid I'm going out, wanna co-… Where did you get that?"

'…Fuck me'

Turning around almost mechanically I noticed Tsunade frozen there mid step with widened eyes.

"Umm, from a friend."

My voice was laced with panic from being caught, but it looked like it was for nothing as she just made her way towards the sword that I held in hand.

"Can I hold it?"

"Uhh, yea, sure, here."

I handed her the Zanpakutō, hoping that it wouldn't be taken from me as I was still seen as a child. After taking it from my hands, I noticed she frowned in confusion as she inspected the blade with her eyes. But luckily, she didn't take long as she handed it back to me after a minute.

"Who did you say gave it to you?"

"A friend, wh-…"

"The truth, please."

As I shut my mouth, I couldn't help but panic a little. It seemed like she noticed my unease, as her expression softened and she spoke up in a gentler, more soothing tone.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad; it's just this blade. It strangely feels like you."

Nodding slowly, I tell her that someone gave it to me as a birthday gift, once again dodging the question.

She seemed to notice what I was doing as she gave me a wry smile before changing the subject, which I was thankful for.

"Does your mother know about it?"

I shake my head indicating that she doesn't, making her put her fingers under her chin for a moment, seemingly in thought before she snaps her fingers and proceeds to point them my way.

"Ok, we will tell her I gave it to you."

My eyes widened as I couldn't believe she would stick up for me and lie to my mother, just so I wouldn't get asked extra questions.

"Really! Why?"

"Well, let's just say I was thinking of getting you a weapon for your birthday."

I nod while expressing my thanks to her with a big smile.

"But we will need to get you a scabbard for it so you can carry it around."


As I was about to give a nod to Tsunade, a sudden strange and eerie voice startled me. I found myself freezing in place, my eyes darting around in confusion and fear. After a moment, I looked back at Tsunade and asked her if she had heard anything.

"Hmm, nope, not a thing. Why?"

"…No, it's nothing."

"Okay… anyway, I'm going out. Wanna come with? We can maybe even find a scabbard for your new sword along the way."

I nodded while telling her that I needed to get ready and would be down in a bit.

"Ok, while you're at it? Would you mind if I wrap your sword up so we can take it alongside us."


'There it is again'

Hearing the same female voice from earlier, I ignore it and suggest to Tsunade that we should enjoy a worry-free day and worry about the scabbard later.

"You know, I like that idea. Just make sure you hide it properly. We don't want your mother to find it, do we?"

Nodding, I hid it in the same place as before, which got me a smirk and a thumbs up from Tsunade.

"Good spot, I use the same one sometimes."

"You hide stuff, Auntie?"

"Yep, just don't ask what I hide."

I nod while pretending to zip up my mouth.

Getting a nod back in return, I started getting ready to go out while Tsunade took this time to let mom know that she's taking me alongside her.

It didn't take long as in under five minutes, I was already making it toward Tsunade, who was waiting by the door.

"You ready?"

(Yoruichi IMG)

"Yep, let's go!"

I probably sound more enthusiastic than I intended to as Tsunade lets out a small chuckle, and shakes her head.

"Alright, little rascal, just don't get far from me, okay?"


After leaving the door, we proceeded to make our way to the shopping district located next to the Aburame Clan, while keeping up a conversation.

"Are you ready for the academy?"

"Yep! I got my ninja gear sorted out, thanks to Orochimaru."

"Ahh, right. I forgot about that. Looks like they came in handy."

"Yep, say what happened to the team?"

"Oh, you mean the 'legendary Sannin'? Well… we took our separate paths."

I tilted my head while asking her what she meant.

"Well, I retired from active combat and became a full-time medical ninja at the hospital. Orochimaru started doing his own thing, and Jiraiya is apparently teaching a genius that he couldn't stop talking about. Honestly, it's getting kind of annoying."

"Yeah, I know. Kushina talks about the same guy every time I visit."

(10 minutes later)

'Okay, this is getting annoying.'

I looked behind and noticed yet another pair of people looking my way with disgust while pointing their fingers at me as they whispered to each other.

"Fucking hate racists."

Hearing Tsunade's choice of words made me widen my eyes in surprise, but at the same time, I can't help but agree with her.

As soon as she saw my expression, she just rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, dragging me along as she quickened her pace.

"We're almost there; let's pick up the pace."

"Huh… wait, you're going too fast! My little leg-…"

She didn't listen; instead, she started speeding up even more, making me run full speed just to keep up. But luckily she didn't lie, as in less than a minute of running, we finally arrived at the shopping district.

"And we arrived."

"*Heavy breathing*... yea..."

"Hmmm? Oh, my bad, here, take this."

After finally noticing my condition, Tsunade handed me a water canister that she had pulled out of her storage seal.

Thanking her for the water, I returned it after I had my fill as I began scanning the area.

"So where are we going first?"

"I don't know."

I stopped still as I looked at her.

"You don't know?"


"Then why are we here?"

"I was just looking for an excuse to spend some quality time with my favorite niece before she embarks on her journey to become a ninja."

Hearing her words made me realize that after joining the academy, I would most likely see less of them.

So I nodded to Tsunade, telling her that I too would like to spend time with my favorite aunt.

In response to my words, I got a big smile before we began our own little journey around the shopping district, where we shopped and played different games in random booths that we found, and only after about two hours did we finally start making our way back as I carried a bag filled with goldfish and koi.

"Did you have to take all of them? Couldn't you have just taken five of them and not all seventeen?"

"Nope, it's my prize, so I'm taking it back home... besides, at least you won't be alone when I go to the academy."

"... heh, cheeky kid."

I looked at Tsunade from the corner of my eyes and noticed she was actually blushing slightly with a happy smile.

'Heh got you.'

But our happiness vanished in the blink of an eye as we moved towards a less crowded place. It was disheartening to listen to the derogatory remarks and insensitive comments that were hurled at me on account of the color of my skin. The sudden change in people's attitudes and behavior left me feeling disappointed. It's unfortunate that even in this world, racism and prejudice continue to exist.

Yet after a moment of clarity where I reminded myself that all these rude people were beneath me, I just ignored them as I treated their words as if trash.

But, unlike me, Tsunade was unable to do the same.

"Fucking bastards…"

I noticed that she was making her way towards a small group of people who were amongst one of the loudest of everyone present.

So before she could cause a scene, I grabbed onto her, indicating to her not to bother with them as we would only get in trouble for hurting civilians.

"*Sigh* you're right, let's go home."

Saying so, she took the fish bag away from my hands as she probably noticed I was having trouble carrying them around as it was pretty big considering it held seventeen baby fish inside.

"Thanks… also thanks for the outing."

(18 minutes later)

"We are back!"

"Welcome back, lunch is almost ready ,so go upstairs and get changed."


After getting changed into something more comfortable I made my way down. Although when I made it down, I couldn't find anyone.


"In the backyard!"

Hearing her voice from the back, I made my way over to find Tsunade using a water Jutsu, filling up a hole near a tree.

"What are you doing?"

"Creating a pond for your fish what else?"


I watched as she filled the hole up before finishing and making her way over to mother who was holding onto the fish.

"May I?"

Mother just nods before giving the fish over to Tsunade. Afterwards Tsunade just placed the bag of fish in the water letting it float. Making me question her why wouldn't she just release them into the water.

"I'm letting them get used to the water temperature change. Because if I just put them in right away they might not survive."

I gained an enlighted look before we made our way back inside to have lunch.

After eating, we all went outside to find the fish bag still floating in the little pond that was created recently.

"Ok, I think we can release them now."

Tsunade then made her way to the bag before carefully releasing the fish into the pond, filling it with different colors from orange to white to yellow and even red.

"Wow, it's so pretty!"

"Fufufu, yeah, it sure is."

The three of us admired the fishes for some time until Tsunade had enough and told us she thinks it's time I finally gain access to my Chakra.

"I agree, are we doing it here."

Yet just as Tsunade was going to agree to my mother's words, I spoke up, asking them if we can go to a more private area.

"… I mean I don't see why not. Tsunade, can we use your old training grounds?"

"Yep, just follow me."

We followed her out the house and towards the famous Third Training Ground that was used during the anime.

Upon our arrival, we quickly noticed that the spot we intended to occupy was already taken. A young man was already there, with spiky yellow hair and bright blue eyes that stood out and drew attention. Finding his appearance quite good looking I couldn't help but think to myself that he was quite handsome. although he still failed to compare to the old me from my past life.

(Young Minato IMG)

He seemed to have noticed our arrival as he hopped off the tree, heading towards us before stopping a couple steps away and bowing slightly.

"Hello, Lady Tsunade."

"Oh, you're that brat Jiraiya's been training. How have you been?"

He gained a wry smile as he replied that he was good before finally paying attention to the rest of us.

"Miss Shihouin, good to see you again."

"Good to see you too, young man."

"Oy, what about me, you Blondie!"

He finally looked my way, gaining a happy smile on his face that looked oh so punchable.

"Hello to you too Yoruichi. How have you been?"

"Tsk, you nice bastard. I'm doing fine."

For my accurate choice of words, I get lightly smacked on the back of my head by mother, which just makes him let out a chuckle, as he has seen this happen many times.

"Sorry to interrupt, but where's your teacher?"

He stopped his chuckle, took his eyes away from us, and paid attention to Tsunade.

"I don't know, but he did say something about getting new research material."

Hearing his words, Tsunade just crossed her arms under her breasts before muttering something under her breath.

"Of course, that idiot…"

Seeing Tsunade busy ranting, he looked back at us and asked what we were doing here. Not letting mom speak, I spoke up first, telling him that we are here to conduct a super secret training session and we would like to clear the premises.

"Well, you're in luck I'm the only one here, and also done with my training, so I will be leaving first."

Saying so, he bowed one more time towards Tsunade before disappearing from our sight.

Tsunade, after noticing that the other blonde left, finally stopped and sighed to herself before looking my way with her brownish eyes.

"So, are you ready?"

"Just one second. Mom, do you have it?"

"Yep, here you go."

Taking a rolled-up scroll from her hands, I handed it to Tsunade and asked her to activate the seal that was written in it.

She raised an eyebrow at me before shrugging her shoulders and unrolling the scroll to find an anti-spying seal.

"Where did you get this?"

"I made it with granny before… well, you know."

She just nodded before placing it on the ground right in the center of the training ground.

When she did this, I looked towards my mother, asking her to move farther back for safety. Although she gave me a questioning look, she still complied with my request and moved back towards the trees.

After she moved all the way back, Tsunade activated the seal by running her Chakra through it, making an invisible barrier appear that prevents all forms of spying, including those that you couldn't see.

(Hiruzen Sarutobi POV)

"Oh, what a smart young lady."

"What was that?"

I put away my crystal ball back into the desk before looking back at my student before me.

"Oh, nothing Jiraiya, now tell me about your new book."


"Alright, just sit down, close your eyes, and try to feel what I'm doing."

Nodding, I do as instructed and wait for Tsunade to place her hands on my back.

She then begins to unblock my Chakra Pathways with her perfect Chakra control.

She starts slowly, giving me time to notice and learn how my chakra runs through my body. However, what I didn't notice was the frown of confusion and concern on Tsunade's face.

Finally, when she was just about finished, a huge wave of chakra exploded from me, almost sending Tsunade back from her sitting position. Luckily, she was able to prevent that from happening with her fast reaction time.

Yet, that was only the beginning as a second wave of Chakra explodes from me. But unlike the first, this one felt different.

(a minute prior) Tsunade POV

'What a crazy amount of Chakra…'

I frowned as, for the first time, I was able to finally feel how potent and powerful her chakra feels. Even though I knew long ago that she would have crazy Chakra reserves from a young age, I didn't expect this much.

'It's almost comparable to a Tailed Beast.'

Just as she was finishing up, I noticed that her Chakra seemed to have a mind of its own as it rushed and completed the process for me, which resulted in an explosion of chakra releasing from her body as she doesn't have good control over it. Luckily, I was able to react fast enough and stop myself from sliding backward by channeling Chakra from my ass to the ground, making me stationary.

Just as I was about to tell her the process of how to regain control over her chakra, a second burst exploded from her but unlike the first one, this felt different, so different in fact that I have never felt or heard anything like it before, even from both of my grandparents. This Chakra felt heavy as if it was pressing down on my very body, forcing my upper body down towards the ground. But strangely, I quickly noticed that no amount of chakra seemed to prevent the feeling of heaviness from disappearing.

'What is this! This isn't Chakra, it can't be!'

"Yoruichi!" I screamed out in hope that it would wake her up, so she could stop releasing this strange energy from her body. But she seemed to be unresponsive as she didn't move. So, trying one more time, I yelled louder this time, hoping to get her attention.

It seemed to have worked as just a second later all of the Chakra and strange energy that was releasing from her stopped as it was brought back into her body. Giving me the opportunity to stand up and look around at the damage we caused around us.

'Holy shit…'

The once flat and clean training ground is now a mess with uprooted dirt and grass all around, but the biggest mess has to be the small crater that was caused by the first Chakra explosion.

'Good thing it was me who did this, if it was Yuzuriha… I don't even want to imagine.'

"Holy shit!"

I take my eyes away from the surroundings and look towards my troublesome niece as she finally opens her eyes to notice our surroundings.

"Who taught you those words?"

She flinched from my voice before looking at me with worry in her eyes as she seemed to see the messy state I was left in after being forced to the ground.


"Oh this… just forget about it, can you just tell me what the hell was that at the end?"

She looked hesitant but after noticing that I wasn't budging and seeing Yuzuriha's worried face from afar as she desperately ran towards us fearing that something happened, she finally reluctantly sighed and told me she will tell me later.

Nodding, I step aside, letting Yoruichi get tackled by her mother as they both fall on the ground, with Yuzuriha on top.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened, did..?"

Not seeing an end to this, I speak up loud enough for her to hear, telling her to let her daughter breathe by getting off her first.

This seemed to bring her back to her senses as she blushed slightly before standing up, dusting off the dirt that managed to get stuck to her clothes after falling down alongside Yoruichi.


'Like daughter, like mother.'

"It's fine. Now, how do you feel, Yoruichi?" She stands up herself as she dusts herself off as well.

"I'm fine, just a little surprised, that's all."

I scoffed at her words, and her mother also does the same.

"Surprised, yeah, we all are. You have one crazy amount of Chakra reserves, young lady." She rubs the back of her head with a cheeky smile while expressing her thanks.

"I wouldn't get so happy if I were you."

My words seemed to have the intended effect as both mother and daughter looked at me with confusion while tilting their heads to the right.

'Gosh, they really are similar.'

I cleared my throat before listing off some things that come with having such reserves at such a young age.

"You will most likely be monitored more closely after this comes to light. Also, you will have a tougher time getting good Chakra control because of your reserves. Finally, and I would say the most important one, is that with this, you now have a huge target on your back."

Yuzuriha's eyes widened as she seemed to understand, unlike her daughter, who seemed confused by what I meant. So, sighing once more, I let her know of someone who had a similar problem.

"You know my grandfather, the first Hokage." Getting a nod in response, I continued with my point.

"He too had a crazy amount of Chakra, and because of that, he was feared by many. Now tell me, do you know what mankind does when they fear something or someone?"

"Umm, they run away..."

I cross my arms in an X shape.

"Wrong, they try to eliminate that fear by any means possible."

Yuzuriha, at this point, was already shivering in fear at what I was implying.

"Tsunade, you don't think they will actually..." I just nod to her words before she can even finish them, telling her everything she needs to know just from that simple action.

"It doesn't matter..."

Hearing a quiet voice from my side, I look over at Yoruichi and notice that she was looking down with her fists clenched.

"What was that?"

"I said it doesn't matter!"

"..." x2

"I will just become stronger than them, so strong in fact, that they wouldn't even dare to look my way."

She looks up towards my eye with the most determined glare I have ever seen on her face before speaking in a strong, confident voice.

"I promise."

(Hours later) Yoruichi POV

"Good night, mom."

I watched as Mother took one last look at me before closing the door and making her way to her room.

I stayed there watching the door for some time before I noticed it opening again with Tsunade walking in and then closing the door behind her.

"Well, I came as promised."

She pulled up a chair from the table and dragged it beside the bed, sitting in it while facing my way.

"So, ready to talk?"

I sat up on my butt while pressing my back against the cold wood behind me.

"... it's called spirit energy." (Reiryoku)

"Spirit energy?"

I nodded before describing what it is.

"It's a type of energy that comes from the soul. As long as you have control over that power, you can expel it from your body, which is what you felt before, which is called spiritual pressure."

"... and how do you know about it?"


"Yoruichi, how do you know about it?"

"Do I have to tell you..?"

Hearing my tiny voice, she stayed quiet for some time before standing up from the chair, which made me flinch slightly for reasons unknown to me.

Seeing me flinch, she froze for a second before engulfing me in a big loving hug while burying me in her breasts.

After holding me there for some time, she let's go but not before kissing the top of my forehead and speaking in a soft tone.

"You don't have to…"

As she was about to separate from me I pulled her towards myself, causing her to stop, and Instead of leaving like she planned to, she told me to scoot over, which I did.

Afterwards, she rolled over onto the bed before spooning me as I rested my head on her breasts.

"… but promise me, that when you're ready, you will tell me everything."

Hearing her whisper in my ear, I nodded slowly, before whispering back that I promise to tell her when I'm ready.

In response to my words, she hugged me a little tighter alongside giving me another kiss to my head.

I waited for her to fall asleep before finally looking at what had been on my mind for some time ever since the Chakra incident.

______System Interface______

Yoruichi Shihouin Age 5

Tier: 8-C

[SP Multiverse Travel System]

- time remaining before next travel function: 28 years, 04 months, 11 days, 20 hours, 16 minutes

- Available Worlds

• {Naruto-5305369}

[Template System]

- Yoruichi Shihouin 010% (^*)





Looking at the System, I noticed I seemed to have gained another 5% for the Template just from awakening my Chakra and spirit energy.

'No wonder I gained so many of her memories after awakening. It was because of this.'

After I looked at my system and found only minor changes, I decided to review all the new memories I acquired from the original Yoruichi.

'Oh, so she went to an academy too. That's cool.'

Looking through the memories, I noticed that she was already a master fighter with experience in Shunpo, or better named as the Flash Step.

'Can I do that too?'

Deciding to worry about that later, I drifted off to sleep, as my mind was filled with anticipation for the coming days. Snuggled up in Tsunade's warm embrace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and peace. It was the perfect end to a long day, and I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring. With that thought in my mind, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber.

(3 days later)

"Can we hurry up? We will be late."

"One second, I just need to fix my collar."


I called out once more as I stood ready by the front door, while waiting for my mother as she takes a while to get ready.

"And done. Now, let's go before we are late."

"And whose fault is that?"

We both bolted out the door as we had to walk faster than usual since we were running late.

"Are you excited?"

"Mom, you asked me that like five times."

"Really, I was sure I only asked four times."

"No, it was five."

We kept arguing back and forth before we finally reached the entrance to the academy and its red doubled doors.

"Ok, remember when you get in, make a left and head all the way down where you will find an-.."

"…-Another set of doors that lead to the classrooms. I know, you told me this already three times."

"… not two?"

"Gosh mom, I need to go already."

Turning around, I started making my way towards the red doors. But just as I was in the middle of my third step, I was stopped by my mother.

"So you're not going to kiss your mother goodbye."

'Damn it.'

I ran straight into her arms as she had them spread open and gave her a quick smooch on her cheek before running back towards the door with a blush on my face, that only got redder after hearing her yell out.

"I love you! Have fun, sweetheart!"

'Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it… this is so embarrassing.'

Finally making it past the red doors, I turned around to quickly shut them as I took a deep, long breath.

'Haaa, good thing no one saw that.'

{I wouldn't be so sure about that.}

'Shut it, miss no name, you don't count.'



Just over 7,000 words

Dam I was hella busy this week, almost couldn't finish this. I didn't have time to go over my research so if some stuff are different from the original story, then think of it as AU.

I will probably write couple chapters on the academy life, where I will be changing some things. So expect something along the lines of 3-4 maybe more or less chapters on just the academy. So it might feel slow in the beginning. But I will try to make it exciting and fun to read.

Anyway you guys/girls are probably confused as to why Yoruichi has a Zanpakutō, well I will just say fuck you that's why, no but the real reason is that I love the concept of Zanpakutōs so I want to try creating one, and why not create one for a Shinigami who doesn't even use one.

Also some of you may want something specific for the Zanpakutō ability but I already have something planned that would make her overpowered but nothing to crazy. ( I also finally tried creating my own AI images and managed to creat Images for the Zanpakutō spiri, alongside its Shikai/Bankai forms.)

(PS: the images are hot)

Anyway next chapter you will see a flashback alongside the first couple days at the Academy so expect that.

Also before anyone asks about the raciest content on my story, all I will have to say is I'm half black from my dads side. And that this story will be more realistic then your average fanfic, so expect to get into some dark shit or even worse…

Anyway if you have any suggestions on what to add to the Zanpakutōs ability or what you want to see, I will hear you out. But a little spoiler if you will


her Zanpakutō ability has to do something with energy.

So if you have anything in mind you can give some suggestions but keep in mind I already have something planned but like my dad always says "plans change son." So I could have my mind changed, so give it a shot.


I don’t know anything, shit wrong words,

I don’t own anything, and everything is owned by there representative owners.

except my OC’s of course.

(no, like seriously, they are mine)

Beat_Mancreators' thoughts