
Kuali Hitam

Romansa Fantasi
連載中 · 1.6K ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is Kuali Hitam

WebNovel で公開されている、Safarinah_asih18 の作者が書いた Kuali Hitam の小説を読んでください。Hidup tidaklah mudah seindah masa kecil maupun masa sekolah. Dimasa sekolah senyum dan tawa selalu menghiasi setiap wajah anak Adam. Begitupun Laila dia selalu tersenyum meskipun pahit pedih dikeluarg...


Hidup tidaklah mudah seindah masa kecil maupun masa sekolah. Dimasa sekolah senyum dan tawa selalu menghiasi setiap wajah anak Adam. Begitupun Laila dia selalu tersenyum meskipun pahit pedih dikeluarganya selalu hadir setiap hari. Laila mencoba menyingkirkan rasa itu sekuat-kuatnya karna dia berfikir masih banyak yang lebih menyakitkan dan pedih selain ini semua. Ayah Laila telah meninggal dua tahun silam, sempat ia merasa terpuruk tapi berkat teman-teman sekolahnya yang membuat ia selalu tersenyum. Bojes salah satunya, dia murid yang pandai dan selalu diperingkat pertama. Dan Nia, dia juga merupakan murid yang pandai dan selalu memiliki peringkat di bawah Bojes.Mereka adalah teman yang sangat dekat dan lekat seperti keluarga yang selalu hidup. Namun setelah kelulusan, mereka berpisah menempuh jalan masing-masing menemui garis hidup yang berbeda. Ketika Mereka telah menikah mereka memiliki konflik Rumah Tangga yang berbeda pula meskipun garis besarnya berawal dari ekonomi. Dan suatu ketika mereka saling bertemu di media sosial di facebook dan membuat janji. Dan di awali itulah semua terungkap siapa dan siapa. Bagaimana dan bagaimana. Ikuti kisah Kuali Hitam hingga akhir Ok!


TM: Vengeance of the Indomitable and Crazed Shades

In a realm of mortals, a monster stirred into existence. Initially adrift in purpose, the creature resolved to guard its progenitors, the girl who came before, he intended to defend and protect all of them. As times unfolded, the monster adeptly concealed itself behind the visage of a mortal, humanoid in nature, he easily donned the guise, the mask of a human being. Yet, fear not, for the tale did not conclude there. A young man's agonized wail pierced the nocturnal silence, a lament for all he lost, for all he wished to protect, challenging the heavenly realms and defying the very essence of existence. In his rebellion, the world recoiled, deeming him unworthy of breath, a rejection that ushered his drowning into oblivion. Amidst the struggle for survival, an otherworldly entity took notice. "Perhaps…? Let's test the fortitude of his will!" As the youth teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, a voice resonated in his mind. [Notice: Legendary Skill Reincarnation Acquired!] [Reincarnation has been activated!] ... In a cosmos where gods, devils, humans, myths, and dreams converge into reality, the monster finds rebirth. Yet, navigating this new existence proved arduous, for the world demanded a toll for every breath he took and every moment of joy in it. And such a toll… it will be paid with his life once more. Will the human-masked monster triumph… Or will he fall just like a hundred times before? Let me see an end to it, but now… will you join me, Mortal!? ----------------------------------- Chapter Length: 1700-2400 words. The Mc is a kind of psychopath who wore a mask throughout his life, but I would not easily condemn him as neither good nor evil. (And before you ask. Yes, the MC is kind of a yandere as well.) There will be a harem, but much later or until I start liking another girl character. There is some dark stuff, be it burning flesh, dissecting, blood, extreme agony... Or whatever else, I just want to say if you don't like it be prepared that they are not uncommon here since the MC will show the monster everyone told him to be. A question that arose... When does someone become a monster, do you know? I don't know the specifics either, let's find out... That's it have a nice read, my fellow humans. ;)

SeayYes · ファンタジー
71 Chs

Deadly Obsession.

Deadly Obsession. Synopsis. ~She made them all tremble before her~ Jasmine Anne Lawrence is a billionaire who is well known as many young ladies aspires to be like her. She has so many admirers and Enemies because of her very cold attitude towards people especially men. Some call her a 'psycho', While others call her the 'devil's incarnate'. But the truth is, She loves hearing those rumors. It made her feel more powerful and more intimidating to others. She is widely known for her no nonsense attitude, Anger issues and her ever strict and savage comments on any slander against her. She believes all men including her father doesn't deserve any respect from her. She has always hated men ever since the only man she had ever loved took advantage of her, stole from her and left her for another woman leaving her an irreparable scar on her heart. which made her to be protective of her heart and emotions. But the protective wall she surrounded her heart with started giving away bit by bit immediately the ever so sweet, Handsome and naive young man came walking in through her office doorway for an interview. His name is Alexander Allen. The talented photographer and videographer. She found herself unable to resist him and his cute charms and was soon smitten by him. She has always wanted him by her side and she becomes furious when anyone else tries to come close to him. She felt jealous and threatened when Alexandra childhood sweetheart with whom he shares a strong bond with came back from her studies abroad and started to hang around him. Would she be able to hold on and endure the sight of them always being together? Or will she let her Deadly Obsession for him take over her and bring chaos to his life??!

GENIE · 都市
8 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating