
Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Home destroyed by an accident of Heaven, Dan and his family have been reborn. Transported into the galaxy of his dreams, Dan, May, and their two pets, navigate family life while they change the script of the world itself. How far will they go to protect their new home? What fate awaits them as the future changes its shape? Join Dan and May as they adventure through space, build a kingdom and challenge the will of the force. Please comment with any suggestions, as well as characters you’d like to see and universes you’d eventually like to visit! We do monthly polls for content on my patreon and this novel won! It will get five chapters a week and my highest priority. Join us on patreon if you want to vote in the next poll and make sure I know what the audience is most interested in! This fanfiction contains elements of D.C. and Marvel comics, as well as the Star Wars canon and legends universes. It will also contain things from multiple other sources, like Warhammer 40k, Invincible, various anime and movies. It can be found on my Patreon for free as well, listed as just Krypton Reborn.

VendakSoth · アニメ·コミックス
217 Chs

Chapter Seventy-Three, Part One

Thank you to everyone for the positive and supportive comments! This will be the last release of chapters before the extended break. I'll see you all in a few months time, with a backlog of Krypton and a return to regular releases!


"Extra, extra! Tony Stark announces his active membership with the Justice League," a fresh faced paperboy shook his extra edition in the faces of passersby, eyes bright as he displayed the picture of an armoured Stark. "Read about the rise of Iron Man, the newest guardian of Earth!"

"Hey kid, give me one of those, will yah?" A scrubby, blond haired man in unwashed clothes staggered up to the paperboy, pale face drawn and hollow from a night on the streets. "I'll get you back tomorrow, when my check comes in…"

"You always say that, Mr. Reynolds," the boy shook his head, paper grasp firmly behind his back to avoid Robert's extended hand. "I had to cover the last few myself, so this time you'll have to pay upfront!"

"Fine…" Robert gave the kid an exaggerated glare and pushed his unwashed hair from his eyes. "Just let me take a look at the front page and I'll leave you alone."

"Nope," the paperboy darted back, out of Robert's reach as he shielded the extra-edition from view. "You want to read, then pay me back what you owe…"

"I'll pay for the man's paper, child, so worry not," a well dressed man, whose appearance was better suited to an older time, stepped from the alley at the boy's back. He tucked a wad of bills into the kid's front pocket and snatched the paper from his grasp. "Here you go, young Robert. Read up on the heroes of Earth and smile, the super-rich are now even further separated from the lower classes such as you."

"Right…" Robert took the offered paper and rubbed the last of the grit from his eyes. The man in front of him seemed somehow unreal, a figure out of time that offered him a too wide grin. "Thanks, though I'm not sure what you're talking about, Mr…"

"You can call me Meph," a small flicker of red passed through the man's coal-black eyes as he swept his outdated hat from his head and bowed at the waist. "I'm here to offer you a chance to turn your life around, a chance to stand with the hero's of the world and leave this filth ridden existence in your past."

"Sure, and I'm Superman's father," Robert rolled his eyes and folded the paper under his arm, prepared to leave the unusual man behind. He had just enough cash in his pocket to stave off his addiction for the day, but he had to kill time before his dealer was awake. "Why don't you take your scam somewhere else, buddy. I've got enough disappointment in my life, without falling for every snake oil salesman that throws an offer my way."

"Trust me, Robert Reynolds," Meph glanced to the sky as he shoved a folded piece of paper into Robert's grasp. "Even Superman could end up under your feet, if you follow your fate. Just remember, only you are destined to take this path…"

A mild vibration resonated through the streets, enough to raise a small cloud of dust around them. The paperboy staggered back, hands against the nearest wall for support. Meph stepped away from Robert, arms spread wide as he released a laugh from his lips.

"What are you up to Mephisto?" a deep voice boomed over the crowd from above, sourced from a figure with a stylized 'S' on his chest. Superman descended to the walkway, his classic friendly smile in place as he settled to the concrete walkway. "I thought we'd already come to an understanding about sending your avatars to Earth?"

"Just out for a stroll, oh great and mighty Superman," Mephisto's features took on a more sinister edge, teeth sharpened to needle points as he flashed a smile of his own. "You wouldn't blame a fellow for staving off the boredom of eternity by observing the lower lifeforms of the universe?"

Superman snorted and waved his hand, an invisible ripple of force that bound Mephisto up and lifted him into the air. The iconic hero gave both Robert and the paperboy a nod as he floated back into the sky. He was gone as quickly as he appeared, just before the kid scampered forward and begged the empty air for an autograph.

"What the hell was that all about?" Robert glanced at his tightly clenched fist, where the paper that was thrust upon him remained unread. He slowly unfolded the crumpled wad, eyes narrowed as he scanned the title paragraph. "The Sentry Project, seeking applicants for the testing of an advanced super-serum…"

– – – –

"Why can't we just learn to live and let live, Superman?" Mephisto laughed as Dan's grip tightened once they were clear of the eyes of the masses. The interdimensional demon had never given up on the Earth, no matter how many avatars were hurled into the sun under the Justice League's watch. "You can't kill me, not unless you're brave enough to visit my true body in Hell. This game of cat and mouse grows tiresome, does it not?"

"Indeed it does," Dan shook his head and tightened his fist, an action that compressed Mephisto's avatar. Since their first meeting, he'd ousted a half dozen of the demon's puppets as they toured rather peacefully around the Earth. "But no matter how well behaved you are, I'll never trust you enough to grant you tourist rights."

A casual flare of heat blossomed from his eyes, twin beams of red that immolated the demonic avatar in his grasp. He had no interest in a response from Mephisto, their conversations never led anywhere but in circles.

Now that Tony was finally a true member of the Justice League, he had even more free time to devote to his personal research. The distractions of Mephisto were an unwanted intrusion in his otherwise peaceful life.

"Things should be smooth sailing for a while now, at least until Thor makes his first appearance," Dan gave the surface of the Earth a final sweep as he moved toward his laboratory Fortress. Bruce and Richards had both moved into the Antarctic facility full time, each devoted to projects of their own. "Hopefully, the next time I have to come out on my own, the god of thunder will have finally shown his golden locks…"

– – – –

"This planet is very quaint, a kind of society I haven't seen in millenia," the Daughter smiled as May devoured a pile of roasted meat, sourced from a wide eyed street vender in a local market. "So many micro-cultures, all crammed into a single world… yet the technology on display in some areas almost matches Kryptonian works."

"Dan and I both have a soft spot for this place, so we've invested some of Krypton's resources into raising their level of civilization," May leaned back, hand on her stomach as the last of her meal passed her lips. "I've missed human food, the stuff in our home galaxy just isn't the same."

"It is tasty, but neither of us actually needs to eat," the Daughter laughed as she poked at May's swollen belly. "The dragon in you is showing, you're hoarding too much food!"

"Hands to yourself, or this dragon will take a bite out of you," May swatted away the Daughter's fingers and rolled her eyes. It was true that since her awakening, her appetite had grown to rival Goku. "A healthy appetite is a sign of good health, and finishing your meal completely shows respect to the chief."

"Overeating can also be a symptom of worms," the daughter shrugged, lips turned in an impish grin as she darted out of May's reach. "Maybe you should get scanned when we return home?"

"I'll show you 'worms,'" May sent the Daughter a mock snarl, hands raised like claws as she stalked forward. "How dare you insult a dragon!"

The pair played out a game of cat and mouse, one that May allowed the Daughter to win. It had been a long time since she truly relaxed with a friend. All her other relationships carried the weight of her position, a title that the Daughter cared nothing about. She was only interested in May as a person, without any concern about Krypton and Empresses.

They finished their play in a low bank of clouds, focused on the horizon as the sun made its daily appearance. Two weeks were close to finished, a tension that she couldn't shake loose from her shoulders. Until Dan returned, her heart would have a shadow. One cast over all her actions, a constant worry about his safety.

"You'd better be alright…"

Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful to all of my supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! The Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at five a week, a chapter part monday-friday, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited. Join our Discord and also check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!



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