
Krama | The Tales of the Numbered

In a newly reformed society, Yuzuru Aki simply wanted to live her life away from this monstrous world. All she wanted was to achieve her dream of living in their little cafe along with her loved ones. However, rumors are spreading that the rebel organization 'Krama' has returned and is causing chaos, the very organization that has taken their youth and inflicted countless traumas within their life. Fear once again strikes, as the people who led Krama’s initial downfall have begun to move with the intent of ending such terrorism once and for all. But that isn’t her problem now, is it? They were used as pawns for Krama to achieve its notoriety, people who were experimented on to create the device that Krama was infamously known for. That’s why all she wanted to do was to run away from them, especially now that she has finally escaped from their clutches. Yet fate is as cruel as ever, condemning them to the point of no return, giving them a life filled with dread and excruciating memories. With no other choice than to fight back, Yuzuru Aki sets out to destroy Krama and secure a peaceful future for herself and those she cares about. For that is the fate of a Numbered.

Artuven · 都市
16 Chs


Yuzuru Aki can count the number of times she has ridden in a car. The first time caused her to acquire a condition that they called motion sickness. With the sunlight giving her a headache and the blast of the air conditioning aimed at her face, the little autumn remembers her friend laughing at her misery, leading Aki to smack her forehead. It was an awful feeling, but not something she couldn't handle.

That's why when she was forced to ride one yet again, she had to endure, swearing to herself that she'd overcome that condition of hers.

And she did, in a way.

Or probably not.

"Are you all right?" Officer Ain asked her, her eyes gazing at the way she held the side handle of the car. "You look pale."

'Because I'm too busy forcing myself not to gag.' The little girl thought to herself and simply gave Officer Ain a sideways glance. After seeing such a reaction, the officer could only look ahead as he silently drove them both to the local precinct.

If it weren't for Cassandra's situation, the little autumn wouldn't go near such an establishment. Considering how they treated her when they were young and how she generally sees them as fools and lazy bastards, Yuzuru Aki wanted nothing more than to live far away from them and out of their sight.

But then again, destiny loves to torment them, making its victims think living in that hellish reality for years wasn't enough.

"We're here." Officer Ain's voice eventually broke the little autumn's monologue, forcing her to look outside the window and witness the grandiosity of the local precinct.

Unlike what they initially thought after escaping Krama's clutches, instead of seeing a dusty and rustic building, what they encountered was a newly furnished and maintained establishment, making it look far more elegant compared to the people they placed behind bars.

"Your safety is our priority!" Says the sign that their mascot held, making the little autumn scoff at how ironic it is compared to how their employees act.

When Officer Ain finally found a place to park his car, Aki immediately got out of it, thankful that she had finally left such a horrendous form of transport.

Her companion, however, saw how she reacted and simply let out a small grin. "You hate it that much?"

Mumbling, Aki replied. "I abhor it."

After giving her a few more seconds to collect herself, all the while gently patting her back for support, Officer Ain then directed her to the local precinct's entrance, where a lot of people go in and out of the establishment.

Some wore their uniforms, while others wore casual clothing. It may seem hard to categorize them just by basing them on their clothes, but after seeing what expressions they had, deciphering instantly became easier.

Some wore their usual bored expression, while others felt a tad bit furious, making the little autumn think that they probably weren't satisfied with the local precinct's service. There is one, however, that caught everyone's attention, as people couldn't help but glance at her current situation.

It was a woman in her mid-50s, crying her heart out while holding a banner that said, "Justice for Zara!"

In a way, she was making a statement about how the police didn't do their job properly, or if someone had prevented them from doing their job. People who are high up on the ladder can do anything just by dropping a pile of money on the laps of those greedy officials.

And because of that, like this woman, people who can't do anything eventually find themselves despairing, unable to achieve justice and righteousness.

"She's here again." Officer Ain mumbles under his breath, giving the old lady a sideways glance. "It's been 3 weeks..."

'3 weeks…' Raising both of her eyebrows, Yuzuru Aki found herself impressed by the old woman's resilience. "She's tough."

"That she is." Sighing, he then proceeded to walk forward, giving Aki the idea that he wouldn't help the poor lady.

or he can't do anything but ignore her.

The little autumn surmised that it was the latter, seeing how his expression was slightly contorted. It was as if something was eating his rationality away.

With his amber-colored eyes being overshadowed by his blond locks and lips slightly frowning from his inability to do anything, it was at that moment that Aki wondered if this is what it means to hide his emotions of wanting to become a true police officer.

A man who wants to serve others but simply cannot.

So, without any intended scheme behind her next words, Yuzuru Aki said, "Must be tough, not being able to do what you truly want."


Sighing, Officer Ain didn't reply, giving Aki the notion that his silence was enough to answer her opinion.

And so they proceeded to walk up the stairs, finally entering the establishment where Cassandra is currently.

The first thing that the little autumn noticed upon taking a step inside the local precinct was a lobby filled with people who had specific agendas to achieve. Some were lined up at the front desk, and some were walking past it to enter their respective rooms. Others, however, are seated on the chairs near the entrance, waiting for their names to be called.

The most noticeable feature, however, is the number of men and women who are currently present. It's as if an evacuation occurred, forcing several people to stay in the middle of the lobby, unable to do anything but stand or sit listlessly.

"What the" Baffled, the officer who was supposed to guide the little autumn to where her friend is staying suddenly marched to the front desk, prompting Aki to follow in pursuit. Up ahead, she noticed a policewoman who was typing hazardously on her desk, eyes narrowed, and face almost glued to the monitor. And without any form of greeting, Officer Ain asked, "What the heck is going on? And why haven't I been notified about any of this?"

"You were busy." She monotonously replied, giving him a side glance before shifting to the little autumn's figure. "Ah, you've finally brought her. Her friend is in room 309."

Blinking, a moment of silence passed through the air as both Yuzuru Aki and Officer Ain waited for her to continue. But when she didn't, the officer beside the little autumn took a step forward and opened his mouth to complain. "That's it? Won't you brief me about the ongoing situation?"

"It's not in my job description, so no."

"Maria!" Ears turning a bit red, Officer Ain slammed the desk, successfully getting the attention of the people nearby. "This isn't the time to laze around and ignore a fellow officer! We barely even manage with the lack of this precinct's manpower, so just tell me what happened, and I'll be on my way to assist whoever needs help!"

The policewoman, whose name is Maria, visibly sighed as she finally stopped typing on her keyboard to face her colleague. Upon inspection, with her auburn hair tied into a bun, freckles donning her face, and beautiful green eyes that seem to resemble an emerald, even the little autumn could tell that this woman can make any person kneel before her.

Her attention instantly snapped back to their current situation upon seeing Officer Maria's frown as she irritably spoke. "Quit your whining, Clyde. Just do your job of escorting her and leave this incident to our superiors. We aren't in a position to intervene either. Got that?"


'How cool.' Yuzuru Aki thought to herself as she finally glanced at the nearby staircase. "Can I go ahead?"

Not expecting her to intervene, both police officers whipped their heads to look at her face. But with the little autumn preoccupied with wanting to see her friend, she didn't have the chance to notice the smirk forming on Officer Maria's face.

"Go ahead."

And that was the only signal she needed before deliberately walking past several people along the way.

The meaning of the precinct's room number was shown on a poster in the lobby. It didn't even take a few seconds for the little autumn to know what it meant. The first digit corresponds to the floor number, while the others specify which room it is. She has also noticed this kind of structure at every public building she has been through, specifically at the library, so she doesn't need anyone's help to guide her at this point.

Not until she heard a specific sound—a scream, to be precise—just a few meters away from where she was standing. She finally reached the 3rd floor at that point, when the sound of a person's scream, or, it seems, a few people arguing, increased.

Chills instantly passed through her skin as a dark premonition entered her head. It was as if their time at Krama had been brought back, instantly increasing the heartbeat of the little autumn.

in a very bad way.

"Does that usually happen?" Yuzuru Aki asks the man walking behind her.

One that he had trouble answering but still did. "At times yes, but… it sounds… worse… Miss Aki?" Just when they finally reached the room where Cassandra is held, the screams intensified, making the little autumn stop in her tracks, scared of what she'd witnessed. "Hey, it's going to be okay-"

But before he could even touch her—his way of comforting a person, it seems—Yuzuru Aki braced herself and immediately opened the door, her eyes widening in the process.

Because at the center of it is the old man caging her friend on the floor as she continuously trashes around just to get him off of her.

The little autumn didn't even notice the other police officers trying to pull the old man away. Her eyes simply focused on her friend's face, which has a gash as blood continues to flow from it.

And that was all it took for her vision to darken as something devilish entered her system.

That scenario was enough for Yuzuru Aki to blackout, forcing her to unconsciously move her body as it sprints forward just to kick the old man on his side, successfully removing him from her friend.

One that has been hurt while she was away.

"How dare you…" Her vision continues to darken, making her think of only one thing.

Kill him.

There is no way she'll let this man see the light of day ever again.

Not after what he did.

And so she pulled her arm and punched him in the face, making him tumble to the nearest wall. It even left a crater, alarming those who saw it.

But it didn't matter. All Aki wants to do right now…

Is to end his miserable and pathetic life once and for all.
