
Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit extreme

After reincarnating as Uchiha Yami, and watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the label of Nine-Tails Rebellion has been pinned on his clan, then he will really trigger a Nine-Tails Rebellion. “Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either the Uchiha clan will be exterminated, or the higher ups of Konoha will be exterminated. The MC will be an evil person and will goto extreme measures to get what he want, so soft hearted guys don't read this. People who like evil and cold MC will surely like this one, also there will be no Harem and no poison at all. Also MC will have a system, but MC will not be a complete system slave and the system is also going to be really stingy. This is a translation, but with the help of AI I had removed almost every chinese garbage name from this. So you will not feel like reading a translated book. THIS IS MY OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://malevolentreads.blogspot.com/2024/01/konoha-this-uchiha-is-bit-extreme-after.html

Mortimer_Darkbane · アニメ·コミックス
84 Chs

The Night the World Trembled

Yami jumped directly onto the head of Kyuubi, the colossal creature stirred once more, its massive form a sight to behold.

Namikaze Minato chose to remain silent, merely following the sequence of events unfolding.


Rather than being sealed back directly, he still choose to see Naruto.


After Yami get on the head of Kyuubi, they set off directly. His attention was no longer on Namikaze Minato.


In the capital of the Fire Nation, the sky is dark and the moon is full.


Tonight was a sleepless night for many people. Daimyo's Mansion is now in a state of preparation for the war.


Although many teams have been sent, they were still very careful about other threats. After all, Konoha has rebelled now, and they needed to be cautious about potential threats from others.


"How are Asuma, Kazuma and the others doing?, Do they reached the Konoha Village yet?" ,The Daimyo of the Land of Fire couldn't sleep at this time, He was waiting for the news from the frontlines. He hoped to receive some good news before going to bed. If all goes right then, tonight Uchiha will be destroyed, and the Nine-Tails will be brought here.

Daimyo was speaking to Chiriku was one of the guardian of the Twelve Ninjas, Chiriku was also a monk of the Fire Temple, and this time he was called back by the Fire Country Daimyo. After sending Sarutobi Asuma and Kazuma to take back Yamigakure village, he chose Chiriku as his personal guardian.


Of course, it is not just Chiriku who was present here, there are many ninjas summoned by Daimyo from other places are also present in the Daimyo's Mansion now.


"According to the speed, the war should have started by now. I guess the news won't take long to reach here. Asuma and the others will be fine." Chiriku spoke calmly.


He was sitting not far from the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, with his hands clasped together. He was originally meditating, but he suddenly felt a riot outside.


"Kyuubi!!!!!, Why is Kyuubi here? What the hell is going on?", Chiriku asked, the calmness on his face quickly disappeared. His keen five senses quickly sensed dangers outside, as well as the chaotic chakra. Especially the terrifying chakra of Kyuubi.

The evil chakra wreaked havoc, Finally condensed into shape.

 Tailed Beast bomb.

 The terrifying Tailed Beast bom directly fell on the Daimyo's Mansion. Fortunately, the Fire Temple ninjas were prepared in advance and was able to defend against the first Tailed Beast bomb using a defensive barrier. But despite this, It has already reached its limit.


This was the inherited barrier technique of the Fire Temple. After being called to take charge of the safety of Daimyo's Mansion, Ninjas from Fire temple directly deployed a defence barrier as a safety measure. And now it has indeed had an effect. But it was impossible for it to defend against a second attack.


"That's great." Uchiha Yami said while Sitting on Kyuubi's head and watching the frightened people below.

"Give them another shot. Let them know the terror of the Nine tails."


The nine tails quickly condensed the tailed beast jade, and the terrifying tailed beast jade charged up and exploded. The high temperature and heat erupted from the tailed beast jade. The terrifying power directly shattered the country's peak power, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, and their long-standing family into ashes. The royal family that ruled over the entire Fire nation was reduced to ashes.




Another tailed beast bomb blasted across the Mansion which had already destroyed, and many buildings near Daimyo's Mansion also collapsed. This was like the end of the world, and everyone understood why tailed beasts were called natural disasters. Many nobles who lived near died, along with many ninjas and also many innocent civilians, But Yami was indifferent and didn't cared about the life of those civilians.

"That's enough," Yami said to the Nine Tails by his side. Then transmitted his message via chakra to the whole capital.

"The pseudo-daimyos and other noble groups from the Land of Fire together with foreign ninjas attacked the Hokage and for this mistakes they are obliterated. From now on, in the Land of Fire, there is only the Hokage, no famous names, no nobles, and anyone who rule over others in the name of nobles will be killed. "

"From now on all those who are willing to join the Country of Fire will only be judged on their ability, not class status. Those who are willing can go to Yamigakure Village to take the assessment. Joining Yamigakure Village will provide you with shelter and resources."

"Today, in the name of Hokage, I declare war on everyone in the Kingdom of Earth, Kingdom of Wind, Kingdom of Water, and Kingdom of Thunder."


"In the name of Hokage, I order other countries to surrender to the Fire Nation or disband. Failure to do so is tantamount to declaring war and we will fight to the death with each one of them."


This mighty sound was heard by everyone in the capital.

Then, everyone was stunned.


Originally, the Nine-Tails Attacking the capital of the Kingdom of Fire was confusing. Now, this so called Hokage directly declare war on all the countries in the entire ninja world?


"Uh~ Well, Mr. Yami, isn't this going too far?", Namikaze Minato asked from the side. If the news behind this spreads throughout the entire ninja world, then they will be in trouble. The entire world will be after their village. What will they do then?


"As I said before, this is just the beginning. The other villages already send their troops to attack us once, So this war is supposed to happen sooner or later. I just made it happen a little faster. If they wanna go against me then they should either completely destroy me, or I will destroy them. Peace is never an option. Minato you also have to work hard to help later. Let's go now." Uchiha Yami said with a smile, and also patted Minato on the shoulder.


Minato should do his best to help, so that his son who is in the village may not need to suffer in the future. Poor Minato, he worked so hard for Konoha when he was alive, and now even after his death he is still forced to work for the village.


"Well~~", Minato wanted to refuse, but he couldn't.


They teleported with Nine Tails, back to Yamigakure Village. Uchiha Yami took Rasa and the others into custody and asked them to contact Hidden Sand Ninja Village and ask them to surrender. If they can surrender, that would be a good thing.


As for Namikaze Minato, he had gone to see Naruto, it can be regarded as fulfilling the previous promise. As for whether Minato will meet Jiraiya or not, it was none of Yami's business.


This night made the entire ninja world go crazy. Especially as time passed and word spread.


This night was a crazy night. A huge coalition army attacked Yamigakure Village and were defeated before they arrived, and Uchiha Yami took Nine tails to the Daimyo mansion and wiped out the entire blood line of the Daimyo, And to top it off Uchiha Yami also declared war on every major ninja village.


The Daimyos of all countries felt absolute terror when they heard the news about what happened to the Daimyo of Land of Fire.


They dont know what they will do If other ninja villages also started targetting their own Daimyos and decided to take control over the entire country. This will completely destroy the world order and may even create an era where there will be Ninjas ruiling the countries instead of Daimyos.

T/N: A better explanation of why Yami declared the war will be given in the next chapter.