
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · アニメ·コミックス
144 Chs

Chapter 99 Decision

Konoha Cemetery.

The dark sky, an expanse of unyielding grey, wept for the souls it had claimed, it's tears cascading down on a lone silver-haired figure donning a black shirt and pants.

No words escaped his lips as his gaze rested on three gravestones with the names Keiko Aoyama, Ryo Aoyama and Yui Aoyama carved on them.

The rain drenched him completely as water rinsed down his silver hair and his face, that had a look of absolute calm.


Just as Kazuki stood alone in the cemetery before the graves of his family, there was a sound of footsteps behind him as his ears pricked a little, picking the sound.

Couple of white chrysanthemums were placed on top of the three graves by four people who walked up to Kazuki.

Moving his gaze, Kazuki gave the people who appeared a look: a blonde haired woman with a bandage covering her left cheek, her arms and forehead, a brown haired kid with hazel eyes, a boy with yellow hair and blue eyes and finally, a girl with long red hair, all stood next to him donning an all-black attire.

No one said a thing for a while and just quietly gazed at the tombstones, as finally Tsunade looking up to Kazuki spoke up.

"Everyone of us here has gone through the pain of burying someone close to us but the only way we could keep living on happily and not get sad was thinking about those who are left behind"

Said Tsunade with a look of pain in her eyes as everyone around showed a similar look, Kushina got her clan destroyed, Minato became an orphan at a very young age, Tsunade and Nawaki both having lost their parents, grandfather, grandmother, and uncle.

At her words, Kazuki shook his head slowly and bringing a small smile on his face gazed back at her.

"I'm not oblivious to what is left behind for me to cherish; that's all I have now" Responded Kazuki calmly as his gaze swept across the four next to him.

Feeling his gaze over them, Minato, Kushina and Nawaki couldn't help but show a look of joy and so Tsunade but deep in her eyes that gazed at Kazuki, a look of pain and worry.

She knew the whole truth that Minato and other two were unaware of; that Kazuki's parents never died on a mission which was told to most of people.

His parents and siblings died in an attempt to kill him and that was way worse than just their death; others could live of the memory of those who died but to him those memories would only be a nightmare.

Just why does a kind soul like him have to suffer so much?  Looking at the smile on Kazuki's face that seem to be hiding all the pain in the world, Tsunade couldn't help but curse his fate inwardly.

Up till now he had done nothing but help others unconditionally, saving her bothers and her own life many times, being a huge factor behind Konoha's victory in the war and yet for all that what did he got in return.

The moment he returned he was burdened with a trial and made to stand before everyone like a criminal and on the name of the village his parents and sibling tried to kill him. The same village he protected with all his might, what could be a worse fate than all this?


The news of the mastermind behind the tailed beast emergence during the chunin exam was released from hokage building a day after the incident, it being Shimura Danzo who tried to destroy the village and attempted to harm the senju heir.

The elder of the village who was part of the tobirama squad in the past was put to death for his deeds; his high reputation among the civilians a thing of the past and now used as an example for betrayal and brutality.

And the chunin exam which were halted due to the incident were restarted after ten days and this time no problem occurred during the exams.

Squad Minato, Squad Nawaki, Squad Isamu from land of waterfall, Squad Ino-Shika-Cho the only squads managing to pass the second exams.

A month later the third exam was scheduled which was going to be one on one battle, the top matches being.

"Minato Namikaze vs Senju Nawaki"

"Kushina Uzumaki vs Hyuga Hiashi"

"Isamu vs Mikoto Uchiha"

The depressing atmosphere due to the incident was completely overshadowed by the excitement for the final round of chunin exams, everyone looking forward to the exciting matches.

Hokage Office.

Before Sarutobi who suddenly looked a lot older stood Kazuki with the Kusanagi fixed on his back, his serene brown eyes rested on the former.

"Leave the village? Why don't you leave after the exams are over?" Suggested Sarutobi to the request put forward by Kazuki, his eyes that gazed on Kazuki hiding all sorts of emotion, guilt being the most obvious.

Sarutobi after learning how Danzo used Kazuki's parents against him couldn't hate him even if he wanted to; the village had only brought pain to the person before him despite all he did for them.

"I can reappear in the village in an instant so I won't miss the final fight"

Said Kazuki in response to the suggestion put forward by Sarutobi, who at his words went silent.

"For how long are you going to leave?"

"I don't know; it can be few days, months or maybe even years" Told Kazuki honestly as he himself didn't knew how long it would take him to return.

Despite everything he went through Kazuki never lost his own self in despair but still he wanted to stay away from the village for a while as a breather and if possible to find answers to some questions that rose in his heart after the recent happenings.


Next Day.


At dawn, a figure, cloaked in black, departed from the village and vanished into the woods—a crucial step toward the prophecy.


A Crimson Eclipse Binds; A Lone Wanderer Unites the Fractured World

 Read chapters ahead on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.