
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · アニメ·コミックス
144 Chs

Chapter 40 Transfer


The weather was sunny as the rays of sun poured down at the village, a little breeze blowing as well elevating the good weather.

Entrance Gate.

Near the huge green entrance door of the village, on chairs sat two chunin guards responsible for keeping a record of everyone who entered and left the village.


Like every other day both with an attentive face kept their focus on the entrance but a change occurred at this moment.

From the forest on the right side of the long clear road outside the gate, a shadow flew out and fell just a couple of steps away from the chunin guards.

Both the chunin guards were shocked at the sudden appearance of someone, approaching the figure hurriedly.

On the ground lay a figure with his face pale from excess blood loss, his right eye empty seemingly dug out, on his whole body numerous small and big wounds.

The ground under him was drenched with blood quickly and after just staying conscious for a few seconds he passed out in the eyes of chunin guards.


Konoha Hospital.

On the bed lay a figure completely wrapped in white bandages, only his face except for the right eye not covered with bandages.

Next to his bed stood three figures, Sarutobi Hiruzen with the smoke pipe in his mouth, Koharu and Mitokado with worried eyes on Danzo lying on the bed.

"This is the result of going against Hokage's orders; I don't even need to punish you anymore because this is more than enough."

Said Sarutobi with a serious look on his face, Danzo who was actually conscious, at his words didn't saying anything in response but his hand under the white bedsheet clenched.

It's been two days since Danzo suddenly appeared at the entrance of konoha badly injured and was immediately escorted to the emergency room.

Under the strict orders of Sarutobi he was treated carefully by the best medical shinobis in the village and today after two days he woke up from the coma.

"Don't be like that Hiruzen, although Danzo did go against your orders but it worked in a way as we got information about Iwagakure sending someone towards Amegakure!"

Seeing Sarutobi still angry at Danzo despite him going through so much, Koharu tried to calm him down and pointed towards the valuable news they got.

Five tails Jinchuriki and a whole jonin squad appearing outside rain village, it was not difficult for them to figure out that Onoki was probably trying to ally with Hanzo.

Danzo who got beaten and even got his eye dug out by the enemy didn't go through this in vain and his beating served a purpose.


Two days later,

Sand Stronghold.

At the entrance of the stronghold facing the forest, stood Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade next to each other.

Behind them were couple of jonin as well as everyone had eyes towards the forest, seemingly waiting for someone.


And they didn't have to wait for long as sound of quick footsteps was heard by everyone and two figures rushing out of the forest.

Swish! Swish!

More followed the first two figures and shadows kept flashing out of the forest and soon before Tsunade and rest a total of around 200 shinobi were gathered.

Most of these 200 hundred shinobi shared a striking similarity, all having featureless pure white eyes and forehead completely hidden with the konoha forehead band.

At the front of the platoon stood two figures, one a man of short stature and long grey hair reaching his back, and like most of those in the platoon he also possessed pure white eyes but he had one difference from the rest having same eyes as his in the platoon, not putting the konoha headband revealing a smooth forehead.

Hyuga Nagito, The Chief of Hyuga Clan.

Most of the focus of those present to welcome the arrival of platoon was on the other man though, he was quite tall around 181 cm, having a kind and calm look on his face, his spiky silver hair reached into the middle of his back tied in a ponytail.

He was donning the standard konoha ninja uniform for jonin, green flak jacket and with a blue shirt and grey pants, white strips on his right thigh.

He also carried a holster worn diagonally over his right shoulder, holding a short saber with a black hilt.


"Chief Hyuga!"

Stepping forward Tsunade and the rest greeted both of them respectfully.

"I'm really sorry for your loss, Princess Tsunade."

Both Sakumo and Nagito greeted back politely as well and Sakumo with a sad face expressed his condolences first.

They naturally knew what had happened with Dan and tried to share the sorrow of Tsunade.

"It's fine! Dan died with a smile protecting the future of village and was proud to be a konoha shinobi till the end, if he was happy till the end than I have no reason to be sad!"

"What a strong woman!"

Said Tsunade with a breezy smile on her face, both Sakumo and Nagito couldn't help but admire her mental toughness.

Soon the platoon that just arrived was stationed in the stronghold and Sakumo and Nagito were lead to the main camp for a meeting.


After a while the meeting ended, and Kazuki inside his camp received a scroll with some specific orders for him.

Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.