
Chapter 14

This is definitely a good thing for Lin Qing.

As an SS-level high-quality woman recognized by the system, after successfully replenishing the magic from Kushina, the benefits of the harvest are not bad!

This is all the capital that Lin Qing will be able to wave steadily in the ninja world in the future.

Now as an ordinary person, although he has the protection of Tsunade, he is still too dangerous.

If Tsunade guards himself and imprisons him, won't he be able to escape?

How can he find other young ladies to make up for his demons?

If he's strong enough, then don't worry about these problems.

If you want to go, you can go, and maybe you can go to the moon to find Kaguya to make up for the demon.

As a member of the big barrel wood clan, he has stolen the fruit of the sacred tree.

Otsuki Kaguya's rating in the system must have surpassed Kushina's, and an SSS level didn't run.

If you get all the benefits from her, he won't be able to take the messy big barrels of wood in Boruto's biography.


After the meal, Kushina was cheeky and stayed on the grounds that he wanted to chat more with Tsunade.

Restless, uncomfortable, Bo Feng Shuimen left the Thousand Hands family land with the cultivation experience of the second Hokage Thousand Hands.

Lin Qing ignored the two sisters who were chattering in the living room, not knowing what to talk about.

Take the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash and scrub, and after three or two treatments, you are ready to go to the room to rest.

As a result, the two women shouted at him on the grounds that they were watching TV together.

In other words, the technology tree in the ninja world is really strange, and there are modern appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, and lights.

Travel, however, is still a primitive means of transportation such as horse-drawn carriages.

While Chakra has brought a lot of convenience and diverse possibilities to the ninja world, it has also curbed the development of technology in the ninja world.

Overall, it's a mixed bag.

Lin Qing sat in the middle of the sofa, feeling the soft and delicate body that was tightly clinging to his arm on the left and right, and the sage in his heart was like a Buddha.

During this time, he stuck to Tsunade every day, causing his resistance to come up.

What's the use of just knowing how to stick?

I don't know if I'm bold and go straight up?

If you don't get it, how do you know I won't refuse?

What two things that don't fight each other!

Lin Qing thought about it in his heart.

It's been a long time since he crossed, but the system reward hasn't been received for a long time, which makes him a little anxious.

It's really the strength of ordinary people that makes him very insecure.

This is especially true after having this kind of skin that has brought disaster to the country and the people.

However, the effect of returning to Konoha Village is still great.

Ever since Kushina appeared, he could clearly feel a sense of crisis in Tsunade's heart.

If this situation continues, it may not be far off to get the first reward.

Lin Qing thought to himself in his heart.


Jiu Xinnai sat beside Lin Qing on the side, clinging to Lin Qing tightly, wantonly replenishing Lin Qing's energy.

While quietly observing Tsunade, who was sitting on the other side of Lin Qing, his movements were almost the same as her.

There are some bad feelings in my heart.

How is Tsunade Sister the same as herself?

Could it be that she also likes Kobayashi Qing?

This can't be, the age gap between the two is too big!

Lin Qing is still so young, and didn't Sister Tsunade have a boyfriend before?

But looking at her performance, it seems that there is really something interesting about this!

Sister Tsunade is a real punishment.

Old cows eat tender grass!

The nominal brother and sister, the actual child husband, right?

If she hadn't discovered it now, she wouldn't have been able to succeed by Sister Tsunade.

No, the age gap between the two of them is so big.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Sister Tsunade won't be happy after being together!

It's better to be with yourself, after all, you're not too big!

When Kobayashi Qing grew up, he was only in his 20s, which was the age of his prime.

Since this is the case, it is now necessary to cultivate more feelings with Kobayashi Qing.

Don't be given a head start by Sister Tsunade, a gentleman who likes old cows to eat tender grass!

Jiu Sinai hugged Lin Qing's arm, thinking chaotically in his heart.

Tsunade also noticed Kushina's vague gaze.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Originally, she noticed that Jiu Sinai had similar thoughts, and she planned to hide it from Jiu Sinai and hide in the shadows.

Not only can you quietly cultivate feelings, but you can also find opportunities to make bad things happen to Kushina.

even let Jiu Sinai become his own assist without knowing it.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Jiu Sinai sticking to Kobayashi Qing, he was a little jealous, and his possessiveness came up all of a sudden, and he couldn't control his emotions.

The brain is hot, and it is also pasted.

Now I was seen by Jiu Xinnai.

Now that both sides are open, let's let the two of them fight.

Compared with Jiu Xinnai, she and Lin Qing have been together for a longer time, and their experiences are more similar.

She didn't believe that she could lose to the little girl Jiu Sinai.

The two sandwiched Lin Qing in the middle, one left and one right, their eyes meeting in the air, and they both saw the inevitable color in each other's eyes.

"Sister Tsunade, I'll move here tomorrow too, since Mito's grandmother Tsunashi left and you left the village, this place has been deserted, and I'll move out to live.

Now that Sister Tsunade is back, and you have brought Lin Qing's younger brother back with you, I can be regarded as having a family again here.

It's better to move back in.

Three people living together can also be more popular, don't you say?".

Kushina, who had already made up his mind to compete with Tsunade, planned to move back to the Senju Clan today.

She lives outside alone, and it is too dangerous for Tsunade to be alone with Lin Qing.

Get along day and night, and when Lin Qing gets used to living with Tsunade completely, how can she have anything to do in the future?

She also had to live in and cultivate affection.

She hadn't noticed that Tsunade had this kind of thought, but she didn't think about moving back.

Fortunately, she was witty and saw Tsunade's little secret in time, otherwise she would have been stolen.

Kushina praised her wit in her heart.