
Konoha: The Strongest Uchiha

(The novel starts during the Second Ninja War) Sora reincarnates as a Uchiha but his talent is not good enough, watch how he rises and becomes the greatest Uchiha to ever exist!

Author99 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Ch 02: Uchiha Sora

"What?" Kagami was shocked by the results in front of him but he recovered quickly and wanted to control the flames to spread throughout Sora's body and burn it.


Sora left his blade and not caring about his burning chest he plucked out both of Kagami's eyes.

"Haha…Cough…haha, I have done it! I did it!" Uchiha Sora laughed while coughing up blood, his face looked hideous with a bloody smile.

Uchiha Sora's three tomoe turned quickly revealing another eye with different patterns, six diamonds connected through a circle.

"Aah" Kagami who was still alive felt the pain of losing his eyes but before he could slash the sword down, Uchiha Sora disappeared.

Kagami fell to the ground and breathed for a few seconds before leaving the world for good.

Uchiha Sora appeared on top of a tree some distance ahead and looked at the dead Kagami and the Sharingan in his hands.

'I should first use the eyes' Uchiha Sora thought excitedly as he brought the Sharingan in front of his eyes.

His eyes changed into the Mangekyo Sharingan as he activated the pupil technique of his left eye, 'Absorption'.

The next second, intangible energy flowed out of Kagami's eyes into Sora's eyes, feeling the power flowing through him, Sora laughed.

He had been planning for this day for almost a year and now he was finally able to succeed.

"My guess was right, this guy also possessed the Kotoamatsukami and was probably planning to use it against me, fortunately, I was on guard and did not fall" Uchiha Sora praised himself for his cautiousness.

"Kagutsuchi and Kotoamatsukami" Uchiha Sora felt his newly gained eye skills.

Uchiha Kagami was feared in the world as the Flaming Sword of Konoha, his burning sword could bring even strong enemies down and it was also the reason that he could go toe to toe with Onoki in his prime.

Kagutsuchi, a mangekyo pupil technique also known as blaze release grants the user unprecedented fire control, the user can manipulate fire jutsus even after it is launched, Kagami used it to cover his sword in fire and hurt his enemies by surprise at close range.

Although he doesn't know the reason why Kagami did not disclose his Mangekyo Sharingan, it may be some stupid reason like not to cause fear in the top of Konoha but he does not care about it.

Being with Tobirama for some time, Kagami probably knew how Konoha views Mangekyo, but Kagami could not hide it from him.

He noticed it in the first clash of Kagami and Onoki, the subtle manipulation of flames on Kagami's sword later he started to pay attention to Kagami's battles suspecting that he had the Blaze release and he was able to later confirm it when he saw him manipulating jutsus in unexplained ways during his fights with Onoki.

Others dismissed this as his mastery of Fire Style but he didn't. He took a few sips of water to moisten his throat.

Sora then jumped off the tree although he was very tired using two pupil techniques in a row, especially his left eye, Izanagi.

This Izanagi is different as it allows him to perform it without losing an eye but it does have a cooldown of a month so it is not that useful to him.

He came to Kagami's body and took any kind of valuables he could find, unfortunately, he didn't find anything except a scroll on sword skills.

Sora quickly started to make his seals as he was in a hurry to reach the base back as his absence would be noticed.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique"

A huge fireball covered Uchiha Kagami's body as it was burned in the high temperature of the fireball, leaving only ashes, he then used a small wind jutsu to scatter it.

Previously he had hunted another Uchiha with a three tomoe and he did get a boost in his pupil power but it was unlike this time.

He feels that as long as he absorbs ten more pairs of three tomoe Sharingan he can open the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan but unfortunately 'Absorption' consumes a lot, he may go blind after the sixth or seventh pair.

He also has to prepare for his next series of action, to visit the Amegakure battlefield but for that, he has to get a mission scroll of Uchiha Kagami.

Forgery is not a big deal for him, anyway, Uchiha Kagami is dead and he secretly learned how to forge scrolls during his time in Anbu, even Anbu scrolls, which helped him greatly today.

When he did not have the Mangekyou Sharingan, to maintain his image as a Uchiha full of Will Of Fire, he joined the Anbu to serve Sarutobi Hiruzen but later resigned after the war started saying that he wanted to contribute on the Frontline.