
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

8. Academy days-II

After reaching academy, Ryu and his friends attended orientation program in which Hokage himself gives opening speech for new students, to make them understand what is being a ninja means and explains Konoha's will of fire. After hearing the speech all the kids clapped and vowed to be the best ninja, then students were allotted to their classes.

Surprizingly, Ryu being a civilian was in Ino's class, hearing his name in her class, Ino was beyond happy and hugged him in front of everyone. As her friends knew of Ino's infatuation with Ryu they didn't bet an eye but sakura and girls were screaming like banshee and while Ino realizing what she had done blushes and runs to their class.

Ryu follows Ino quickly along with shika and choji and sits beside Ino who looks away with red face remembering previous ordeal. While Shika and choji sits beside Ryu, where Shika hogs the window seat. Ryu while calling Ino who is not responding,says loudly," What's the big deal Ino chan we are friends and friends hug each other nothing to embarrass about." Hearing this Ino calms down.

While all this is happening Sasuke enters the class with brooding face and sits in his place while Sakura and bunch of girls with heart in their eyes screams,"Kyaaa!! SASUKE-KUN is looking so cool."While Ino scoffs folding her hands and quietly mutters," Whats so great about the brooding emo not even sparing a glance at them, my Ryu-kun is way better than him." But Ryu hears this clearly and sweatdrops! (wasn't she ex-banshee too!)

While thinking of it, Iruka-sensei enters and tells everyone to sit down quietly as introductions will begin, as everyone calms down and sits quietly he introduces himself.

Iruka sensei,"Hello-", he was about to introduce himself but the door slams open and a kid with blond hair and whiskers on his cheeks enters quickly and shouts,"My name is Uzumaki Naruto and My dream is to become greatest Hokage ever lived-ttebayo!"

Whole quiet class suddenly bursts laughing hard with stomachs held with their hands and makes fun of him, Ryu is quietly observing him and smiles while thinking finally he appears ehh! no worries I'll try to be better than him in future and be strongest, while Ino also observes him and was about ask Ryu about him as she sees that Ryu is smiling gently and there is fire in his eyes that she sees when he talks about being strongest. She then realizes that there must be something special about the kid that Ryu acknowledges him and she too decides to think with an open mind.

After the laughing episode, Naruto still smiling goes around the class and finds a seat to sit. Iruka then begins again introducing himself and continues with other students too. While doing this, again students laugh at Naruto for screaming about being hokage but Naruto doesn't mind, seeing this Ryu admires Naruto again, while Ino thinks how thick can a kid be about embarrassing himself and turns towards Ryu only to see gentle smile again and notes in her head to ask him about the kid.

Then Academy hours goes on learning about shinobi history and about konoha's formation and details about geography. Ryu remembers everything very clearly, While Ino notes down important details, besides Ryu, choji is listening to lecture being bored and Shika being Shika sleeps soundly.

And day ends with bored faces of his friends. Ryu then asks Ino whether she wants to come with him to train at nee-chan's place which Ino agrees eagerly, better than being bored with girls who are going on and on about being so close to their sasuke kun and breathing same air as him and whatnot.

Then Ino and Ryu arrives at their designated spot and looks around for Anko but she is not present so they make some small talk till she arrives.

Ino seeing the chance asks Ryu about weird blond haired kid with whiskers that screams about being hokage.

Ino," Hey Ryu-kun, Do you know that blond weirdo?"

Ryu,"Who are talking about Ino?"

Annoyed Ino," That kid with whisker marks on his cheeks, thats the kid i am talking about."

Ryu," No, I haven't met him personally but heard about him."

Ino curiously asks," What have you heard about him?"

Ryu," Thats for me to know and you to find out" and laughs out.

Red face angry Ino tries to hit him with kunai while Ryu is running and jumping around to save himself from Ino's wrath. While Ryu and Ino are in their own world, Anko arrives from the corner hearing Ryu's sweet laughter and chuckles seeing the scene in front of him where Ryu is on the ground laughing and Ino is sitting on him with embarrassed face and kunai in her hand.

Anko then coughs loudly to make them know about her presence and they abruptly comes at halt and quickly stands up and embarrassingly looks around not seeing in her eyes, seeing this Anko chuckles again and says," Ok gakis enough fun, now tell me about the first day of the academy, Ryu-kun you first."

Ryu then describes his day colorfully and then Ino too, Anko smiles while thinking both munchkins are growing so fast.

After completing the academy tales, Anko addresses them about further training, where she points out that Ryu while having decent chakra needs to increase his chakra pool for doing high level ninjutsu so he will do chakra pool increasing exercise while Ino not knowing any ninjutsu, will learn ninjutsu.

But first she needs to figure out her chakra nature so she brings out the chakra paper and hands it to Ino and asks her to fill it with chakra to know her affinty.

Ino does as asked and paper becomes wet instantly, meaning strong water affinity, hearing this Ino is very happy that she has same affinity as her Ryu-kun although water but still it is complementary to lightning and can do combination jutsus together with her Ryu-kun and sighs thinking dreamily about it.

Anko seeing this snorts knowingly what is going on in Ino's mind, hearing snort Ino breaks out of the dream bubble and blushes that she got caught by Anko-nee-chan.(she too call her nee-chan)

While Ryu smiles happily and gives her big hug without thinking, to congratulate her about the same affinity as him and her nee-chan, while Ino sighs again receiving his hug. Anko too, excitedly congratulate her and promises her to teach her every water jutsu she knows, hearing this Ino hugs Anko and thanks her.

After the happy episode, they decides to train Ino tomorrow about ninjutsu as it is already too late so they decides to spar a bit. While Anko and Ryu spars a bit, Ino does tree walking exercise to futher increase her chakra control. After nearly 2-3 hours they decides to end today's session with promise to meet tomorrow, while Anko shunshin away, Ryu and Ino leaves to Ino's house, where he drops Ino and goes to orphanage.

hello again! New chapter up, thanks for reading, Please please give some REVIEWS along with comments.

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