
The Fake Executioner

A/N: Thank you for all the support through the first five chapters. I am sorry for the long gap between this chapter. Life gets in the way sometimes. Keep the support and the comments going. Let me know what you guys think of the story so far and who your favorite character is or who you want more back story on. Your input and support make this worth doing.

I could feel the stone beneath my feet as I began to walk across the bridge. The unknown chakra I could feel was getting closer as well as the village. Once in the middle of the bridge, I could see two human figures standing at the end in front of the village. I could tell that the chakra I felt belonged to one of the figures, but I could not tell which one. I turned to tell the team what I could see, then I suddenly felt the presence of them even closer. As fast as I could, I turned around and saw them only feet away from us. Instantly, I could tell that they were more of the Cloud ninjas that we have been following. One of them had the Executioner's Blade that once belonged to The Demon Zabuza before the Great War. I knew that all the Mist Blades were fake but could still be used as regular swords without the infused chakra characteristics that make them unique. The other one had his headband covering their right eye.

"I take it that the two we left back didn't do their jobs," one said while laughing.

"Didn't have much faith in them anyway," the one with the sword added.

"What? You think you have a better chance?" Renki asked challenging them.

"Renki, calm down, we don't know what they are capable of right now," Kai said.

"Excited for a fight Leaf? Be careful what you ask for," the one with his eye covered spoke with excitement in his voice.

Before anyone could prepare, the same ninja clapped his hands unleashing a Wind Scythe jutsu that sent a razor-sharp gust of wind towards us. I quickly jumped in front of the squad and waived the signs for mud wall. The wall was up just in time to block the attack. I jumped back front the wall to prepare for an attack through the wall. When I jumped back, I realized Renki was gone. I kept my eyes forward waiting for another push from the Cloud while asking Kai if she sees Renki. I activated my Byakugan in order to find him. My eyes have almost no blind spots and I was able to find him quickly as well as the powerful unknown chakra I've been trying to find.

"Kai, he is below the bridge fighting with the Cloud with his eye covered," I yelled.

"I'm going down to help him. Bot stay with Nabushi and help anyway you can," she ordered while jumping off the bridge.

Once gone, a silence fell over the bridge. The anticipation of another attack was killing me. The swordsman was still out there but I couldn't sense him. Catching me off guard, he burst through my mud wall with sword in hand. I pulled my kunai just in time to block his first swing. The weight of his sword dropping me to one knee. Seeing a weakness in his stance I hit his front knee with an open palm hoping to dislocate it. Landing the hit, he jumped back allowing me to stand back up. Putting away my kunai, I rushed in before he could reset his stance but not before I heard him pop his knee back into place. My first attack landed but not on his hand holding his sword like I wanted but on his other hand. As I kept pushing my attack, every one of them was perfectly blocked by his sword. Quickly my offense turned into defense. The speed of his swings was unlike anything I've seen before. I had no time to counter strike. I only had time to block and protect myself.

I could see in his eyes that he felt like he was not going to be able to win up close with me. Pushing off with one more attack, he landed with his back almost touching the hole he made in my mud wall.

"You are good Hyuga. Exactly what I would expect from your clan," he said smirking.

He began waiving signs and then bit his thumb and used a summoning jutsu. A cloud of smoke appeared and as the smoke moved on it became clear what he had summoned. A giant tiger stood before me. I knew the Cloud had some interesting summons but never anything like this. I began to waive my own signs and used my own summoning. As my smoke faded the summon also became clear.

"Nice to see you again Nabushi, how can I help today," the stone golem spoke in a deep slow voice.

"Nice to see you too Fuji. I need help fighting another summon. Do you think you can handle it, or do you need my help?" I asked him.

"I can do this Nabushi. Are you ready?" Fuji replied to me.

I began to rush in again with Fuji running beside me. The Cloud swordsman released a Fireball jutsu that I dodged by sliding beneath it. While sliding I slid between the legs of the swordsman and was able to hit him in the back with a direct hit of chakra from my hand. Before he could turn, I kicked in the same knee I dislocated earlier. He dropped to his knee but was still able to block a punch aimed at his head. Before I could ready my stance, the whole bridge shook as Fuji slammed the tiger down on the bridge. The shaking caused me to fall. Seeing he had a chance, my enemy cast another Fireball jutsu hoping that this one would hit me. Luckily, Bot had been paying attention and created a beetle wall that absorbed the attack. I saw him behind me on the side of the bridge nearest the village. I signaled to keep the wall up as I stood myself up. I ran and burst through the beetle wall and threw needles at the Cloud's chakra points hoping to make him distracted by the needles and not able to block my Gentle Fist style. I found an opening and saw my opportunity.

I began to use 64 Palms hitting every chakra point in his body. After I finished my attack, I picked up the Executioner's Blade replica.

"This is for the innocent people you killed!" I yelled swinging the heavy sword and killing my enemy. After the Cloud ninja lay dead at my feet, I broke the replica sword and left it at his body.

"I see that you won your fight too Fuji," I said turning toward him. "Thank you for the help."

"Any time Nabushi," he said before disappearing back home in a cloud of smoke.

I walked over to Bot and he began putting beetles on my various cuts from the fight. We were having a conversation about what to do in the village when Kai and Renki showed back up.

"Nice to see you didn't die Renki," Bot said

"I told him about running off by himself and the possible consequences," Kai interjected.

Renki just stood there and let Bot check his wounds. After Kai finished letting Renki have a piece of her mind, I informed them that this village has a great inn and tea house and that we deserve some rest. Everyone agreed and we gathered ourselves after Bot was satisfied checking us over. We were heading toward much needed downtime. So many questions still needed answered in my mind. I decided that they could be answered after a good night's sleep.