
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 12: The Goblin leader is no more!

"Commander!" The last warrior alive yelled, watching as their leader was holding himself on his knees with his weight resting on the hilt of his sword.

"Y-You bastards can't win a fair fight..." The commander said to the Goblin leader, feeling it getting harder to catch his breath.

The Goblin leader was clearly furious about the whole situation, being made to look weak and as if he needed help to defeat the Kobolds leader. Something he was furious about.

Still, he turned his attention away from the wounded commander fixing it on the others, deciding to make an example of the situation.

"Chatwaku!" The Goblin said with a grin, waving his hand for them to come.

"He wants to fight us all one on one?" The warrior said, snarling through his teeth at the check of the Goblins gesture.

"Like you could!" He roared, charging head-on before Blake and the others could say anything.

"Come on! We can't just stand her like pups!" Nev also yelled, not having to tell Surge twice as he charged in too.

"Wait!" Blake yelled, knowing they stood no chance against this Goblin.

The Goblin leader watched as the warrior Kobold jumped into the air, spinning around and using his tail as a distraction before thrusting down with the tip of his sword.

However, the Goblin had seen through it, ducking under the tail and deflecting his thrust attack with his own sword, watching as the warrior landed back on the ground.

Nev suddenly charged in with his shield, ramming into the Goblin like a rhino, attempting to skewer him with his spear too. However, the Goblin planted its feet into the ground, stopping Nev in his tracks with nothing but brute force.

"N-No way..." Nev said, feeling that the Goblin was overpowering him, starting to push him back as resisted with all of his might.

"Duck!" Surge yelled out, getting Nev's attention.

Nev did as he asked, quickly dropping to his knees just before Surge leapt over him, smashing a powerful flying knee into the Goblin's face, knocking the creature back.

"Now die!" Surge yelled as he landed on the ground, pushing off with all of the force his powerful legs could muster, thrusting his sword toward the Goblin's chest with everything he had.

But, once again, the Goblin leader recovered and grasped Surge's wrist, stepping to the side of his attack and twisting Surge through the air with an impressive wrist throw.

Surge hit the ground hard and felt a boot connect with his stomach, sending him sliding along the ground like a ragdoll, knocking all of the air out of him.

Both Nev and the other warrior attacked at the same time, taking the opening they had to both thrust in with their weapons, going for a killing blow.

The Goblin leader had clearly grown tired of their games as it grabbed Nev's spear, pulling him around before smashing him into the other Kobold, causing the two of them to hit the ground together in a heap.

"He's too strong..." The warrior Kobold said as he tried to get up.

Nev did the same, only to have his back stepped on by the Goblin, who crushed him into the ground before punching the warrior in the face, knocking him down with a hard hit.

It's no use... This guy is way too strong for them. Blake thought as he watched the others get tossed around as if they were children.

I have no choice. Blake said as he opened his display screen, knowing it was finally time to use his ability points.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv12 (1480/1600Exp)

Health: 60/63

Stamina: 48/61

Mana: 57/57

Ability points: 11


Strength: 12

Agility: 12

Intelligence: 12

Unique Skill: Dragon belly.

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak. Claw attack. Punch combos. Kick combos. Block. Counter strike. Stab. Slash. Sword combos. Spear combos. pin-point shot. Rapid fire.

Blake immediately touched the display screen, allocating 8 points to his strength and the remaining 3 to his agility. He immediately felt an immense chance occur inside his body and sensed the rise in power flood into him.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv12 (1480/1600Exp)

Health: 100/103

Stamina: 88/101

Mana: 72/72

Ability points: 0


Strength: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 12

Unique Skill: Dragon belly.

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak. Claw attack. Punch combos. Kick combos. Block. Counter strike. Stab. Slash. Sword combos. Spear combos. pin-point shot. Rapid fire.

Blake's could feel his muscles growing and stitching themselves together, feeling the overwhelming strength and power flood into him as if a dam had just burst.

"ARGH!" The goblin leader stamped down on Nev's back once again while growling as it did. Nev shouted again, shirking in pain.

"You bastard." The Kobold warrior said, unable to do anything to help Nev from his back on the ground.


The Goblin turned around to see who darned call him, only to be met with a extremely powerful punch to his jaw.

Blake had moved so fast that he was able to close the distance in just a few seconds, smashing his right hand into the face of the Goblin, sending it soaring through the air before it crashed into his men, knocking them over from the force.

Surge and the other warrior were shocked to say the least. Nether of them had been able to scratch the Goblin, let alone land a perfect punch on its face and send it flying like a doll.

Blake hadn't realised just how much stronger he had become, not knowing that his punch would have been so effective.

Blake looked at both Surge and the Kobold warrior before he helped Nev up to his feet, checking all three of their stats out to compare them.

Name: Tir

Race: Kobold Lv11

Health: 45/55

Stamina: 35/48

Mana: 5/5


Strength: 11

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 4

Name: Surge

Race: Kobold Lv9

Health: 40/60

Stamina: 38/48

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 12

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 4

Name: Nev

Race: Kobold Lv9

Health: 32/55

Stamina: 34/50

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 11

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 4

Blake could see that their stats were very low compared to his own now, putting him on another level thanks to his system.

"No way... How did you do that?" Nev asked, not understanding why there was such a gap between them.

System, get a lock on that Goblins stats for me. Blake said in his mind before he looked at the others.

"Leave this guy to me." 

[Scan complete.] The system said after a moment.

Name: ???

Race: Goblin Lv14

Health: 42/80

Stamina: 38/60

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 15

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 4

Blake was surprised to see that his system had been able to get a read on the creature, considering that it was a higher level than him. Still, he could see that his abilities now far surpassed its own, meaning this fight was all but over.

The Goblin commander slowly picked itself up after taking Blake's punch. It could feel how strong he was and how much damage he had done to it.

"ARWKK!" It roared, letting off a powerful battle cry with everything it had.

[New quest. Defeat the Goblin leader. Reward. 1000EXP and 2 skill points.] The system suddenly said, offering Blake a bounty he could not refuse.

"Here it comes." Blake said, causing the others to take a step back with their weapons raised.

"Blake, come on, lets attack together!" Nev roared, wanting another crack at the Goblin.

"No. Its to strong for you, get back with the others." Blake said, causing Nev to bite his lip before he lowered his spear and took a step back like the others.

The Commander also watched from his position on the ground. The arrow he had been struck with had pierced one of his lungs, causing him a lot of pain. Still, he watched what was going on, surprised by the strength and power that Blake was now displaying.

The Goblin leader charged in head on with his sword raised. It was the first time it had attacked all out, not even going as hard when it had been fighting the commander.

Blake raised his own sword, parrying its attack with ease, clearly being much stronger than it.

Damn... If I had known how easy using my ability points would have made things, I would have used them a lot sooner. Blake said to himself, ducking under another attack before he hooked the Goblins foot with his tail, tripping it to the ground and humiliating it in front of its men for the second time.

The Goblin roared as it slashed in a wild frenzy, standing back up to its feet in order to try and hit Blake with everything it had.

"I think that's enough of these games!" Blake yelled as he blocked its attacks, sliding his own sword down the Goblins, causing sparks to fly from both of the blade.

Blake disarmed the goblin by flicking his wrist while simultaneously looping his arm at the same time, slicing the inside of its thigh and causing it to fall to its knees at the mercy of Blake's blade. Blake then snatched the goblins sword out of the air and pressed both blades against the creature's throat in an X shape.

Everyone watched in amazement as Blake showcased his incredible skills, doing what not even the commander could as he now had the Goblin leader begging for mercy.

"Game over." Blake said as he flexed both of his arms and severed the goblin's head, spilling blood into the air and over the dungeon floor.

All of the other Goblins were still for only a moment as they watched their leaders execution. However, the penny soon dropped that none of them stood a chance against Blake, with fear setting in before they turned and ran for their lives.

"He did it..." The, Tir said, amazed by what he had just witnessed.

Nev and Surge both watched their rival standing over the Goblin's lifeless body. An adversary who had left them both feeling unworthy once more. They were weak and undeserving of living. However, Blake, who had undergone the same training as them every day, was able to kill the monster with ease, demonstrating to them just how much stronger he was.

[Quest complete. Kill the Goblin leader.]

[Quest complete. Defeat the Goblin horde.]

[Quest complete. Save Nev and the others.]

[Quest complete. Complete warrior training.]

Blake could see the notification pinging off in the corner of his vison, deciding to ignore it for the time being as he turned around to face Nev and the others.

No one said anything for a moment until Nev finally found the courage to speak.

"Where the fuck did that come from!" He yelled.

"You're telling me you could have done that from the start and let that guy stomp the shit out of my back anyway!" He yelled, causing Blake to rub the back of his head with a sheepish smirk.

"Please, Nev its not like that." He tried to say.

Surge wasn't happy either, having to watch his power eclipse his own once again. Having trained harder and harder, only to be made a fool of again.

"Enough." The commander suddenly said through a gasp of pain.

"Sir." Tir, the warrior said as he rushed over to him.

"Pull this darn arrow out of me will you!" The commander said, getting a nod from Surge who grabbed the arrow and yanked it out.

"Bastard!" The commander yelled out, spitting up some blood before he was able to take a deep breathe once more.

"It doesn't matter how, all that matter is that we are all alive thanks to Drak here." The commander then said, causing the others to remain quiet.

The commander slowly stood back up with the help of Tir, being able to breathe again at last. Doing so before he took a good look at Blake, causing his eyes to widen and alert the others.

"Dark... Your back. Are... Are those wings?"