
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 1: How to all began...

"Charge in, don't let the goblins gain any ground!" The Kobold captain yelled, commanding the others to attack.

A group of Kobolds (A kobold was a reptilian humanoid, standing between 2 and 2.5 feet in height. Found inside dungeons and dark caves in RPGs.) Charged in toward a group of goblins, engaging in a fierce battle between both groups.

As spears and rusty swords clashed, the sounds of war resounded throughout the dungeon's corridors. The air was heavy with the stench of blood, and the cries of those who had been butchered went unheard.

How did I find myself in the middle of all of this you ask? Well, that's an excellent question, and one I would love to answer just as soon as I finish my business here.

"Die, you goblin scum!" Blake screamed as he pierced one of the goblins' chests with his spear. As the spear's point protruded from the creature's back, his system flashed the EXP he had earned for killing it.

As I was trying to say... I find myself in a dungeon I now call home, living in a tribe of Kobolds from a fantasy game that has somehow become my life.

I know it's hard to understand, I'm still coming to grips with it myself, but how about I start at the beginning to make things a little easier?

I was a normal human guy like any other, simply making my way through life while playing video games on the side to keep my pathetic existence somewhat exciting. One game, in particular, allowed me to escape the confines of reality and live life however I saw fit.

I could play as a backstabbing rouge, or a powerful mage unbound by the laws of physics! There were no limits as to what you could be.

Then one day, BANG! Hit by a stupid truck... I know, cliché right?

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, but that is how all isekai stories start... Yeah I know, but I don't make the rules ok.

Now, as I was saying... Allow me to continue telling you what happened after that.

"W-Where am I?" Blake asked, feeling as if he was floating.

"Welcome, Blake Marshall." A robotic voice said getting his attention.

"Who is that?" Blake asked, opening his eyes trying to see where he was.

Everything was dark, so dark that he was unable to see anything at all as if light itself did not exist.

"I am the system. I have been tasked with giving you a fresh start in a new world due to your unfortunate accident." The voice said after a moment.

"Accident?" Blake asked.

"That is correct."

Blake tried his best to remember, feeling the small fragmented memories jumping around in his skull.

"Did I die?" Blake asked sounding rather calm.


"Ah... Well, that sucks." Blake said not feeling anything.

"However, your death was not planned. Due to this mistake, you are being granted another chance." The system said.

"What, like a reincarnation?" Blake asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Well, it's not like I had anything going for me anyway," Blake said, still not seeming to care.

"A world similar to the one you called Dungeon Fantasy Online has been selected. Given the amount of time you spent pretending to live inside of it rather than your real world." The system said.

Suddenly a list appeared before Blake like a large touch screen giving him a bunch of options.

"It's like a game..." Blake said taking a look at the screen.

"Correct. This method has been determined to be the best way to allow you to choose your new start in life."

Blake could see all sorts of races from humans, elves, dwarfs, beast folk, and monster races.

"Wow... You really went overboard on the character creation." Blake said, becoming more and more interested as he studied all of the options.

"Please take your time. However, if you struggle you can also select the random option." The system said.

Blake certainly did take his time, treating it like a new video game and as always he spent hours just creating his own character, going way to in-depth trying to make it perfect and give him the best options possible.

However, since time was irrelevant to him now that he was dead, he figured he could take his time without any problem.

"Done!" Blake said in excitement, taking one final look at the options he had selected.

Blake had selected to be reborn as a high Elf with a powerful affinity for magic, also choosing a powerful ability that would allow his mana to regenerate from the feats list.

Blake had studied many of the options seeing that he had two points to spend, however, some abilities were broken and took up both points while others only cost one meaning he could have two weaker ones, such as increased magical affinity and increased mana. Or he could have one powerful ability like mana regeneration and never run out of magic.

"This has to be my finest work ever," Blake said to himself, taking a look at the avatar he had created, a strapping rather drop-dead handsome high Elf, with long blond locks and blue eyes.

The system had let him customize everything, from height, gender, looks nose shape, you name it, this thing had it.

"Are you done?" The system asked, giving Blake a moment to think about it.

"Hold on, let me just take another look at my ability points," Blake said, swiping back to the ability page, and double-checking what he had selected, having had another idea.

"Ok... Now I'm done." Blake said as he clicked the ok button, watching as the screen flashed.

"So be it. You will now be transported to your new world." The system said.

Blake watched as the screen flashed, watching his avatar suddenly change, turning into a small lizard-like monster.

"W-What the?" Blake said, not sure what was going on.

"W-Wait a second, I didn't choose that!" Blake said, realizing he must have pressed the randomize button before he said okay.

"Good luck in your new life." The system said, taking away the display screen and causing everything to go dark again.

"No! Wait! I made a mistake!" Blake yelled, watching as everything went dark, knowing that it was too late now as Blake was sucked through a black hole, feeling his body become twisted and stretched.



"Oh my... This one sure has a set of lungs on it." A strange voice said, catching Blake's attention through his yelling.

Blake opened his eyes, giving them some time to adjust to the light before he was able to take in his surroundings.

"There we go, better?" Another voice asked as Blake felt himself get picked up and placed down on the ground.

Blake took a good look around, seeing a small Kobold monster standing in front of him.

Blake recognised what it was, knowing it was a low-level monster from his favourite game before he looked around, seeing he was inside some sort of play ring for kids, sitting in the dirt.

"There, now go and play with the others." The older Kobold said before walking off, leaving Blake alone.

Please don't tell me I'm a kid! Blake thought to himself, getting a better look around and seeing other small Kobolds crawling around him.

"Oh fuck no! I didn't choose this, this is bullshit!" Blake yelled, but only small squeaking noises came out of his mouth.

Blake took a look at his small hands seeing they were red and scaly, only having three fingers on each hand rather than four, complete with large black claws for nails.

"No. No. No, and No!" Blake yelled again.

"Fuck your system! This is bullshit!" He squawked, rolling on his back as he kicked his small legs around, making it look like he was having a tantrum.

[System boot up... One moment please.] A voice suddenly said inside of his head, causing him to stop his childish antiques.

"System what?" Blake asked, not sure if he was really losing it now.

[Reboot complete.] The voice said again, getting Blake's attention.

"What in the hell is going on?" Blake asked, watching as another of the small Kobolds crawled over to him.

"What you looking at you ugly fuck? Piss off!" Blake yelled, pushing the Kobold away, causing it to cry and squawk.

[Welcome to your new life Blake. I am called the system. I am one of the feats you selected by random to help you in this new world.] A robotic voice said.

Blake listened to what it had to say before responding.

"Random, fuck me I did press it." He said to himself while slapping himself in the face.

"System, explain what's going on here will you?" Blake asked, wondering what its limitations were.

[Certainly. You have been reincarnated as a Kobold.] The system said.

"No shit..." Blake said, remembering seeing this one in the feat drop-down selection.

"Is that it?" Blake asked.

[What else would you like to know?] The system asked.

"I want to know everything you can tell me," Blake said, seeing that he had plenty of time to kill now.

[Very well. I will do my best to explain."] The system said, making it sound like it was about to start telling him his life story or some shit.

"Yeah, whatever, just make it snappy," Blake said, watching as the same kid Kobold came over to bother him again, giving him a funny look.

"This is going to be one hell of a long day... I can just tell."