

Red and the holy woman of the Radiant Sect continued onward, but their progress was slowing. At first they were able to cover a few hundred kilometers a day, but eventually they were covering only hundred kilometers a day.

The two had come across very dangerous Zergs in the past few days. Red had finally managed to reach Blood Condensation realm of the Bloodline art. His stamina, physique and strength had all increased rapidly. The new realm had allowed them to compete with Zergs equivalent to Core formation realm.

The worst Zergs were ones like dragonflies. They weren't too strong, but they could fly and became a perennial headache to the two. Here the young woman showed her ability as an archer. She could condense light rays like an arrow and shoot them to take down the dragonflies.

Today was the worst day. They had somehow managed to come in the area of influence of a powerful caterpillar like zerg that could spew out a thread that would stick to anything and solidify wherever it went. The caterpillar like Zerg kept following the two like a leech as they desperately fought their way through swarms of weaker zergs. This caterpillar like zerg was at the peak of core formation and Red didn't think he could take it down easily without risking his life and so the two continued to try and escape.

Unfortunately the Zerg continued to follow them for three days. The young woman was exhausted and couldn't run anymore at this speed. So Red decided to face the Zerg.

When the Zerg arrived in front of the two, they split on opposite sides of the caterpillar, but the Zerg was only focused on Red with rage in its eyes. Red wondered why it was so angry at him.

Nonetheless, Red didn't waver and used his most powerful punches and kicks in the Fundamental Combat Techniques to deal damage to the caterpillar, but the caterpillar was unfazed. Red did not give up and continued to punch the Caterpillar with a hidden Yin component that slowly permeated it's body.

However, Yin punches caused internal damages to the person using it, especially because Red was using a very level punch at a low cultivation level. The rebound from the punches injured Red's internal organs and he started bleeding from his lips. The young woman was attacking with all her might as well, however, her damage was not that high, especially against a peak core formation bug.

Red made one final dash and put his all in a powerful punch that sent a vibrating force pulsating through the Caterpillar and as if it were all planned, The energies finally resonated within its body and the Caterpillar Zerg exploded. However, Red was equally hurt by the rebound and his internal organs were damaged and he vomited a lot of black colored blood.

When the young woman saw that she was shocked. All she had seen was the mysterious man comfortably handle the caterpillar, but his attacks were having no effect. Then suddenly, the caterpillar zerg exploded and Red was heavily injured as well.

Red suddenly discovered a new use of the Bloodline Art as it automatically ran through his blood and began repairing his body's internal damage, but it would take at least a couple of days. Slowly walking towards the caterpillar, Red swiped some of the Zerg's meat. "Let's go." He beckoned.

The young woman looked at Red. "You're injured." Red nodded. "Let's find a safe place to rest, it'll take me a couple of days to heal." His face was pale, but he was still able to walk.

They eventually found a place, but Red wasn't able to climb to the cliff with his injuries, and so the young woman had to lift him on her back.

On the cliff, Red took out his barbeque device and began to roast the caterpillar Zerg's meat. He was curious how this caterpillar Zerg would taste and he also hoped that eating it would help him heal quicker if he ate it.

When he tasted it, he was surprised because it was filled with a lot of energy which transformed and absorbed into his qi lake by the Profound Asura Scripture. "Try some, it's good." Red said. The young woman nodded and digged in.

"It's good!" She became cheerful after having the meat of the Zerg. "Try this one, I added some condiments." Red gave her a stick of the meat and she gobbled it up.

Red laughed. This girl tried to portray a very cold appearance, but still was a child when it came to food.

Luckily, after that caterpillar the Zergs had left the two of them alone. Red had been trying to contact Shuli, but as always, there wasn't any network to connect to the internet.

"Are you worried about that friend of yours?" The young woman asked. Red nodded. "I am indeed. I hope that your Radiant Sect young master's group and my friend are together. That would help in ensuring her safety."

"Why do you care so much about her? Is she your girlfriend?" The young woman suddenly asked. Red had a weird look on his face, as this young woman hadn't asked him anything so personal earlier. When the young woman saw that she got embarrassed and apologized. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

Red laughed. "No, its alright. She isn't my girlfriend, but she is in this dangerous situation because of me. So I feel responsible for her safety."

"How are you responsible for this situation?" She asked Red. Red then remembered the old beggar and a flash of anger passed through his mind. "I encouraged her to join me, since she didn't have anywhere to go." The young woman didn't quite understand what he said and thought he was referencing something personal.

Red looked at the young woman and thought of something. "Aren't you worried about Young Master Lu? After all he is your junior sect leader?"

When the young woman heard that, she frowned. "That man...I was bethrowed to him when I was a child. He is my fiance and I don't even know him. But the more time I spent with him, the more I dislike him. Being a holy child, my world is tied down by responsibilities that I do not want."

Red heard that and was stunned. No wonder she seemed so cold towards the Young Master Lu at the Oasis. "Well, I believe we all choose our own destiny. If you don't like being bound, don't be. If you want to be free, you have to take the first step and assert your beliefs."

The young woman rolled her eyes. "Being free would mean rebelling against the entire Radiant Sect. You think that is feasible?"

Red smiled. "As cultivators don't we go against the heavens itself? If you can dare to challenge the heavens why are you afraid of a mere mortal sect?"