
knight of nothing

how would you fair in a world of magic if you had none

mystery_7274 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

stuff explained

a couple hours later reinforcements came "what's the situation here" king henry asked "sir we have caught a devil and need it to be properly restrained for experiments" Amy explained " how did you get alive devil restrained " the king asked "Arthur probably did it" captain winters butted in "wait if you're here then why is the king" scarlet asked " we were going to scout more when we got your letter" the king responded .

" so where is this Arthur " " still inside the dungeon " " alone then go help him" the king said " we can't the dungeon cancels magic and sense Arthur doesn't have magic it doesn't effect him" they explained " no magic I thought I've heard it all" the king says "

any way set up camp over there I need to see the man that capture a devil without magic" the king ordered Amy and scarlet explained what happened so far couple hours later Arthur walked out with the devils bodies again and was greeted by captain winters "hey there he is come on come take a seat" Arthur threw devils on the ground "didn't know you came back" " yeah we were and another scouting when we got the message" they walked to a table with Amy ,scarlet and henry.

" ah you must be Arthur I'm king henry " Arthur took off his helmet and shook his hand " so what is a king doing here" Arthur asked " well a king is a higher rank in combat than captain they also have political influence" henry explained " well it too crowded here I'm not used to a lot of people around here lets go back to my place" Athur said getting up.

" Alright that's better than to talk about Confidential things in the open you three stay here and test on the dungeon" henry told the rest and walked with Arthur to his house they went inside Arthur put up his armor and served some tea " alright you said something about some confidential things" " ah right well I wanted to ask you come to the capital and train people in close combat, there have been more appearances in monsters highly resistant to magic strong monsters too " " I refuse if I leave the devils will get out of the dungeon and wreak havoc although if you start building towns here I'll train your people and make gear for them as long as they help make their own gear and I'll train them how to do it too" "Mmm that's tempting but I can't do anything until we scout this area" " I'll let you have free access to the dungeons around here but if you put a tax on them I want 5% percent I don't need a lot of money and I'll give you a map of the area and a list of monsters in each dungeon " " you got a deal" henry said stilling out his hand Athur got up and shook his hand and got the stuff " here is the map and list of monsters and dungeons and once you get the first town built I'll starting them" Arthur said " your and easy man to negotiate with Mr. Arthur, we'll be back in a couple of weeks to start building ,pleasure doing business with you" henry said walking out the door.

" alright I guess I should start gathering resources it sounds like I'll be busy for a while" Arthur thought for the next week Arthur then to get metal and devils he had to chop some trees to make new store houses you could see his house now though all the trees and he also worked on Scarlets armor and others to show the trainees how to make armor and weapons. Two weeks later the contractors and henry, winters, ria, jake , Amy and scarlet came to work on the new town.

They went to see Arthur while the contractors started to build they heard the thudding of his hammer in the forest when they saw his house it had more area than before and five new store houses Arthur looked up and saw them " ah your finally here come on in and have a seat " Arthur took them inside and served them some tea " so how have you guys been" Arthur asked " "we've been pretty good but the higher ups have been annoying trying to get this done faster" they all sighed " I know you said the first town was made but the higher ups want people trained right away and they sent us to be the first ones" henry apologized.

" nah that's fine as long as there is a place you can stay I'll train you now" " really" they got excited "alright calm down the contractors should be done with a couple buildings at the end of the day " henry explained " alright well you guys walked awhile so rest and take a look around I have to go to the dungeon " Arthur said getting up and putting on his armor and walking out " I wonder how exhausting it is to fight every ten hours "Amy said getting up and walked to the forge ,everyone followed they saw a rack of weapons "hey those are from the blueprints he showed me earlier "scarlet said while taking the claws off the wall " hey he can make light things for once" jake said picking up a sword Amy was drawn to the store houses each one had something different armor, metal ,weapons , devils blood and jewels.

after everyone was satisfied with what they saw they went inside and fell asleep. Hours later Arthur came back to everyone asleep he put his armor up and went back to work. Hours later scarlet was the first to wake she heard the rhythmic thudding of his hammer she went out and said hello " ah your finally awake I got your armor finished " Arthur said getting up and bringing her armor " really that's great" scarlet said excitedly it looked like Arthurs but it was smaller and had shields on both arms and claws the helmet were on the horns top where Arthurs horns came out of the front and curves up. She up it on.

" hey it's a perfect fit " scarlet said snuggly " that's great lets get everyone else up its time for your first lesson" Arthur said opening the door "alright everyone up and Atems time for your first lesson " Arthur banged to swords together and giving each person armor and a weapon. They meet in the open field.

" alright first things first this is close combat so don't expect your opponent to wait for you to cast a spell. Second if you know your getting in close combat enhance your physical abilities with magic unless you can move comfortably without it. third I'm not telling you not to use magic if you can cast while holding a weapon go ahead just make sure you can protect while your casting. Todays lesson accuracy if you have a sharp weapon you'll go for stomach ,chest and throat. blunt weapon holders you'll go for legs , arms and head for now you'll practice on these wooden targets if I feel like you have progressed you'll spare against me if you beat me you'll fight actual monsters do you understand" Arthur yelled the instructions "sir yes sir" they yelled in unison .

Three months later they learned and practiced all that Arthur taught them and were finally to take on Arthur. " A time long ago before the legends of the devils there lived a group of people called knights and these knights used magic and swords to fight monsters, and there was one person in that group that was more skilled than the rest. But one day a legion of devils were wreaking havoc and the knights were sent in to deal with them the and the carnage was vast, and after everything was said and done there remained one person on the battlefield the most skilled knight stood in a wave of bodies of knights and devils, the last knight went back home at first everyone felt sorry for him sense the knights were one big family, but the years passed and everyone shunned him calling him the "knight of nothing"

except one girl that eventually became his wife. They lived happily and had a child, but this child had no magic but had tremendous physical strength, but after hearing that her son would have a much shorter lifespan than them devastated her. Sense people with magic lived for 200 years she wanted to spend that time with her son, so she went looking for someone that could cast a spell to make her son live as long as them. She eventually found a witch that could cast the spell but there is a side affect, she didn't care as long as she could spend time with her son . The witch taught her the spell and she went back to her son and put it on him and they lived a happy life and the father taught his magicless son all he could .

But one day his mother and father died before they passed they left a note saying " dear Arthur we leave you everything we know you'll have a great life sighed mother and father. Arthur started to look at all of the notes and research paper his parents took he found the spell cast on him on saw the side affect "makes subject live four times as long" Arthur was surprised that he would live for 800 years but there was a second side affect that his mom didn't know and It was that it made him see stuff in slow motion. combined with his physical strength he could block anything that was in front of him, but he was still susceptible to attacks from behind he went and read every magic spell there was so he could dodge it . As the years passed the people that knew his parents died and people started shunning him, so he left taking the notes and armor with him and went to a uncharted land and made a house in the woods.

he went to map the surrounding land that he now resides in on his travels he came across a dungeon near his home he went inside to list the monsters but was attacked from behind and then in the front tearing though his leather armor he focused and saw a shadowy outline of the figure that attacked him it was running toward him for another attack he saw and dodged and put the creature in a choke hold and suffocated it he brought the body back to his house for experiments. Went he put it on the table he thought it looked familiar he looked though his fathers notes and found it "devil, extremely quick is pitch black has spikes on its body and is naturally silent" he found a dungeon with devils, a monster that is dying out he continued looking at its body he found an unusual shiny mineral he tried a lot of different things he got fed up with it and threw it in a fire and went to get more test subjects when he came back hours later to the fire there was a puddle of shiny liquid he tried things with that and found it was mailable when it was hot enough he made things with it eventually making his armor and weapons and forge he continued to train and called his fighting style after his fathers old name " knight of nothing" he thought it fit sense he was now alone."

" who's up first" Athur asked putting on his armor " I 'am" henry said walking up " we've been training for three months now and the town is almost finished and people will start moving in and you'll be teaching more" henry said while getting ready " then lets hope I'll have six people to help me teach " Athur said getting in a battle stance " also magic is allowed in this fight" Arthur told everyone " alright lets see what you've learned" "and lets see how strong you are" the started by looking at each other's movements henry was the first to move he accelerated his movements with magic and got behind Arthur but Arthur followed his movements and blocked his attack this time Arthur charged him faster than henry moved he tackled henry into a tree Arthur backed off to let henry stand up " first never assume your target is slow because he is big" Arthur said waiting Henry to get up " noted never underestimate for opponents moves got it " henry said getting up with blood dripping from his head and arm he quickly cast a healing spell and got ready again henry casted a fire spell that covered his vison Arthur threw a spear while he was casting the spell leaving a deep cut on his face leaving a scar " second always have a view of your opponent" Arthur yelled at henry and observers everyone took notes on the mock battle henry attacked while Arthur he was talking struck him on the chest " Hmm well done number three attack your opponent while he or she or it is distracted but if you do make sure you hurt him" Arthur looked at henry's hands they were bloodied just from the shock of his sword hitting Arthur's armor " alright henry you pass go home and rest " thanks " henry said getting up and walking wobbly to his house. The rest passed but had to take a couple days to rest after that beating.