
knight of nothing

how would you fair in a world of magic if you had none

mystery_7274 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

knight of nothing

Chapter 1

In a world full of magic there lives a lonely blacksmith that can't use magic but has tremendous physical capabilities. In this world metalworking or blacksmithing wasn't really a thing sense everyone had magic there was no need for metal they reinforced everything with magic. The blacksmith lived peacefully he traveled far away because he felt out of place being surrounded by people with magic when he had none it was nice a place to work on his crafts without interruption he had a dungeon near by to restock materials he had a garden and went hunting. But he was lonely having no one to talk too.

until one day "hey we found a dungeon but what is all of these structures near it" the scouting party gathered to look at the wooden structures and Luminescent things hanging from them " hey do you hear that" they stopped on listened they heard heavy clanking in the dungeon getting close to the door " everyone hide we haven't been this far out we don't know how monsters react in dungeons out here" the squad leader said quietly and moved away and hid. "What came out of the door was a huge man in some type of armor it was all black and its left arm was flat and on its back it had long spikes pointing up and its head had two horns and a lined face its right arm was holding a sword and on its knuckles were three long spikes" " do you know where it was going" the camp leader asked " no it was walking in to the woods near by all of were terrified and frozen in fear we could start to move after it vanished in the darkness" "all right we'll go back tomorrow I'll go with you dismissed" the camp leader said getting up to gather his equipment.

" yes sir" the scout leader said walking out of the tent " what is this monster we haven't heard of descriptions before in the capital dungeons should I ask for back up no we'll be fine Ria come here" the camp leader yelled "yes sir jake" ria said politely " tomorrow your coming with us to the dungeon" "why sir its just another job" ria questioned " I'm scared this description is nothing like the monsters in the dungeon back of the capital" jake said openly giving her the description ria started shaking "it looks like a devil sir " ria saying as tears stream down hear face " devil ?!" jake turned suddenly looking terrified " alright we'll approach this quietly and only follow" jake reassuring her and hugging her " get some rest we'll need it" jake said " alright" ria said walking out of the tent. The next day "we've arrived sir " the scout said " alright we wait here till it walks out"

a couple hours later they here heavy clanking inside the dungeon they we're getting nervous then they saw it ria gasped jake quickly covered her mouth "it definitely looks like a devil but something seems different I sense any magic from it" jake said quietly " lets follow it " jake said ria agreed reluctantly. They followed it into a forest and to a house it entered the house, they looked though the window they saw it take off its helmet ria screamed and fainted " shit why now ria "jake said ,the man put on his helmet and quickly checked the door and saw jake and ria outside " uh do you mind helping my comrade for a minute "jake asked shyly the man picked her up and brought her inside and put her on the couch.

" uh if you don't mind me asking what are you doing out here" jake asked " I live out here " responded the man " alone why" " I have no magic so I moved far away from people" the man said taking of his armor " no magic how can that be everything has magic " " yeah but I don't so I blacksmith to pass the time" " blacksmith what's that " jake asked curiously " ah yes I Rember the capital doesn't have metal blacksmithing is the work of forming metal" " then what is metal" "this is metal" the man picking up his helmet and giving it to jake " ugh damn that's heavy you walk in this" jake exclaimed " not just walk but fight sense I have no magic it has to be heavy " " how do you move in that " "well you see I think I got strength instead of magic so I can wear heavy things ".

" that makes sense somewhat what else can you make with this metal" " a lot of things if you can think of it " " like a gift " " yes what do you have in mind " " well I want to get my wife something pretty but I don't know what " how about a ring" "ring? " " a small piece of metal that goes on your finger" " that sounds interesting can you make one " " yes come over here and I'll show you the process " jake got up and followed " wait I haven't asked for your name I'm jake " " I'm Arthur " they shook hands and continued they entered the forge " damn its hot " jake said casting an air spell around him " is it I'm used to it " Arthur chuckled " you're impressive " jake said " thank you" Arthur said heating up the metal "this is going to be loud you can wait inside with your friend its going to take a while " Athur warned jake. Jake went inside and fell asleep next to ria listening to the rhythmic thudding of the hammer.

When they awoke Arthur was still in the forge " is he still making them " jake yawned " uh jake where are we " ria asked " it the house of the person we were following" " you mean that thing that took its head off" ria screamed " no calm down I'll explain" so jake explained everything Arthur walked in after everything holding his spears " uh what's that " jake asked " this is a weapon called a spear I use and that's what is on the back of my armor" he said putting it in the back of the armor .

" so your not a devil " ria asked " no I'm not a devil but I know the legends so I modeled it after that" " but why " " well I live here alone and the intimidating factor helps for not having magic" "so its true you don't have magic jake told me but I didn't believe it" " understandable any way who's hungry" " now that you mention it we are hungry " they said together " then follow me " Arthur said and they walked to the forge where Arthur was draining his kill " take a look while I make breakfast " Arthur gestured at the stuff on the table " what is this stuff " they asked stuff I made while you two were asleep there's armor, rings, utensils , bracelets" " armor its not as heavy as yours right " "no I made it for you two sense you just wear leather more protection should be nice" ria gasped at the beautiful shiny rings and bracelets " what are these " ria exclaimed ".

rings and bracelets I made them for jake for his wife but I made more rings go on your finger and bracelets go on your wrist if its to big I'm sure you can use a spell on them to make it tighter" Arthur explained " what are these utensils" "the same as the wooden ones but more durable" at the end of breakfast the heard a search party for jake and ria " hey that's captain winters " " alright you to get back to your families take the stuff as souvenirs " Arthur said cleaning up " what we can't leave you here" they said in unison the commotion brought the search party to them " jake ria " captain winters cried holding them in his arms " your safe they said you were gone for two days and i thought I lost my friends".

"we were following Arthur here because we saw him walking out of the dungeon in armor and looked like a monster " " he doesn't look like a monster " winters said " well I have to do the dungeon clearing again those bastards resurrect fast and they will flood the surrounding area you can stay here and look around , leave or join me up to you I'll be gone for a few hours" he went to put on his armor " captain we can't leave him here alone again look at the stuff he can make" they said trying to convince winters "well is he good at magic " winters asked "nope got no magic " Arthur walked out putting on his helmet " ah that's what you mean by monster ".

winters said shaking " wait no magic and you're going to a dungeon" they yelled " if your so worried then come along " Arthur said walking out of the forest the rest quickly followed "here" "what's this " a list of monsters and a map of the dungeon" Arthur said " these look pretty normal wait is this a mistake" winters whimpered " what is " " well it just says devils on here that's a mistake right" everyone was shocked in fear "nope that's why they resurrect so fast.

" Arthur said walking in to the dungeon everyone was shocked jake ria and winters shook it off and went in after him " he's fucking insane beating a devil without magic is impossible it took three captains just to beat one " they yelled in unison "your to loud" Arthur said behind them "dah! the fuck what's wrong with you " they yelled in unison " its not my fault you walked past a devil if you killed it I would still be Infront of you see " Arthur held up a devil corpse scaring them again " how did you kill it" " I stabbed it "Arthur dropped it and counited " alright can you bring the rest of the devil corpses out after your done" winters asked " yeah sure " Arthur said disappearing in the darkness "you two I have a plan for Arthur to come with us " winter whispered " alright lets hear it " they said.

if you like this small piece of what i wrote leave me some feedback on where you think this could go and i'll try to incorroperate it in the later chapters

mystery_7274creators' thoughts