
12: "Kitty rose has left the stage!"

Lance's POV:

Finally, Lance made it to the last period. But he had to pee. Really really badly. So, ten minutes in he raised his hand. "Yes, Mr. McLain?" Asked the teacher, holding the side of her head with one hand. "Can I use the bathroom?" The teacher nodded, and off he went, down the halls. He made it to the urinal and used it. Then, he zipped his pants up, and looked at himself in the mirror while washing his hands. Only to find Keith waiting behind him. He nearly jumped out of his pants. "What are you doing here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Keith glared at him, as if the answer should be obvious.

Keith's POV:

Keith wondered how he had run into Lance in the bathroom. The chances of that were extremely low. And he almost laughed when Lance jumped don't his pants after finding Keith there behind him. "What are you doing here?" Lance asked stupidly. Keith glared at him for a minute. "I'm here because I want to get lost in the desert, Lance-what do you think I'm doing in a restroom?" Lance smirked, and dried his hands, saying, "Oh, so you came here to rest?" Keith rolled his eyes, and washed his hands, then went to dry them. But Lance blocked his way, staring into his eyes, boring a hole in his skull. "Um, can I grab...some..." He trailed off, staring into those big, blue orbs deeply. Lance stared back. Then, he leaned in. Keith's breath hitched, and his body froze, even though he wanted to move, wanted to run and get away from there. But it was too late. Their lips met in the middle, and they shared a kiss, a warm, passionate one.