
Kite: saga of Galaxy eyes

Kite is trapped in a far future of the original yugioh setting. -The picture is from Zerochan anime image board mobile

Daoist04UQZc · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

"Lets Duel"

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!"

The shout was followed by the roar of pyrotechnics as lights threw themselves around the arena which looked as if a futuristic coliseum with neon lights vibrating across the ground of the arena and running up the walls into the crowd like some electric tendril. The announcer (who's clothes two had lines of neon light pulsing through it) stood in the centre of the arena on a platform which had been raised from the ground. He holds the mike to his face before near screaming into it.

"Is everybody readddyyyyyy!"

A scream erupted from the audience, filled with cheers and whistles as the lights began to dance even more frantically before stopping completely, even the neon LED's slowed and dimmed.

"Our first competitor is a fan favourite" The commentator looked towards a patch of ground which had just been illuminated "From the south of Japan comes the avatar of destruction, the king of devastation, ladies and gentlemen give a scream for our reigning champion.... Tsaki Uletako!!!!"

The patch of ground of which the lights had concentrated on opened lifting a second platform out of the ground, the lights went berserk glowing: green, red, blue. Flashing and blaring as the duellist was revealed.

"50 duels, 50 wins, 32 perfect victories this is who you were waiting for."

He smirked as the commentator continued to sing his praises. Tsaki was tall and dark haired, unusually his hair was only one colour thou it was a complex style featuring pointed cut ends and bangs that cover his right eye paired with a signature cocky grin equipped with his duel disk and a set of black-leather half cut gloves. He strode while smiling and waving to fans and cameras alike before the lights darkened again and focused on another point to which Tsaki simply grimaced.

"Next up is the challenger....heralding from Korea 45 duels, 40 victories, 22 perfect victories can they defeat our champion!" The commentator laughed as the stadium erupted into equal screams for the two "Welcome to the stage, Haneul!"

Again the lights twist and dance before the platform opens revealing another young duellist. He is shorter then Tsaki but by no means short, his duel disk is white contrasting the light green jacket he wore beneath it. Haneul tied up his white hair behind his head as he walked forward, a serious unrelenting look on his face.

"Just like his name sake his deck is rooted in the heavens his wind monsters driving up a storm at last months qualifier, will Haneul be the one to finally defeat Tsaki. The son of the wind versus the god of destruction, I guess there is only one thing left to say-"

The lights filled the entire arena and the LED's raged with a rainbow of colour, the two duellists breathed in before them famous words were uttered.

"Lets Duel!"

(LP: Tsaki 4,000 / Haneul 4,000)

(Cards in hand: Tsaki 5 / Haneul 5)

"I'll start off easy" Tsaki declared "I'll place one monster in face down defence mode and end my turn" A large image of the card appeared reverse side up. Tsaki smiled, it was not returned.

"I draw, and I think I'll copy you playing one card in face down defence mode and ending my turn" The commentator who was now stood out of the way of the duel frowned as did part of the audience, these two had never played so slowly.

"Nice to see you know what your doing, I draw"

Tsaki flipped up the face down monster revealing a monster made of wood with a face of rage drawn upon it.

"I reveal Senju of the thousand hands, and with it I add a ritual spell from my deck to my hand"

Tsaki takes the card from his deck and shows it to Haneul and the audience.

"And why wait, I activate the spell cycle of the world" I orange pentagon was drawn below Senju who's face dropped in fear as he cracked into pieces screaming in pain forming into 4 glowing orbs which glowed brightly before transforming into rings stacking together exploding into a flash of light "Behold the herald of the queen, Ruin Angel of oblivion!"

"A level 4 ritual monster?" Haneul looked a little disappointed at Tsaki who simply smirked.

"Ruin, render his monster obliterated." Ruin raised her staff as a beam of light shattered the face down monster a shockwave emanating around the arena.

"Well I'd be worried if the monster you destroyed wasn't the hope of Gusto, kamui"

Tsaki winced as a tall man appeared in the place of the monster her destroyed.

"Since she flipped before being destroyed she allows me to summon one Gusto monster from my deck and I chose Windaar sage of Gusto a monster with 2,000 attack points."

Tsaki, slightly saddened he couldn't use Ruin's second attack placed one card face down which appeared briefly before disappearing out of view.

"I end my turn"

(LP: Tsaki 4,000 / Haneul 4,000)

(Cards in hand: Tsaki 4 / Haneul 5)

"Okay then, champ, I draw" Haneul laughed, It was not returned "I'll start with what I'm known for, I summon the level 1 tuner monster Gusto Egul"

"Your known for a small bird?" A sarcastic tone over Tsaki's voice irritated Haneul

"Only little for now! I tune my Windaar sage of Gusto with my Gusto Egul"

Egul transformed into a green ring which Windaar leaped through, beneath him formed a great eagle its wings the size of a dragons, armour across his chest as Windaar stood upon its back lead in hand.

"behold champion of the skies, Daigusto Eagle!" [2,600]

"okay yeah not a small bird got it"

Haneul held up his hand holding a card above his head, a storm began to kick up.

"By banishing two wind type monsters from my graveyard such as my Egul and Windaar I can summon this, behold the king of the skies; Tempest dragon ruler of Storms!" [Attack: 2400]

His voice echoed around the arena as the ground began to shake, Tsaki gulped as the ground was broken in a burst of light and air, barrelling out of the broken earth rose a dragon of green and grey as lightning and wind stormed around the arena causing the audience to scream as if paid actors.

"Shit, this is gonna hurt" Tsaki whimpered as Haneul posed to attack

"But before that I'll use Daigusto eagles ability, by banishing kamui from my graveyard I can destroy your trap"

Daigusto eagle flaps its wings causing a grand tornado to stir up and shatter the face down mirror force. Tsaki grimaced.

"Now Daigusto eagle destroy Tsaki's angel!"

The eagle once again drummed up a storm before divebombing the angel shattering it and sending Tsaki to his knees from the force of the collision, Daigusto returns to the sky after almost smiling smugly. Tsaki had barely stood up before Tempest had charged up his energy blast of thunder and crackling heat with Haneul muttering a single word.


The blast had a force like a bomb with Tsaki screaming as he is thrown across the arena slamming into the ground with a loud bang.

"Ready to give up yet" Haneul mocked walking a little towards the downed champion "I know you have a bad history with dragon rulers, its why I brought Tempest"

he smiled up at the dragon which seemed quite pleased with itself.

"Give up, ptth" Tsaki stumbles to his feet "How fucking pathetic do you think I am kid?"

(LP: Tsaki 700 / Haneul 4,000)

(Cards in hand: Tsaki 4 / Haneul 4)

"I draw" Tsaki stood tall even thou his body was shouting in pain "I activate the effect of my cycle of the world in my graveyard, adding to my hand the end of the world"

"Gonna try that trick again?" Haneul laughed

"It's gonna be what breaks you" Tsaki's glare was strong and fierce, as he half shouted his next line "I sacrifice Demise supreme king of Armageddon from my hand"

He threw the card into the ground, from where the card landed the ground cracked apart a blue flame appearing around it before a beacon of fire cut through the air into the sky and from that beacon strode a divine being a great staff in its hand as its long hair flowed copying the flow of her armour.

"Behold the being who shall herald your demise. Ruin, supreme queen of oblivion!" [Attack: 2,700]

She smirked with a disgusted smirk before raising her staff, Tsaki's voice raised again and became more friendly

"As you all know Demise is a ritual monster meaning I get access the my supreme queens extra effect, the ability to attack twice"

Tsaki glared at Haneul before pointing towards his two monsters.

"Destroy them once and for all, Fallout of oblivion!"

It was as if hell itself ripped itself from the ground large black tendrils grabbed and ripped apart the two monsters there screams catching the winds that once carried them as they shattered into shards, Haneul cringed a slight pain down his spine.

(Haneul: 3,600)

"You know you said lots and I have hardly taken any damage, not as if you've damaged my board much either since I can just summon tempest back next tur-"


Tsaki screamed as he pointed to Ruin who now held her staff high in the sky around it two black rings circled from them dark energy crackled as an evil look glared in her eyes.

"Ruin's ability activates, and with it I win"

"Wait wha-"

"You take damage equal to the combined attack points of the two monsters destroyed...*die"

With that whispered declaration a dark beam of light struck Haneul who was thrown into the wall of the arena unconscious streams of smoke coming off his body. The arena fell silent for a moment before a diabolic scream raged through the arena, thousands of people screaming praise for the battle and brutality. The commentator began to blare again something about numbers and cards, probably an advert. Tsaki looked up at the crowd, it was hard to make out but it was there, whatever it was carried an aura of menacing aura; He looked straight towards it, blond and blue haired with a long black coat. Tsaki smirked, guess he'd have to break him too.

"Should be fun" he thought before returning to the platform on which he had arrived descending back down again.

(LP: Tsaki 700 / Haneul -1400)

Authors note- Hi guys so this is a Zexal fan-fic and Kite is the main character but a few background chapters are needed to set the characters and story. The duel disks are ARC-V style if anyone was interested and setting wise it is the original series set very far into the future of then: Yugi and gang are long dead by a few hundred years. Also if a word has * around them or just before them its spoken in English everything else is spoken in Japanese unless it has two stars (**) in which case I'll specify. Hope you guys enjoyed it.