
Recruit & Unexpressed Emotions

I heard we're gonna get two new agents.” Quinton announces.

We were all sitting in the living room eating breakfast.

“They'll be living here with us, you know. Since we already have two available

rooms, the boss agreed on it.” Leo adds with his mouth full of eggs.

“Chew and swallow before you talk, would yah?” I screw my face in disgust.

“I hope it's two girls.” Quinton smiles.

“So, you can flirt with both of them?” I chuckle.

“We all know that the boss never puts a girl with another girl to be partners. It's

probably someone who was already in the agency he or she is gonna be paired with.” Leo

swallowed before saying.

“Well, the only thing I'm hoping for is that whoever it is, won't make a mess of the

place. I'm already behind you guys about it already.” I stuff my mouth with bacon.

Jax didn't say anything as usual. He only speaks when it's necessary.

I opened my phone to see if I had any unread messages from last night.