
Kiss Me Already!

At Hoshizora High School, Aiko Hoshino and Ryo Tanaka are known for their constant teasing. Aiko loves manga and is the head of the manga club, while Ryo, a talented pianist, leads the music club. Their playful rivalry begins when they meet during school festival preparations. Aiko and Ryo often poke fun at each other, but their chemistry is undeniable. They make a bet on whose club will have the best booth at the festival. If Aiko's manga club wins, Ryo has to dress as a manga character. If Ryo's music club wins, Aiko must perform a piano duet with him. As they prepare for the festival, they spend more time together and start understanding each other better. They discover shared dreams and support each other in unexpected ways. The festival ends in a tie, so both must fulfill their bets. During their piano duet, their feelings come to light. After the performance, Ryo confesses he likes Aiko, and she admits she likes him too. "Kiss Me Already" is a sweet teasing romantic comedy about two high school students whose teasing turns into love, showing that sometimes, love starts with a little bit of fun, So can you Kiss Me Already Ryo?!

o_sakalkar · 東方
95 Chs

Teasing and Fun

The day after Ryo's cosplay debut, the halls of Hoshizora High were abuzz with laughter and excitement. Ryo, dressed as an over-the-top magical girl, took the teasing in stride, much to Aiko's amusement.

As they walked to class together, Aiko couldn't help but poke fun at him. "I have to say, Ryo, pink really suits you. Maybe you should wear it more often."

Ryo rolled his eyes, but a grin tugged at his lips. "Don't get too comfortable, Aiko. I'm already planning my revenge."

"Oh? And what might that be?" Aiko asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

"You'll see," Ryo replied cryptically, his smirk widening.

The next few days were filled with relentless teasing. During lunch, Ryo made a point of serenading Aiko with exaggerated love songs on his portable keyboard, drawing the attention of curious and amused classmates. Aiko turned bright red but couldn't stop laughing.

"Stop it, Ryo! You're embarrassing me!" she protested, though her giggles betrayed her enjoyment.

"Isn't that the point?" Ryo teased, playing another dramatic chord.

Later, in the manga club room, Ryo barged in, holding up a hastily drawn manga panel featuring a caricature of Aiko in a superhero costume, complete with a cheesy catchphrase. "Look, everyone! It's Super Aiko, here to save the day with her mighty pen!"

Aiko snatched the drawing from his hands, her face flushed. "You're impossible," she muttered, though she couldn't suppress a smile.

"That's what you love about me," Ryo shot back, winking.

One afternoon, Aiko decided it was time to turn the tables. She sneaked into the music room, where Ryo was practicing, and replaced his sheet music with a page from one of her favorite romantic manga, complete with sparkly eyes and dramatic dialogue.

When Ryo sat down to play, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Really, Aiko? 'My heart beats only for you, my dearest love'? Is this what you read in your spare time?"

Aiko crossed her arms, trying to look stern but failing miserably. "At least it's better than your sappy serenades."

Ryo leaned closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Admit it, you loved them."

"Not a chance," Aiko retorted, though her blush betrayed her true feelings.

Their playful exchanges continued, each trying to outdo the other with increasingly elaborate pranks. One day, Aiko convinced Ryo's fan club to cheer for her instead, leaving Ryo speechless as he walked into the music room to find a banner that read, "Aiko, Our True Idol!"

"Traitors!" Ryo exclaimed dramatically, clutching his chest in mock agony.

Aiko laughed so hard she had to sit down. "Face it, Ryo. You can't win."

"Oh, I'm not giving up that easily," Ryo replied, his grin wicked.

The next morning, Aiko arrived at school to find posters of herself drawn in a manga style plastered all over the school, complete with speech bubbles that read, "Ryo's Number One Fan!"

She confronted Ryo in the hallway, trying to keep a straight face. "You're going to pay for this, Tanaka."

Ryo chuckled, clearly pleased with himself. "I'm looking forward to it, Hoshino."

Despite the constant teasing, there was an undeniable chemistry between them. Their friends watched with knowing smiles, understanding that beneath the playful banter was a deepening bond.

One evening, as they walked home together, Aiko turned to Ryo, her expression softer. "You know, for all your teasing, I've really enjoyed these past few weeks."

Ryo smiled, his eyes warm. "Me too, Aiko. You make everything more fun."

Aiko playfully nudged him. "Just wait until you see what I have planned next."

Ryo laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "Bring it on, manga girl."

And so, their story continued, filled with laughter, challenges, and a playful rivalry that brought them closer with each passing day.