
Kiskindha Chronicles: The Enigma's Journey

What would happen if you get teleported to another world? Have to clear many trial, where one mistake means death? And At the age of fifteen In a place where these fifteenth-year-old kid has to live by following the rules of the jungle. Well it happens in the world of Kiskindha. There every kid of this age gets teleported. But do it ends there.....?! Well....who know....?! And then there's this one kid. Arya his mother died when he was twelve, as for his father other than a letter he didn't knew anything about him. And the look at the play of fate, his mother took a promise to not read till he fill some condition. So, Join Arya on his enthralling journey as he solves the mystery of his father's past, becomes the strongest, and faces incredible adventures in both worlds. The story also involves an epic revenge tale, but I won't spoil who it's for or who's behind it. Enter the mesmerizing realm of "Kiskindha Chronicles," where the mystical energy of 'Jiva' courses through every being, endowing all with the extraordinary power of Tantra. Join our young hero as he embark on a quest of self-discovery, revenge, mastering their unique abilities amidst a world teeming with diverse characters and ancient secrets. In a land where everyone wields Tantra, our protagonist must navigate intricate alliances, unearth hidden truths, and confront formidable adversaries. Prepare to be swept away on an exhilarating journey of magic, courage, and the enduring quest for identity in the enchanting universe of "Kiskindha Chronicles."

Inner_peace · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Trial [3]

Setanta started telling everything Arya needed to know.

"You Know that every year children of age 15 years get teleported to this trial here."

To which Arya replied that this is basic knowledge like breathing and eating. Nodding to him.

"Well these trial grounds are nothing but a small part of the big world called 'Jambo Dvipa' No one knows where this world is and why we are teleported into this world."

"We don't know that this is even a world or just a continent in our world. Well, you know that trial was held for three years, right?

But after that is just the first Trial a person has to pass three such trials in his life."

" Though the second and third Trails are not compulsory."

Here Arya interrupted Setanta," If these Trials are not compulsory then why do people take part?!"

Setanta smiled and said," That's the interesting part after coming here and killing those monsters or beasts you faced in the trial you must have noticed that you are stronger right?!"

To this, Arya nodded as he was feeling stronger ever since he killed those monsters.

"That's the reason, like in our world anyone can become strong if they are trained, but these trials are an easy way or I say the better we perform in the trial the stronger we become."

"Well you see in this world everyone has an energy called 'Jiva'. It's a mixture of the physical and spiritual energy of a person.'

"When we kill these monsters we get a small part of their 'Jiva' and we grow stronger, that point is nothing but a numerical value of the 'Jiva' you collected."

"After The First Trial, everyone becomes an initiate rank."

"So the more Jiva you have here, the better your starting points. But worry, this is not the only way to increase 'Jiva' as it's a mixture of both physical and spiritual energy. We can increase them by training or studying."

"Well as for the dungeon, it is a small area where we can find different monsters whom we can fight and defeat, this not only helps us become strong faster but also we were given rewards after clearing the dungeons."

Arya listened to everything attentively, as he missed all this knowledge in school.

After Arya got to know everything he thanked Setanta for this knowledge.

"Thanks, Setanta for all this help."

"Nah it's fine, it's just basic knowledge that everyone knows, other than a certain someone who wanted to train, hahaha"

Setanta said jokingly to Arya.

"Though this is the thing you need to know right now there are many things more important that you can study later after the trial is over."

After that, they found some Goblins.

They were one of the weakest mobs that were very easy to defeat.

After that they decided to fight with the basic formation, Setanta being the leader of the party passed the order.

" Shastra Dhari takes the front and we will cover you."

Both the archers took a position in the nearby tree while Arya and the two other Shastra Dhari started attacking.

Arya took the right side of the shield user Munda while Anaya the other Shastra Dhari who uses daggers took the left side.

Munda charged forward and attracted the goblins, just as the goblins attacked him which he blocked with his shield just then Arya attacked the goblins on his side while Anaya took the one on her side.

While the two Archer attacked the three remaining goblins.

And in a matter of minutes, they defeated the goblins.

Like that, they fought many such groups of goblins and improved their coordination. After these warmup fights, they started heading towards the inner part of the forest to find some strong enemies to fight.

After walking for a few minutes they entered the mid part of the forest.

This forest has four levels, the outermost level, the mid-level, the inner level and last the core level. No one went to the core level as it had very strong monsters in it.

After reaching the mid-level they soon found a group of grey wolves, that were roaming the forest maybe finding themselves food.

After so many fights everyone is comfortable and takes their position just after one hand signal from Setanta.

Munda being the tank of the party went ahead to attract the wolf. While Arya and Anaya. Both were just behind him to kill the wolves from both of his sides, to provide cover there were the archers.

After the wolf noticed the group of humans coming towards them. They got ready to hunt them.

The wolf jumped directly towards Munda but he blocked it with his shield. While Arya and Anaya attacked the wolf that was on the side. While the archers attack with their Arrow to split the wolf.

There were five wolves, Munda used his shield to stop two while one went towards Anaya, and the last two were on Arya.

Arya notices that both of the wolves are revolving around him and will attack him. Get ready to face the attack. Just as the wolf pounced on him he sidestepped. And swung his spear from up to down on one of the wolves with full force 



As the Spear hit the airborne wolf his head got blasted, at that moment Arya stepped one step in front and using the momentum of the attack rotated on his leg.

As he completed half of the circle his spear came face-to-face with the second wolf. He added more force to the swing it bisected the head of the wolf.

In the meantime, Anaya killed her wolf and attacked the one attacking Munda, as one of the two wolves was killed by arrows while the second was not in a better condition.

Anaya slashed the wolf's neck with her dagger and everyone grouped.

"Well done everyone, especially you Arya taking two wolves and even killing without any support." Setanta praised everyone.

"Yeah man, though I was attacked but I noticed you. You did it like 

*swishhhhh* then

*dubbb* and then 


it was super cool." Munda said with a twinkle in his eyes.


These actions of Munda cause everyone to laugh.

"Though he is right as it's our three's second year even though we were not this strong back then," Anaya said with a smile.

While Muniya the silent type just stayed quiet. But she gives Arya a thumbs up.