
Kiskindha Chronicles: The Enigma's Journey

What would happen if you get teleported to another world? Have to clear many trial, where one mistake means death? And At the age of fifteen In a place where these fifteenth-year-old kid has to live by following the rules of the jungle. Well it happens in the world of Kiskindha. There every kid of this age gets teleported. But do it ends there.....?! Well....who know....?! And then there's this one kid. Arya his mother died when he was twelve, as for his father other than a letter he didn't knew anything about him. And the look at the play of fate, his mother took a promise to not read till he fill some condition. So, Join Arya on his enthralling journey as he solves the mystery of his father's past, becomes the strongest, and faces incredible adventures in both worlds. The story also involves an epic revenge tale, but I won't spoil who it's for or who's behind it. Enter the mesmerizing realm of "Kiskindha Chronicles," where the mystical energy of 'Jiva' courses through every being, endowing all with the extraordinary power of Tantra. Join our young hero as he embark on a quest of self-discovery, revenge, mastering their unique abilities amidst a world teeming with diverse characters and ancient secrets. In a land where everyone wields Tantra, our protagonist must navigate intricate alliances, unearth hidden truths, and confront formidable adversaries. Prepare to be swept away on an exhilarating journey of magic, courage, and the enduring quest for identity in the enchanting universe of "Kiskindha Chronicles."

Inner_peace · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Inner level [2]

As the parties moved through the inner level their journey was safe during the Start, but not for long as they soon came face to face with their first hurdle.

The Monster they came to face is one of the strong predators, proven by the fact that it hunts alone on the inner level.

The monster was a troll a towering, hulking creature with coarse, mossy skin and immense strength.

"Shit!!, it's a troll."

"Why did it have to be a troll. It will take too much time."

After noticing the troll the party started cursing as the troll was strong but that was not the main problem for them. The problem was its primary Tantra.

'Primary Tantra: Super Regeneration'.

As the name states it increases the troll's natural regeneration to a high level and combined with his tough skin. It is very difficult to defeat a troll.

"Shut up and focus for now," Hutiya shouted and asked everyone to focus on defeating the troll.

As the troll moved towards them the archers fired many arrows. They mainly focused on eyes and joints as attacking other parts is just a waste.

Other than Arya and Virala who were in their first year the rest just completed their first year and entered the second year, while Setanta and Hutiya were in their final year.

So, they have a great amount of experience in fighting monsters and working in a team. So they followed their leader's lead.

After passing through the arrow rain the troll reached the first layer of defence. Where the tanks including Munda used their shield to block the big club made out of a tree.

Noticing their queue, the second layer which is the melee Yantra user, which includes Arya, Anaya, Hutiya, and other members of the Hutiya's party attacked the weak spot.

They attacked the eyes, nose, ears, or any hole they found. Like if they also started believing in the saying. Every hole is a Goal

Though they attacked however much they could, but it didn't did much damage.

"Shit, what should we do if we used the normal strategy. We will waste too much time." Hutiya shouted and said this.

"Setanta, should I use that?" Arya asked Setanta, but this also attracted others' attention as to what can someone who had just joined the trial a few days ago could even do.

Setanta, who saw all this wanted to curse out loud at Arya, as to how could be this naive.

But, now the deed is done, he turned towards Hutiya and said.

"Can you distract the Troll, we can maybe kill it quickly." Hutiya knew Setanta from even before the trial so seeing the seriousness in his eyes, he understood they have something that can maybe really defeat the troll.

Hutiya nodded to Setanta and ordered his men to distract the troll from Setanta and Arya.

Setanta went towards Arya, who was standing behind the whole group to concentrate, and said very slowly so no one listened to them.

"Are you an idiot, why did you say that? Even though we are working together with thembat the end of the day we are enemies!"

Arya who realised his naivety, can only apologise to Setanta.

"I am really sorry, but what should we do now?!"

Setanta thought something and then he nodded to himself, then looked directly into Arya's eyes and said.

" I want you to do the same thing but decrease the amount and focus on the tip and attack inside its mouth. When I say."

Arya nodded and started concentrating his 'Jiva' on the tip.

Even though he had once before controlled the energy. It's still tuff,but he was able to channeled it and covered his weapons tip.

Then he opened his eyes and nodded to Setanta who was looking at him.

"Hutiya we are ready." Setanta shouted and pulled his bow string and did something that shocked Arya.

He just covered his arrow with a layer of 'Jiva'.

"Haha, not feeling special are we?!" Satanta asked jokingly.

Arya decided to put the matter aside and started running towards the troll.

Hutiya noticing Setanta understands what they want to do.

"Distract the Beast" he shouted.

As the others distracted the troll, Setanta fired his shot which attacked the naval of the troll.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh" the Troll screamed loudly, Arya who was running towards the troll jumped and directly thrust his spear in his mouth.

The spear entered the mouth and the 'Jiva' layer increased its piercing power that caused the spear to break the neck and come out from the back side of his neck and thus the troll died.

Watching the troll fall lifeless.The party members become very happy.

But before they could celebrate their leader informed them they have to move as the scream just now must have heard by other beasts too.

And if some strong beast came, many of them would die.

After organising themselves they started running towards the middle level.

Hutiya who was beside Setanta said.

"I didn't think you would reveal that in front of these bumpkins."

"Well, that's the only logical reason I can up back then. Not like they will understand what I did. It was just a strong shot at the trolls weakness."

This is the same reason Setanta told everyone from his party. when they asked him as they didn't saw the 'Jiva' layer like Arya did as they were busy distracting the Troll.

Hutiya just smiled at this answer and looked towards Arya who was running in front. He then thought something. But didn't mention it

On their way Arya slowed down a little bit and asked Setanta to come as he want to ask something

As they were not in any serious situation, everyone was talking to each other. So, No-one found it odd or any different that it's just two party members talking.

Setanta who reached Arya and asked.

"What's Up?! What do you want to say?!"

Arya looked around if someone was trying to listen to their conversation, Not seeing anyone focusing on them. He said to Setanta.

"Well I want to talk about a few things, but they can be done later. Right now I want to inform you of something. You see, last night I spied on Hutiya when he was on the night watch.

He was talking to someone and telling him how to act and he should remain acting.

I think someone in our party is a traitor."

After listening to Arya nodded and said.

"I too had my suspicions, as all the things point that someone is a traitor. But now that you told me this. It proves my suspicion s.

But I think we should act normal as if nothing happened for now and have our eyes on everyone here."

After talking about the traitor Arya asked Setanta one last question.

"So, How did you do that? As you yourself said it's not possible below the apostle rank?"

"Hehe, Well I said it's not possible below apostle rank, but by normal people. As you can do i make you above normal people.

But don't get overconfident there are many people who could do this."

This caused Arya to realise though he became strong, but he should not become overconfident, as it's good he became strong but there was a whole big world out there.

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