
Kirito X Reader

Beth_Beardy · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter three

Previously: I see her name is 'Asuna huh?' "Nice to Meet you Asuna" She looks shocked "H-how do you know my name?" She says with curiosity "Look in the top left corner" I say with a sassy tone "Oh" she says.


I FORGOT TO SAY BUT YOU ARE ASUNA'S SISTER IN THIS LOL and in this book Asuna's parents aren't her real one's. Their mom has hazel hair and hazel eyes and their dad has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.


Asunas POV: 

'I don't know what it is, but I really don't like that (h/c) girl' (Jealous much?) I accidentally said out loud. She looks at me with hurt in her eyes "W-why?" I look at her confused "What are you talking about?" I say to her tilting my head a bit showing her that I am confused. "Y-You said you don't like me" She now has tears in her eyes and I look at her shocked "I said that out loud?" She nods. 

"I'm sorry but why don't you like me?" She says while looking down. "I-I don't know, I'm sorry..." She looks at me with the tears falling down her face. I look at her "I'm sorry, I just felt something with you, like I knew you out of Sword Art Online."

 After I say that she looks at me shocked, then she looks like she is getting a flashback, then she looks at me and hugs me. "I-I remember you." She says while slightly crying.

 "W-what are you talking about? Why are you hugging me?" She stops then looks at me. She says "Remember the name (y/n)?" Then I get a flashback about two girls, one hazel and one (h/c).

~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACKK~~~

"Hey (y/n), Hurry up!" A hazel-haired girl yells to a (h/c)-haired girl about 3 months older than her. (You are older than Asuna by three months) They are going to a party hosted by their parents.

 "Okay, Okay hold up I can't walk in these" The (h/c)-haired girl says trying to walk in high heels. The hazel-haired girl laughs at her attempts to walk in heels while I am just walking normally with the high heels on. 

 "How can you walk in these?! My feet are killing me" She complains while still trying to walk."I don't know maybe because im not wearing actual high heels" She looks at me shocked "Why?! Didn't mother tell you to wear them?" I look at her "Well yeah, but she gave me the kid kind, while you got the actual heels" She complains more as she gets used to it. 

"Now, Introducing my eldest daughter (y/n)!" Mother says as (y/n) walks on the stage waving putting on a fake smile that even I don't see through it.

 "Thank you mother but may I introduce my lovely little sister?" She asks "Of course (y/n)" She stands next to mother "Introducing my lovely little sister Asuna!" Everyone claps as I walk on stage holding my sisters hand waving while putting on a fake smile that only (y/n) can see through. "Now, Everyone enjoy this night!" Mother says with excitement. 


Me and (y/n) is outside when we hear people screaming. (Y/n) goes to look inside and she tells me to stay in the garden. When she come's back she grabs me and starts to run away.

 I start to squirm "Where are we going? What's happening?" I ask. She ignores me and keeps running even though she still has the heels on "We have to go NOW" That's all she says and keeps running far away.

 Then after we ran into the woods we got split up and I somehow ended up at a wealthy family's house holding a note (y/n) said to give to anyone who finds her or who she finds. 

 I knock on the door and a lady answers and says "Who are you?" I give her the note I didn't read but she let's me in and she calls for someone and she comes dressed in a maids outfit.

 She tells her to get me into warm clothes and get me into bed so I can rest. A few minutes later I start to get black holes in my vision and I call out "Help" I say in my weak voice. 



I look at her with tears in my eyes. "(y-y/n)" I hug her as Kirito's confused (I FORGOT ABOUT HIM FOR A WHILE LMAO) "W-what's going on?" We jump as we hear Kirito talk. "Are you guys okay?" He asks as my heart beats faster. I look at him blushing "Y-yeah sorry" 

Your POV:

'I think she like's him' I smirk at the thought, but I don't realize that they are trying to get my attention when I feel someone snap their fingers. I jump and say "W-what?" They look at me

 "We were trying to get your attention for like 5 minutes" They say in unison. I giggle when they are done talking "What is so funny?" Asuna asks "N-nothing" I say wiping tears from laughing so much.

 They look at me like i'm crazy "You are going crazy" They say in unison again but they don't realize. I start to laugh again "That. Happened. Years. Ago." I say in between breaths when I realize that everyone is leaving to go to the boss' room. 

"LET'S GO" I giggle as they jump. I run towards Diavel "HI!" He jumps from the sudden shouting. "Hello, Who are you?" He asks me. "I'm (Y/n)!" I laugh a bit when I see his face is a bit pink. "W-what?" He looks at me so confused 'He looks adorable' I thought 'wait.. what!' I think 'WHAT AM I THINKING?? Don't I like Kirito?' I think getting confused

 "Nothing, so when are we gonna get there?" I ask him getting curious. I then went silent while spacing out. He snaps his fingers "Are you there?" He asks me wondering why I went silent. I jump at this "S-sorry, I just spaced out" I say with a sweatdrop.

 "We are here already, we are just waiting on you to be ready for this" He says pointing to the boss' room. "Oh, alright lets go then!" I say with a smile and confidence
