
Kirigakure Gamer : Rise of the mist

When I woke up, I was flabbergasted. I was in the world of Naruto, arguably one of the most dangerous place in the world. But I will survive, and reach my dreams nevertheless Alternate universe, be warned. I own nothing

Eggcellent · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Hoshi Mountain Range

The sun had barely crested the peaks of the Hoshi mountain range, its light casting long shadows across the rugged terrain. The air was crisp and cool, filled with the scent of pine and the faint whisper of wind through the trees. At the heart of this serene wilderness, a lone figure stood by a small, clear stream, his focus unwavering.

His name was Takeshi, a student of the Kirigakure academy, and today, he was here to train.

Takeshi's hands moved with practiced precision, forming a series of hand seals.

He murmured the incantation under his breath, feeling the chakra flow through his body, guided by his intent. Water from the stream rose up, swirling and coalescing into a sphere that hovered above his outstretched palm. This was his water jutsu, his greatest affinity and the skill he was determined to master.

Suiton : Water Sphere Technique [C]

In his mind, Takeshi saw more than just the immediate goal. He had knowledge beyond his years, a system that guided him, providing insights and feedback that others could only dream of.

It was like a game, with experience points, levels, and skills to be honed. This system was his secret, his edge.

"Level up," he whispered to himself, eyes gleaming with determination. "I need to keep leveling up."

As he concentrated, the water sphere expanded and contracted, reflecting the morning light in a dazzling display. He shifted his stance, pushing the technique further, making the sphere spin and morph into different shapes. After a couple of seconds, the sphere reached a sufficient size and was launched onto a rock.


The deafening sound of his strongest C-rank offensive jutsu crashing onto a rock reverberated. Although it was just a C-rank jutsu, the mark it had left onto the giant rock was the fruit of months of hard work, months he spent training mostly after reincarnating in this accursed world.

But it wasn't just about jutsu. Takeshi also carried a sword, a slender blade that hung at his side.

Kenjutsu, the art of the sword, was another discipline he pursued. Yet, despite his efforts, he struggled to match his peers in swordsmanship. His strikes were often too slow, his movements not as fluid as they should be. It frustrated him, but he refused to give up. The sword was part of his heritage and identity. It once belonged to his father, but the latter never amounted to anything really, being a fairly below-average genin before getting injured.

Takeshi was lucky to be born of shinobi lineage, among the second-caste citizens who possessed some sort of preferential treatment from the village. However, it was far from being sufficient to survive. The world of naruto was one of the worst worlds to reincarnate into. Danger was everywhere, and the bloodline determined pretty much everything from your potential to your reputation.

Hence, Takeshi was grateful. Grateful that he was not a civilian shinobi. However, he was also apprehensive of the future. 

'The rite of passage of Kirigakure...Third shinobi war...Akatsuki...'

So many events would threaten his life in the near future.

He drew his sword and began a series of kata, each movement precise and controlled. The blade flashed in the morning light, but Takeshi knew it wasn't enough. He needed to improve, to become stronger in both his jutsu and his swordsmanship.

His stomach growled, a reminder that he hadn't eaten since before dawn. Takeshi sheathed his sword and scanned the area. Movement caught his eye, a small rabbit nibbling on grass at the edge of the clearing. Instinct kicked in, and he focused his chakra, readying a basic water jutsu. With a swift motion, he directed a shuriken of water at the rabbit, knocking it unconscious.

Takeshi approached the fallen creature, feeling a mix of satisfaction and regret. Killing was a necessary skill for a shinobi, but it was never easy. As he picked up the rabbit, a familiar notification appeared in his mind.

[You have gained 5 EXP]

The system's message was a small but significant reward. Each experience point brought him closer to his goal, to the rite of passage that would make him a genin. He could almost taste the excitement, the anticipation of becoming a full-fledged shinobi. This event was also an opportunity, an opportunity to grow stronger.

He cleaned and prepared the rabbit, setting up a small fire to cook his meal. As the meat sizzled, he sat back and thought about the future. He had much to learn and many challenges ahead, but he was ready. 

[Training - Daily Quest

Task: Complete 10 Cycles of training (10 / 10)

Reward: 100 EXP, 200 Ryô, 1 Attribute Point]