
Kinktober: Alex/Maggie One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Alex/Maggie

silkenobedience · テレビ
9 Chs

Day 7 – Sybian/Bondage/Forced Orgasms

Day 7 – Sybian/Bondage/Forced Orgasms

The soft hum of the vibrator filled the air, blending with the ambient sounds of the city just beyond the windows of Alex Levy's penthouse. Alex was bound to the Sybian, her wrists tied securely above her head, her ankles fastened to the base of the machine, holding her in place as the relentless vibrations coursed through her. Every inch of her skin was slick with sweat, her body trembling with the overwhelming sensation, but the most intense was between her legs—where the vibrator buzzed incessantly, driving her to the brink of madness.

Across the room, Maggie Brener sat at the edge of a chair, casually sipping a glass of wine, watching Alex with a calm detachment that belied the intensity of the scene. Maggie's gaze flickered over Alex's trembling form, the way her hips bucked helplessly against the Sybian, the way her body writhed as wave after wave of forced pleasure tore through her. But Maggie remained unmoved, the glint in her eyes dark with satisfaction.

"Maggie—" Alex's voice broke through the gag, the words muffled but filled with desperation. She had already come so many times, her body pushed beyond its limits, yet Maggie hadn't stopped the torment. The vibrations never let up, driving Alex to the edge again and again, until she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

Maggie's eyes gleamed with quiet satisfaction as she swirled the wine in her glass, her gaze locked onto Alex's trembling, overstimulated body. She took a slow sip, savoring the rich taste of the wine, letting the moment stretch out as the soft hum of the Sybian continued to fill the room, relentless and merciless in its vibration.

Alex whimpered behind the gag, her muffled cries filled with desperation. She could barely hold herself together—her thighs were slick with her own arousal, the wetness dripping down her skin and pooling at the base of the machine. Every nerve in her body was on fire, every pulse of the vibrator sending another wave of unbearable pleasure through her, mingling with the dull ache of overstimulation.

But Maggie remained calm, her posture relaxed as she sat at the edge of the chair, watching Alex's body writhe and tremble with cool detachment.

"You look pathetic like this, Alex," Maggie murmured, her voice low but cutting. "Completely drenched, soaking the machine, trembling like a little toy."

Alex's hips bucked involuntarily against the machine, her body straining against the restraints, her breath coming in ragged, desperate gasps. The intensity between her legs was unbearable—the way the Sybian buzzed against her swollen clit, the constant, unrelenting pressure driving her to the edge again and again, pushing her to a place where pleasure and pain blurred together into something she could barely process.

Maggie smirked, watching as Alex's thighs trembled, slick with her arousal. "You're soaked," Maggie continued, her tone dripping with mockery. "It's all over your legs, all over the machine. Look at you, falling apart, making a mess of yourself. And you still want more, don't you?"

Alex's head fell back, a muffled sob escaping behind the gag. She was completely overwhelmed, her body trembling uncontrollably as the Sybian continued its relentless torment. She couldn't take it anymore, the pleasure had become too much, too intense, and yet she had no choice but to endure it, no way to stop the overwhelming sensation that threatened to tear her apart.

Maggie took another slow sip of her wine, her gaze never leaving Alex. "I'm not going to stop until I finish this glass," Maggie said, her voice calm and matter-of-fact. "So you're just going to have to keep taking it."

Alex let out another muffled cry, her body jerking against the restraints as another wave of forced pleasure crashed over her, sending her spiraling toward another orgasm. Her thighs clenched around the vibrating machine, her body trembling as the pleasure built to unbearable levels.

"But look at you," Maggie continued, her voice soft but filled with amusement. "Even after all those orgasms, you're still dripping for me. Still desperate for more."

Alex's eyes fluttered shut, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as she teetered on the edge again. Her body was spent, her muscles trembling from the intensity of the stimulation, but the Sybian didn't let up, buzzing against her clit with relentless pressure. She could feel another orgasm building, the heat coiling low in her belly, but the pleasure had turned painful now, each wave of sensation mingling with the ache of overstimulation.

Maggie watched her with dark satisfaction, taking another slow sip of her wine. "You're going to come again, aren't you?" she said, her voice filled with cruel amusement. "I can see it in the way your body's shaking, the way you can't control yourself. It's almost painful, isn't it? The way your clit throbs, the way your body can't take any more but still begs for release."

Alex's body jerked in response, her muscles clenching as she struggled to hold back, but it was no use. The vibrations were too much, the pressure too intense. Another orgasm was building inside her, threatening to tear her apart.

Maggie's eyes narrowed slightly, her tone darkening. "You're not going to come until I tell you to," she commanded, her voice filled with quiet authority. "Hold it."

Alex whimpered behind the gag, her body trembling violently as she teetered on the brink of release. She was so close, so desperate, but she couldn't disobey Maggie—not when Maggie had her completely at her mercy.

Maggie leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs casually as she watched Alex with that same calm detachment. "Hold it," she repeated, her voice firm, her eyes locked onto Alex's trembling form. "Don't you dare come yet."

Alex's entire body shook with the effort of holding back, her thighs trembling, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the pressure between her legs built to an unbearable level. She was right on the edge, her body screaming for release, but Maggie's command kept her teetering, desperate and trembling.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Maggie stood up, slowly walking over to Alex, the click of her heels echoing through the room. She took one last sip of her wine, draining the glass before setting it aside on the nightstand.

"You've been so good," Maggie murmured, her fingers brushing lightly over Alex's flushed cheek. "I suppose you've earned it."

With that, Maggie's hand moved down, her fingers gripping Alex's chin as she forced Alex to look at her, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"Come for me," Maggie commanded, her voice low and firm.

Alex's body responded instantly. The orgasm ripped through her, her entire body convulsing as the pleasure finally overwhelmed her, sending shockwaves of sensation through every nerve. She let out a strangled, muffled cry behind the gag, her hips bucking wildly against the machine as the release tore through her, leaving her gasping for air.

Her thighs shook violently, her vision swimming as the orgasm wracked her body, and even as she came, the Sybian didn't stop, continuing its relentless buzzing, driving her through the orgasm and beyond.

Maggie watched with dark satisfaction as Alex came apart, her body trembling and soaked with arousal. The pleasure was unbearable now, the overstimulation pushing Alex to her absolute limit, but she had no choice but to keep taking it.

"Good girl," Maggie murmured, her voice filled with approval as she stroked Alex's cheek, watching as her body shook uncontrollably. "You did so well for me."

With a soft click, Maggie finally turned off the Sybian, the room falling into a blissful silence as the vibrations ceased. Alex slumped against the restraints, her body spent, trembling with the aftershocks of the intense pleasure she had just endured.

Maggie leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Alex's forehead. "You were perfect," she whispered, her voice filled with affection as she gently untied the restraints, freeing Alex from the machine. "You took everything I gave you."

Alex's body was trembling, her muscles weak and overstimulated from the intense session. As the restraints fell away and Maggie gently helped her sit up, Alex let out a shaky breath, her eyes half-closed in exhaustion. The Sybian had pushed her beyond her limits, but Maggie's tender touch was already starting to soothe her, helping her come back to herself.

"Easy," Maggie murmured, her voice soft and full of care as she wrapped her arms around Alex, guiding her off the machine and onto the bed. Alex's legs wobbled beneath her, but Maggie held her steady, never letting her falter. "I've got you."

Once Alex was settled onto the soft sheets, Maggie reached for a nearby blanket, pulling it over Alex's body to keep her warm. The cool air of the penthouse felt like a stark contrast to the heat that had built up in the room during their session, and Alex shivered slightly as she nestled into the bed, grateful for the warmth and comfort of the blanket.

Maggie sat beside her, her fingers brushing gently through Alex's damp hair, her touch slow and soothing. "How are you feeling?" she asked softly, her voice filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

Alex nodded weakly, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of the orgasms, but there was a quiet contentment in her eyes. "I'm okay," she whispered, her voice hoarse from the intensity of it all. "Just… tired."

Maggie smiled softly, leaning down to press another gentle kiss to Alex's forehead. "You did so well," she whispered, her voice filled with affection. "I'm so proud of you."

Alex's heart swelled at the words, her body relaxing further into the bed as Maggie continued to stroke her hair. The exhaustion was settling in now, her muscles heavy and spent, but Maggie's tender care helped soothe the lingering tension.

After a moment, Maggie stood up, disappearing into the bathroom for a brief moment before returning with a warm, damp washcloth. She sat back down beside Alex, gently wiping away the sweat and remnants of their session from her skin. The warmth of the cloth felt comforting, and Alex sighed softly, closing her eyes as Maggie's hands moved over her body with tender care.

"You're perfect," Maggie whispered as she wiped down Alex's arms and legs, her voice filled with quiet reassurance. "So perfect for me."

When Maggie was finished, she set the cloth aside and slipped into bed beside Alex, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close. Alex curled into her, resting her head on Maggie's chest, the steady rhythm of Maggie's heartbeat a comforting sound in the quiet of the room.

Maggie continued to stroke Alex's hair, her fingers tracing slow, soothing patterns along her scalp. "You were incredible tonight," she whispered, her lips brushing against Alex's temple. "You gave me everything, and I couldn't be prouder of you."

Alex let out a soft, contented sigh, her body relaxing completely in Maggie's arms. She felt safe, cherished, and deeply cared for in this moment, the intensity of their earlier session melting away into warmth and comfort.

"Thank you," Alex whispered, her voice barely audible as she nestled closer to Maggie. "For everything."

Maggie smiled softly, her fingers never stopping their gentle movements as she held Alex close. "You don't need to thank me," she murmured, her voice full of love and affection. "You're mine, Alex. I'll always take care of you."

Alex's heart swelled at the words, her body finally succumbing to the exhaustion as she let herself drift off, knowing that she was safe in Maggie's arms. The warmth of the blanket, the softness of the bed, and the steady presence of Maggie beside her all wrapped around her like a cocoon, lulling her into a peaceful, restful sleep.

Maggie held Alex close, watching her drift off, her heart filled with affection as she pressed one final kiss to her forehead. "Rest, darling," she whispered softly. "I'm right here."