
Kinktober: Alex/Maggie One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Alex/Maggie

silkenobedience · テレビ
9 Chs

Day 6 – Gagging and Pussy Spanking

Day 6 – Gagging and Pussy Spanking

Maggie stood in front of Alex, her eyes gleaming with a quiet, intense power. She held a gag in her hands, the soft leather strap coiling in her fingers. Alex's heart raced, her body already on edge from the promise of what was to come. She could feel the control slipping away, and for once, she didn't mind.

"You've been so good lately," Maggie said softly, her voice low and commanding, as she stepped closer, her gaze locked on Alex. "But tonight, I want to see just how obedient you can be."

Alex's breath hitched as Maggie's fingers brushed lightly over her lips, her body reacting to the subtle touch. She knew what was coming, and yet the anticipation—the build-up—was enough to make her knees weak.

"Open your mouth," Maggie instructed, her tone firm but calm, leaving no room for argument.

Alex obeyed, parting her lips as Maggie slid the gag into her mouth, the soft leather resting against her tongue as Maggie secured the strap behind her head. The sensation was strange, foreign, but it only heightened her awareness, her senses already attuned to every little detail.

Maggie stepped back slightly, admiring her handiwork, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips as she looked at Alex. "That's better," she murmured, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Now, let's see how well you can take what I give you."

Without another word, Maggie guided Alex to the bed, her hands firm on Alex's hips as she bent her forward, positioning her on her knees with her ass in the air. Alex's breath quickened behind the gag, her heart pounding as Maggie's fingers trailed down her back, her touch light and teasing, but with the promise of something more.

"You look so good like this," Maggie whispered, her voice soft but full of control as she knelt down behind Alex, her hands sliding between Alex's legs, spreading them just enough to expose her fully. "Completely at my mercy."

Alex's body trembled in response, her thighs already slick with arousal. The gag in her mouth muffled any sound she might have made, but Maggie knew exactly how to read her body—every twitch, every shiver. She leaned in close, her breath hot against Alex's bare skin as her fingers slid up Alex's inner thighs, teasingly close to her center but not touching.

"I'm going to spank you," Maggie said, her voice a low murmur as she traced a finger lightly over Alex's folds, barely grazing her clit. "And you're going to take it like the good girl you are."

Alex's body tensed in anticipation, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she nodded, her hands gripping the sheets beneath her. She wanted it—wanted to feel the sting, the sharp pleasure that came with Maggie's control. But most of all, she wanted to prove to Maggie that she could take whatever she was given.

Maggie's hand moved away, and for a moment, the anticipation hung in the air, heavy and electric. Then, without warning, the first strike landed.

The sound of the slap echoed through the room, sharp and unmistakable, as Maggie's hand came down hard on Alex's exposed pussy. Alex's body jolted in response, a muffled gasp escaping behind the gag as the sting of the impact spread through her. It was sharp, intense, but it was exactly what she craved.

"Good girl," Maggie murmured, her voice soft and soothing as she ran her fingers lightly over the spot she had just struck, offering a moment of comfort before pulling her hand back for another hit. "You're doing so well."

The second slap was harder, and this time, Alex let out a muffled moan behind the gag, her hips bucking involuntarily at the sensation. The sharp sting of pain mingled with the heat of her arousal, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. She pressed her face into the sheets, her body trembling as she braced herself for more.

Maggie didn't make her wait. The third strike was quick, sharp, and perfectly placed, landing directly on Alex's swollen clit. Alex's entire body jerked in response, her legs shaking as the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelmed her senses. Her breath came in stifled gasps behind the gag, her body completely at Maggie's mercy.

"Look at you," Maggie murmured, her tone a mixture of satisfaction and admiration as she ran her fingers lightly over Alex's slick folds, teasing her without offering relief. "You love this, don't you?"

Alex nodded frantically, her body trembling with need, but the gag prevented her from responding with words. Her hips shifted, pressing back against Maggie's hand, silently begging for more.

Maggie chuckled softly, her hand slipping between Alex's legs again, her fingers sliding through the wetness that had gathered there. "You're so wet," Maggie whispered, her voice full of dark amusement as she brushed a finger lightly over Alex's clit, making her body shudder in response. "You're dripping for me."

Alex whimpered behind the gag, her body straining against the tension as Maggie's fingers teased her, bringing her right to the edge without letting her fall over. Every nerve in her body was alight with sensation, every touch of Maggie's hand sending shockwaves through her.

"You're going to take a few more for me," Maggie whispered, her hand pulling away again as she prepared to strike once more. "And then, if you've been good, maybe I'll let you come."

The next slap was harder than the ones before, and Alex's body jolted in response, her legs trembling as the sting of the impact spread through her. Her entire body on fire with need.

Maggie's hand came down again, the sharp sound of the slap echoing through the room as Alex's hips bucked involuntarily, the pain mixing with the pleasure in a way that left her breathless. She was on the edge, her body trembling with need, but she knew she wouldn't be allowed to come until Maggie decided she was ready.

"Just a little more," Maggie whispered, her fingers sliding through Alex's wetness again, teasing her. "You can take it."

Alex whimpered behind the gag, her body trembling violently as she nodded, silently begging for more. Maggie didn't make her wait. The final slap landed hard, sending a shockwave of sensation through Alex's body that left her gasping for air, her hips bucking wildly as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

Maggie's fingers were back on her immediately, sliding through her folds before pressing hard against her swollen clit as Alex's body jerked in response, desperate for release.

Maggie's touch wasn't gentle this time. Her fingers moved with purpose, rubbing Alex's clit in fast, hard circles, pushing her closer and closer to the brink. The heat building inside Alex was overwhelming, a coil of desire tightening with every stroke, every press of Maggie's fingers against her most sensitive spot.

"Maggie—" Alex whimpered, her voice muffled and broken, the gag still biting into her, but the sound of her desperate moans was unmistakable. Her hips bucked wildly against Maggie's hand, her entire body trembling as the pleasure built to an unbearable level. She was so close, so agonizingly close, and Maggie knew it.

"Come for me," Maggie commanded, her voice low and authoritative, her fingers never slowing. "Let go, Alex."

That was all it took. Alex's body seized, her muscles tightening as the orgasm tore through her with a force that left her gasping for air. Her hips jerked uncontrollably, her thighs shaking as the pleasure hit her like a wave, crashing over her again and again. She could feel the intense pressure building, and then suddenly, it was too much to hold back.

With a broken cry, Alex came hard, her body convulsing as she squirted, the release hitting her so intensely that she could barely breathe. Maggie's fingers stayed pressed firmly against her clit, rubbing her through the orgasm, drawing out every last drop of pleasure until Alex's entire body trembled with the aftershocks.

The sound of the wetness filled the air, the intensity of Alex's release undeniable as her body gave in completely. Maggie's fingers slowed slightly but didn't stop, coaxing her through her orgasm from Alex until she was left trembling, her legs weak, her body completely spent.

Alex collapsed onto the bed, her breath coming in shallow around the gag as she tried to recover from the overwhelming pleasure. Her mind was blank, her body trembling from the intensity of the release, but there was a deep, bone-deep satisfaction coursing through her.

Maggie leaned down, her breath warm against Alex's ear as she whispered, "Good girl. You did so well."

Alex's body was still trembling, the aftershocks of the intense orgasm leaving her muscles weak and her breath shaky. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she let out a soft, contented sigh, sinking deeper into the mattress. The overwhelming pleasure had left her feeling utterly spent, but there was a deep satisfaction that settled over her like a warm blanket.

Maggie's touch softened immediately, her dominant edge fading as she shifted into a more tender mode. She reached up, gently unfastening the gag from Alex's mouth, her fingers brushing against Alex's flushed skin as she carefully removed it. "There we go," she whispered, her voice now full of care. "Just breathe."

Alex took in a deep breath, her jaw aching slightly from the gag but grateful for the release. Maggie placed the gag aside, her hands already moving back to Alex, stroking her cheek with gentle fingertips, the tension in the air replaced with warmth and intimacy.

"You're okay?" Maggie asked softly, her voice tender as she pressed a soft kiss to Alex's forehead. "You were incredible."

Alex nodded, still too dazed to form words, but her body relaxed under Maggie's gentle touch. She leaned into Maggie's hand, letting the soothing strokes of her fingers calm the lingering tremors in her muscles.

Maggie smiled down at her, her eyes filled with affection as she carefully pulled the blanket up over Alex's body, tucking it around her to keep her warm. "You're safe," Maggie whispered, her lips brushing against Alex's temple as she settled down beside her. "I've got you."

Alex's breath began to even out, her body still humming from the intensity of what they'd just shared, but Maggie's presence, her gentle care, was grounding her. The soft sheets, the weight of the blanket, and Maggie's warmth beside her all helped her come back to herself.

Maggie wrapped her arm around Alex's waist, pulling her closer, their bodies fitting together naturally. Alex turned slightly, resting her head against Maggie's chest, the steady rhythm of Maggie's heartbeat calming her even more.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The room was filled with nothing but the sound of their breathing, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm light over them. Maggie's fingers continued their gentle, soothing strokes along Alex's back, tracing slow, comforting patterns over her skin.

"You were perfect," Maggie murmured again, her voice soft, full of pride and affection. "You're always so perfect for me."

Alex smiled weakly, her eyes still half-closed as she melted into Maggie's embrace. "I'd do anything for you," she whispered, her voice soft and full of truth.

Maggie's smile widened, and she pressed another kiss to Alex's forehead, her grip tightening slightly, holding Alex close. "I know you would," she whispered back, her lips brushing against Alex's hair. "And I'll always take care of you."