
Kinktober: Alex/Maggie One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Alex/Maggie

silkenobedience · テレビ
9 Chs

Day 3 – Orgasm Control

Day 3 – Orgasm Control

The restaurant was one of the finest in the city, with its minimalist decor, low lighting, and the quiet hum of conversation floating through the air. Alex Levy sat at a table near the window, the soft clink of silverware and the murmur of polite conversation blending into the background. She was dressed impeccably, as always—her tailored suit fitting her perfectly, her makeup done just right, her hair falling in carefully styled waves.

But beneath that polished exterior, Alex was anything but composed.

Her breath hitched slightly as she felt the soft buzz between her legs, the vibrator tucked snugly inside her, controlled by Maggie Brener, who sat across from her with a devilish smirk playing on her lips. Alex shifted in her seat, trying to maintain her composure, but every movement sent a jolt of pleasure through her, making it harder and harder to concentrate on the conversation they were supposed to be having.

Maggie's hand was resting casually on the table, the small remote concealed in her palm, her thumb brushing over the controls as if she were idly toying with it. But the glint in her eyes, the way she watched Alex with amusement, made it clear that this was far from idle.

"You're awfully quiet," Maggie remarked, her tone innocent but laced with amusement as she took a sip of her wine. "Everything alright?"

Alex swallowed hard, her fingers gripping the edge of the table as she forced a smile. "I'm fine," she said, though her voice was slightly strained, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "Just—thinking about work."

Maggie's smile widened, clearly enjoying the power she held over Alex. She leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a low, teasing whisper. "Are you sure it's work you're thinking about? Or is it something else?"

Before Alex could respond, Maggie's thumb pressed down on the remote, increasing the intensity of the vibrations. Alex's eyes widened, her body jolting slightly as the sensation intensified, pleasure shooting through her in waves. She clenched her thighs together, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape, her nails digging into the tablecloth in a desperate attempt to maintain control.

"Maggie," Alex hissed, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned forward, trying to look as composed as possible despite the chaos happening beneath the table. "Not here."

Maggie raised an eyebrow, her expression one of pure amusement. "Why not? No one can tell, Alex. You look perfectly calm."

The smugness in her tone only made Alex more frustrated, her body trembling with the effort of holding back. She was on edge, teetering dangerously close to the brink, but Maggie was in control. All Alex could do was sit there, helpless as Maggie continued to tease her with every flick of her thumb.

"You should really try the wine," Maggie said casually, her tone so normal it was almost maddening. "It's exquisite."

Alex barely heard her, too focused on keeping her composure as the vibrations between her legs continued to build. She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs tightly in an attempt to dull the sensation, but it only made it worse. Her breath was coming in shallow gasps now, her heart racing as her body clenched in response to the relentless stimulation.

Maggie, meanwhile, was completely unfazed, sipping her wine and pretending as if nothing unusual was happening. She glanced around the restaurant, her smile widening as she leaned in again, her voice low and sultry. "I could make you come right here, you know. No one would even notice."

Alex's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. "You wouldn't dare."

Maggie's thumb hovered over the remote, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Wouldn't I?"

The vibration suddenly intensified, and Alex's body jolted in response, her thighs clenching together as the pleasure built to an unbearable level. She let out a soft gasp, quickly biting down on her lip to keep quiet, her face flushed as she tried to keep from falling apart right there at the table.

Maggie watched her with a satisfied smirk, clearly enjoying the way Alex was squirming in her seat, barely holding it together. "You're doing so well," she whispered, her voice dripping with amusement. "But I can see how desperate you're getting."

Alex's heart was pounding in her chest, her entire body tense as she fought to maintain control. She was so close, her body aching for release, but she couldn't—she wouldn't—give in. Not here. Not like this.

"Maggie," Alex whispered, her voice trembling with need as her nails dug into the tablecloth. "Please…"

Maggie raised an eyebrow, clearly savoring the moment. "Please what?"

Alex's body was trembling now, the vibrations pushing her closer and closer to the edge. She was teetering on the brink, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fought to keep herself together. "Please stop," she gasped, though even she wasn't sure if she meant it.

Maggie's smile softened, but the control in her eyes remained. "You know I don't stop until I decide you're ready," she murmured, her thumb brushing over the remote once more, lowering the intensity just enough to keep Alex teetering on the edge without letting her fall over.

Alex let out a soft, frustrated whimper, her body screaming for release, but Maggie wasn't done with her yet. She kept the vibrations low, just enough to keep Alex on the brink, her body trembling with need but unable to find relief.

"You're going to stay right here, on the edge," Maggie whispered, her voice full of control. "Until I say you can come."

Alex's head fell forward slightly, her body trembling with the effort of holding back. Every nerve in her body was on fire, the sensation between her legs driving her to the brink of madness, but she couldn't do anything about it. Not here. Not in front of everyone.

Maggie leaned in again, her breath hot against Alex's ear as she whispered, "You're doing so well, Alex. But you're not coming yet. Not until I tell you."

Alex's whole body was trembling, her mind a haze of desperation and frustration. The low hum of the vibrator between her legs was driving her insane, keeping her on edge without letting her fall over it. She gripped the table, her nails digging into the fine linen, her breath shallow and ragged. Maggie was toying with her, watching every reaction, every tremor of need that rippled through her, and Alex was doing everything she could to maintain some semblance of composure.

And then, as if the universe had decided to make things even worse, a familiar voice cut through the tension.

"Alex? Maggie? I thought that was you!"

Alex's eyes flew open, her heart leaping into her throat as she turned her head to see Laura Peterson approaching their table with a warm, easy smile. Laura looked immaculate as always, her casual elegance and confidence radiating as she glided toward them.

Maggie's lips curled into a wicked smirk, and she didn't remove her thumb from the remote. If anything, her grip tightened on it, a silent promise of what was to come.

Laura stopped at their table, her eyes flickering between Alex and Maggie before landing on Alex. Her brow furrowed slightly. "Alex, you're looking a little flushed. Are you alright?"

Alex's breath caught in her throat, her body still trembling with the vibrations between her legs. She forced a tight smile, struggling to keep her voice steady. "I'm—fine. Just a bit warm in here."

Maggie's smirk deepened, and without missing a beat, she pressed her thumb down on the remote, sending the vibrator to its highest setting. The sudden, intense surge of pleasure ripped through Alex, and her entire body tensed. Her grip on the table tightened, her nails digging into the fabric as she desperately tried to hold back the moan that threatened to spill from her lips.

Laura's gaze lingered on Alex, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in Alex's reaction—her trembling hands, the flush on her cheeks, the way her breath hitched. A slow, knowing smile spread across Laura's face as realization dawned.

"Oh," Laura said, her tone light but laced with amusement. "I see what's going on."

Maggie chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she leaned back in her chair, watching the scene unfold. "Do you, now?" she asked, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Laura crossed her arms over her chest, her smile widening. "Well, I'm not blind. I can see when someone's being… teased." Her eyes flicked back to Alex, who was visibly struggling to hold herself together.

Alex's entire body was trembling now, the intense vibrations pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her face flushed with both embarrassment and arousal as she tried to keep some semblance of composure. But it was useless—Maggie had her completely at her mercy, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Alex," Maggie purred, her voice low and dangerous, "I think Laura's right. You are looking a bit flushed. Maybe you should take a deep breath."

That was the final push Alex needed. Her body seized, her breath catching in her throat as the orgasm hit her with full force. A strangled gasp escaped her lips, and her nails dug into the table as her body convulsed, the pleasure overwhelming and all-consuming. She tried to stay quiet, tried to keep her release as discreet as possible, but there was no hiding it—not from Maggie, and certainly not from Laura.

Laura's eyes sparkled with amusement as she watched Alex come undone in front of her. There was no judgment, no shock—just a knowing smirk that told Alex Laura had expected this. Maybe even enjoyed watching.

As Alex slumped back in her chair, trying to catch her breath, Laura tilted her head slightly, her tone casual as she said, "Well, that was… quite the reaction."

Alex, still trembling in the aftermath, barely managed to respond, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Maggie, ever the picture of calm control, leaned back in her chair with a satisfied smirk, the remote still in her hand.

Laura's gaze flicked between them, her expression playful. "You know, Bradley and I have been meaning to catch up with the two of you. We should all get together sometime." She let the suggestion hang in the air, her smile widening as she added, "We could have… some fun."

Alex's heart skipped a beat, her mind still foggy from the intensity of her orgasm. But even through the haze, she could see the glint in Laura's eyes—the unspoken invitation. Maggie's smirk widened, clearly entertained by the idea.

"That sounds like a great idea," Maggie said smoothly, her fingers still playing with the remote. "We'll have to arrange something soon."

Laura nodded, her smile lingering as she glanced back at Alex, who was still recovering from the intense pleasure. "Let me know when you're free, Alex," Laura said, her tone light but suggestive. "I think we'd all enjoy it."

With that, Laura gave them a wink and walked away, leaving Alex breathless, flustered, and more than a little overwhelmed. Maggie chuckled softly, slipping the remote back into her bag as she leaned in toward Alex, her voice a low, teasing murmur.

"Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"

Alex shot her a half-hearted glare, but there was no denying the heat still simmering between them. She might be annoyed with Maggie for putting her through that, but there was no denying the thrill that came with it either.

"You're going to pay for that," Alex muttered under her breath, though the slight quiver in her voice made it clear that she was still very much under Maggie's spell.

Maggie only grinned, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "I look forward to it."