
(Part 11)

PAKISTAN)= (Sindh International Cricket Training Camp of Pakistan for Juveniles)

The winds blew harsh and the trees fluttered wildly as two huge helicopters landed over the stadium. Tall, long figures one by one stepped on the ground from the helicopters rope. Large black bags hanging over their shoulders removing their belts they exhaled a huge sigh of relief. "Oh my god! What a ride! I feel so tired! Even though I haven't done anything else rather than siting the whole time." complained a voice.

His wavy white hairs rampaged left and right from the wind as he stared at others with his red lazy eyes, 'Ah~ home sweet home. It feels so good to be back." "Senri, you aren't the only one feeling this way. Even I am broke! China is far from Pakistan moreover, hell far from Australia! I really regret going there." cried another one keeping his arm on Senri's shoulder with the other hand grasping his light blue hairs towards a side revealing his sun like yellow eyes.

"Hey! Both of you! Noah! Senri! Move a little bit forward we're coming down!" exclaimed another voice, as the two of them gazed at the figure gliding down the helicopter. His green long hairs dangled with sparkling yellow eyes. "Yeah! I did it I came down on my own!! Haha!!" he laughed amused.

"Really Aigou? Sigh… just where did all that energy come from?" asked Noah stretching his back. "We just came back from China! My Homeland! Of course I am happy! I also met my mom and dad!" Aigou cheered looking at another figure who stood beside him nodding with a smile, "Good for you. I am glad that you met them without any problem." he wished earnestly.

"Yes! I did! Thank you, Elias!"Aigou thanked. Elias smiled caringly as his blonde hairs and purple eyes glinted gently. "Were finally back. Somehow it feels so nostalgic. Wait… did we land in the wrong place again?!" asked another one setting his glasses as his black eyes gazed right and left with his brown wavy hairs combed on the right side.

"Don't worry Nagi, we landed on the right place. This is the fourth stadium of the training base. Don't panic needlessly." assured another one patting his shoulder. His black hairs and purple eyes stared at the sorroundings carefully nodding once more, "I am absolutely correct, we are at the right place." "I am glad. I almost lost my cool there. Thank you Ren." Nagi replied relived.

"Looks like his place hasn't changed much since we left. It feels as if I am back in the past." commented another one. His purple hairs neatly landing down his shoulders with red eyes gleaming. A sharp smile rested on his lips. "You haven't gone back! Don't you dare think that!" interrupted a rough voice. "You have come back here again. After becoming stronger. Don't rival your past selves to what you are now!" he ordered.

"Do you get it? Orion?" he asked him with a frightening and piercing red gaze. His red hairs perked up like wild fire. "Yes, Yes, Vice-captain Evandor…" Orion responded carelessly. "Moreover, where in the world is Aaron?" Evandor erupted in anger. Soon another figure landed from the helicopter beside him. His orange and red beautiful hairs fluttered revealing his dark green eyes. "If I clearly remember, Evan. He said that he would be coming after performing his concert by tomorrow." he informed.

Evandor clicked his tongue vexed, "That rascal and his concerts! Is he even serious?!" Soon another one asked from the Helicopter, "Isa, should I come down now?" "Yes, of course, Zach. Hurry up. Kazuna might be dying to come down by now." Isa teased looking up. Senri chulked, "Hehe… your highness, don't tease Kazuna so much." "Haha, I was just joking." Isa jested.

Soon the figure leapt down from the Helicopter. His long white hairs covering his left eye till his chin, with a long red highlight in middle were disheveled as his right blue eye showed. His height slightly taller than the rest. "Zachariah… your hairs are messy again." Noah pointed out as Ren nodded. "Again?" Zach asked setting them instantly. Isa smiled looking up, "Little Kazuna! You can come down..."

However, before he could complete his sentence, a tall figure had already landed on the ground. Taking a deep breath he looked upwards. His straight dark blue hairs shining elegantly up to his neck. While his blue eyes stared at the sight before him. "Feeling good to be back?" Noah asked curious. "Yeah…" responded Kazuna. His voice gentle and modulated, "It's been long." "Of course it's been long! And we are all back here again stronger than before!" exclaimed Evandor proudly walking forward.

"Ah… my blood is rushing wildly! Oh! How much I want to see those little middle schoolers!" Elias stated excited. "Me too! I want to go and have a blasting match with all of them!!" added Orion. "My, my, looks like I have to get a hand on lots of files to learn about every single one them." grinned Nagi evilly. "I wonder, how thrilling they will make me feel once I play against them, since, Rauf told that there are monsters in our camp this time." remembered Isa.

"Since, Rauf said it then I want to test them with my own two eyes!" declared Senri. "Looks like little Kazuna is also ready right?" Ren glaced at him. "Of course I am." Kazuna responded. Ren blinked his eyes. "Um… by that I meant Rauf not the middle schoolers." He corrected. Suddenly every one surrounding them went silent. Kazuna blinked his eyes surprised as his expression suddenly turned into a stern one.

"Oh my!! What in the world did you do?!" shrieked Aigou grabbing Ren by his neck and strangling him. "Haha… don't mind him Kazuna, his is an idiot! A big idiot you see!" assured Noah trying to clear the misunderstanding and tension rising amid them.

"Hey! You're strangling me! Aigou! Cough..!" Ren squealed hitting his arm. "Not that it really matters. I am back. And, I'll beat anyone who stands in my way. Be it the middle schoolers or even Rauf." Kazuna replied heading forward.

The 12 of them stared at him bewildered. "Oh my god!! What will happen now? We were supposed to stop him and Captain Rauf from fighting at all costs and here we are breaking our promise to Alan!!" squeaked Orion.

Suddenly all of them went silent again. Kazuna too halted in his steps, for a few seconds walking once more. "Hey… what about Alan? Now that I remember…" asked Senri realizing. "Moreover, how couId I forget him In the first place?!!" he shrieked in disbelief.

"Oh my god! What about Alan? Hey, Evandor you know something about him right? Tell us!!" asked Aigou hastily. "Calm down… Alan is returning to Pakistan today or tomorrow." Evandor replied.

"Really!! My little darling boy is coming back! I am glad. Aren't you glad as well Zach?" Isa gleamef. "Hey, hey, don't say it like that, it gives me chills!!" Noah shuddered. "Not that it matters." replied Zach. "I miss her as well. Don't you too Kazuna?" he asked looking at him. All of them turning silent again.

"Hey Zach… Alan is not a, her! How many times have I told you not to say that? You will be the only one to cause trouble like this!!" freaked Nagi. "My bad…" replied Zach. Kazuna walked silently. "Don't worry too much Kazuna, Alan will always like you the most amongst us and Senri as well." he consoled patting his shoulder. Kazuna stared at him speechless.

"I don't think he is worried about something like that." Ren whispered embarrassed. "Then, are you wondering how strong he might have become…?" Noah guessed. Suddenly Kazuna halted. "Looks like I was right on point this time." he added.

"But still he is returning , I am glad! No matter if strong or unbeatable, as he has always been or unrecognizable. It doesn't matter at all. Though, I do wonder how he would look like." Aigou tried to guess. "Maybe manlier… or prettier or stronger… argh!! The more I think about it the more curious I become!" Orion tried to guess weirdly.

"Stop it! Please stop it! You're ruining it!" Elias gasped shuddering. "No matter wherever he is… I wish he would be fine." Kazuna whispered. All of them looked at him with smile. "My, my… as expected of you! Always kind!" Senri remarked hugging his back suddenly startling him.

"Yes! Kazuna is the best!!" Aigou concurred. "Alright, enough with the talks. From here we'll go straight to meet Rauf and then you can do whatever you want but, make sure you don't hurt the middle schoolers in anyway Alright?" Evandor eyed them all one by one.

The twelve of them stared at each other as a mischievous smile suddenly covered their lips. "Oh… you're right Evan. Don't worry~ we'll be really kind~" chanted Noah freakily. "HAHA! Of course~ we'll make sure to be really gentle~" added Isa laughing sadistically. "I'll make sure not to hurt them in any way be it physically or mentally… or probably not~" Orion looked in a devilish whisper. All twelve of them shrieked villainously as Kazuna sighed. "If they aren't good, I'll throw them out myself. I don't care if Rauf stands in the way or whosoever excluding Alan." uttered Zach stoic.

"Hehe… all hail Alan, not a single sentence to bypass him. I will freely enjoy myself, you're with me in this together right Elias?" Senri asked. Elias nodded. "I will make them tremble in fear under my wrath!!" oozed Ren like a demon. Aigou gulped, "I will just remember their names and make sure to be their friend." "However, if they mess with me. I won't leave them." he suddenly changed his tone into a viscious one.

"Look who's talking of making friends!!" shrieked Senri. "I wonder what Aaron must be doing now? After his concert is over, I'll ask him for his new song." Elias wondered. "Really! Give it to me as well!!" urged Orion. Evandor sighed "You foolish monster rascals, stop relaxing so much. You won't listen to me on going easy on them so let's get going!" he called.

Kazuna taking a deep breath walked forward while the others followed behind. "Hey, if I like anyone of them, can I make him my student?" Aigou gazed at Evan hopefully.

"Of course, all of you can. Do whatever you can in your power to pull them up! Because we have to take over the world together!!" Evan exclaimed. "Yes! Together with Rauf! And Alan!" Isa corrected in between. The others looked at him with a smile.

"Yay~!! I'll take the most adorable one!!" Aigou smiled. "Let's go!! Here we come you little monsters!!" they chanted together. "Alan… Rauf … I am here…" thought Kazuna taking a deep breath. Soon all of them made their way towards the central headquarters of the training camp.