
(Part 10)

Xavier tracing the ball which rolled smiled. Stepping forward from the batting crease he slammed the ball as it vanished however, he instantly whispered, a confident smirk covering his lips, "1st counter: Breaking whirlwind…"

Suddenly a gust of air began to swirl around Xavier's bat as the ball which had vanished instantly revealed itself right before him. And, as soon as it did he slammed it towards Alan harshly. The ball passing by Alan's cheek with full force alerted him dangerously. Alan dazed at its return stared at Xavier. Xavier smiling stood up again.

The highschoolers and middle schoolers all stared surprised.

"He! He! He returned Alan's ghost delivery, on his first try?!" Noah pointed baffled.

"Looks like he read the secret behind It." Isa remarked stern. Kazuna stared at Alan seriously.

Seles stared at the pitch wide eyed soon grinning. "Very well done." he commented.

"What just happened?" asked Feng confused as Heber and Ezekiel rubbed their eyes puzzled.

"Now, I get it!" Seraph confirmed suddenly, slapping his fist on his palm.

"What did you get Sera, Sera?" Adam asked curious.

"The secret behind the ghost delivery. The ball never vanishes in the first place. The harsh spin which Alan puts on the ball reveals on the point of vanish from his words. That means, when Alan says stop, drop roll and vanish. It is just like a code where the ball will actually activate that spin. And it activates, the moment it hits the bat which means at the word 'Vanish'. Xavier's first counter breaking whirlwind takes a gust of the wind and decreases the ball's spin power which drastically reveals the ball again."

"That signifies, when Kenzo hit the ball it was full of force for a six but due to ball suddenly vanishing and Kenzo was taken aback by surprise, he wasn't able to put the exact amount of pressure in his hit which resulted in a four instead." realized Helios as Seraph agreed, "Exactly."

"Ah, now I see." Cassiel clasped his fingers together immediately noting down in his journal.

Kenzo clicking his tongue eyed Alan annoyed. "Tch, that rascal. He just played against my guard. Beat him up Xavier for all of ours sake!" he called out loud.

The middle schoolers sighed in disbelief while Helios and Feng smiled. "Wohoo! Xavier's first counter from the deadly fours! Way to go!" exclaimed Hadi happily.

"So he used it hun. His first counter, a counter which reveals all vanishing deliveries." Ren guessed, "Heh… not too bad."

Aigou blinked his eyes in wonder. "Huh? How did you know it was a counter which reveals all vanishing deliveries?"

"The gust of wind… looks like this weather is his great friend." Senri pointed at the grey sky.

"Looks like it's about to rain soon." Noah pointed. Rauf staring at the pitch eyed Alan grave.

"Breaking whirlwind… a fine counter. Not too bad, young genius." commented Alan grinning satisfied.

"Thank you." Xavier thanked, "But… the fun has just begun. It's too early to remark."

Alan turning around smiled, "Yeah, you're right. It's way too early…"

"Nagi…" Nidou called out.

Nagi glancing at him asked back, "Yes?"

"Every move that brat uses, right it down. Who knows, when we might get to see it again?" Nidou told seriously. Ren blinked in wonder, "Geez… is he another Kazuna? Even coach says to write down his moves."

Alan once again stepping on the pitch bowled towards Xavier. The ball full of speed tapped on Xavier's stumps.

"It's Alan's Slice fast delivery!" Heber recognized.

Xavier tracing the ball stepped back, "Hm… I wonder if I get your thoughts now, Alan. A fast spin delivery which is aimed right at my stumps and straight into the wickets. Deliveries like these will make me stop the ball using my body. A move befitting my returns, that's why it won't work…"

"2nd counter: Silent snow drop."

Alan hearing those words stood still as a wide grin covered his lips. "Wah! It's the 2nd counter!" cheered Mikael clapping his hand with Theo. The ball which was about to sweep right into the wicket had vanished into thin air. Xavier flinging the bat into air smiled.

"Huh? He is hitting the wind? Where is the ball?" Noah looked right and left.

"At Alan's feet." pointed Evan.

The highschoolers looking at Alan's feet found the ball circulating round and round like a tiny cyclone. Xavier instantly ordered, "Stop." And as soon as he did the ball's speed died down, ultimately stopping beside Alan's right feet.

The middle schoolers at the sight cheered. "Way to go Xavi, Xavi! Now no more Lbw's can work!" Adam jumped happily. Seraph smiled. Feng all pumped up encouraged, "Way to go Vice-captain! You rule!" Kenzo and Gabriel eyeing the sight grinned wildly.

"The first one stops all bolds while the second one nullifies even Lbw's, unbelievable." Seles jotted down amazed.

Ryan smirked, "You're right, Vice-captain was always at the last of our batting line. So, we didn't get to witness his batting side a lot. But now, he is finally revealing all his moves." Cassiel eyeing him immediately noted down in his journal, "Seriously, I always believed that his batting counters were all made up. Who knew they were crazy real! I better update my data."

Poseidon shook his head, "If you thought like that all this time, then you are gravely mistaken about him." "After all, it's not a joke that even I fear his batting." he confessed.

Ezekiel and Azazel stood shocked, "Are you for real?!"

Poseidon nodded. "Yeah… for real. Even if it was the last three balls of the tournament. I still remember those eyes of his. It was as if the moment I came in his way, he's would crush me down." he added.

The middle schoolers hearing him stared awed. Ren and Senri staring the pitch sat seriously. "What just happened?" Elias inquired.

"The second counter, unlike the first one which reveals the vanishing balls, it vanishes them. Did you recognize one thing that Alan had been forcing unusual spins over his fast deliveries since the beginning aiming for Xavier's wicket?" Evan pointed.

"Yeah, he is." replied Orion attentively.

"And that's his mistake. Xavier is a spin returner in the first place and his counters are all against spins. So no matter how hard Alan tries, he won't be able to break his counters by adding extra spins over fast deliveries." Evan explained.

"Does that means Alan has to change his strategy to deliver only fast balls to break his counters?" Aaron looked up.

Rauf smirked, "Nope, they still won't work. However, they might make a difference. He is just challenging Xavier despite knowing he's wrong." Zach and Isa exhaled. "It's hard to understand when those boy's all have different strategies." Isa commented.

Senri however smiled amused, "Its fine. Because… don't you find it interesting in its own way? The first one stops all bolds and the other Lbw's. While Alan deliberately aims for fast spin deliveries. Just watching it makes me wonder what the last two of his counters can do and why is Alan using the spinning method despite knowing he's wrong. Even Kazuna might be feeling enthralled right now."

Kazuna sat with his arms crossed. "The moment the ball was about to hit the wicket, he hit the ball with a large amount of spin. Which with the help of the wind rolled backwards straight towards Alan's feet swirling round and round. A shocking counter indeed. Reading the movement of the wind and calculating the speed of the ball with the return concentration. Not everyone can accomplish something like this, no wonder he is a genius." he thought seriously, "Alan… what in the world are you thinking right now?"

Alan crouching down picked the ball up throwing it up and catching it again. "So, that was the second counter." he asked amused.

Xavier nodded. "Seeing how powerful they are, it makes me wonder how strong the other 2 might be." Alan asked intrigued.

Xavier hearing his words glanced cunningly, "Yes, they are certainly quiet powerful…" A confidence surpassing even belief emitted from his gaze. Tapping his bat he once again took his position.

Alan suddenly smirked, "Haha!! I like you boy, you emit one hell of bold ingeniousness!" Xavier hearing his comment smiled back, "You flatter me."

Walking away from the pitch Alan stared at his hand "Seems like my fingers and toes are beginning to numb. However, I still have to check something. That means, it's time for…" he thought rushing towards the pitch.

As soon as he stepped onto the popping crease. He rapidly changed his grip.