
The Tremor

"For Qin, all will die."

"Damn dogs."

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Everything turned into chaos as soon as the Qin soldiers reached the hill and climbed through the forest that connected to it.

Jun clashed swords with the guards of the Wei general; there were far more enemies than they had originally anticipated, which was precisely why he would have preferred to attack at night.

But in war, there are no alternatives, especially when they lacked the data that would have improved their mission's performance.

Jun's sword seemed to vanish amid numerous attacks, flickering from left to right, as if teleporting, leaving everyone behind.

Jun had taken a horse from the soldiers who had died in this place and led the cavalry alongside Shin and the commander who was supposed to oversee the entire army in this section.

He was known as the general of a thousand suicidal men. Jun didn't know his name, nor did he care. Right now, he had to make his way through dozens of soldiers, each and every one of them willing to die for their nation.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As for the swords and spears stabbed by the defending soldiers from the flanks, they essentially used the power of their horses to knock them down, leaving them to the Qin infantry behind to deal with the enemy.

Jun, of course, had taken another, longer route, but one with fewer enemies. No one would have believed that he and Kyou Kai could survive against dozens of soldiers alone.

Most of the people in the rear camp were auxiliary soldiers.

Unlike the main soldiers at the front, very few had the courage to step forward; most people backed away when they saw the cavalry approaching.

"We need to avoid the archers; let Shin and the others handle them." Jun turned his horse's head.

He planned to charge again, not to kill more Wei soldiers but to completely disrupt the camp's order and prevent the commander from effectively organizing his troops.

The field remained plunged into chaos. Flames burned in the tents. Soldiers couldn't find their positions. Some even had their hands and didn't know where their weapons were.

"Take care of the archers; they must be killed first."

Jun deflected several arrows aimed at him. As he observed, he was about a hundred meters away from the camp of the general of this hill, so taking advantage of this single opportunity, he didn't pay attention to the details.

"I'll cover your back."

"Don't cover me from behind like last time..." Jun muttered, but his words were lost in the noise, the deafening roar around them.

Kyou Kai danced on the battlefield; Jun, on the other hand, looked like an unbridled demon.

Their styles were quite different, of course; Jun was not using the Dance of the Black Moon.

"There are too many enemies."

"I'm going mad."

Jun didn't know who the hell the general was; he assumed he'd have to kill many before finding the right one. This was madness; he wasn't supposed to be here.

"Damn it."

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