
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · ファンタジー
33 Chs

The Zodiacs Nightmare

It was late at night, the stars in the sky shone on everyone in the whole kingdom of Zo-an, and the sound of insects around was heard all over the forest when suddenly, everyone heard a loud scream. When they immediately opened their eyes, they saw that the noise was coming from Juno.

They all woke up immediately and saw Juno crying loudly.

Her face showed mourning because of what the Velos Desi had suffered. She has been protecting the Desi for a long time and was destroyed in an instant by a High Guardian from the house of VEA.

Linhardt didn't know why his body moved on its own, and he suddenly hugged Juno tightly while she was crying.

He tried to comfort her, but Juno was in so much pain, and every time she closed her eyes, she could not get out of her mind the face of her comrades who had died, especially her loyal right-hand Jagal.

Linhardt doesn't have anything to say or advice to give them because right now there is no other way to alleviate Juno's suffering but to just cry it all out. he just said that they will never leave Juno under any circumstances, and they make sure that the royalties of the house of VEA will pay for the blasphemy they committed.


After Sirius refilled the power of his blood ring by transferring a lot of blood of his imprisoned Zodiacs, he also prepared to return immediately to Velos Desi.

he didn't want to waste any more time so that he could get ahead of the person that Lord Egon had also ordered to investigate that Desi.

Before he left, he passed by Gaia and saw that he was doing well already. Gaia is able to walk properly again, and this means that he is able to fight again to take on Linhardt.

Sirius forbade him to come outside the border of VEA in the meantime because he wanted him to rest from fighting, and he would need him to patrol the castle while he was gone.

Gaia asked him where he was going, but Sirius didn't want to answer that question. he only mentioned that he had something very important to attend to. Gaia also notices that the ring that Sirius is wearing was more brighter and has a lively blood color on it. he felt a bit of tremble in house body while looking at the ring then he snapped out of it when Sirius called out his name and told that he should never leave this castle.

Sirius said goodbye and immediately left the room where Gaia was resting. before he used his teleport spell he first took a strand of hair from a guard who was guarding outside of Gaia's room. he hid in a blind spot place and made sure that no one was watching then blew the hair that he got, within five seconds Sirius' appearance suddenly changed. his hair and eyes turned black. and his dress became like the dress of the people of Velos Desi.

Sirius immediately teleported to the place of Velos Desi while using his disguise. he went to a high tower inside Velos Desi so he could observe the whole area.

He could see the charred corpses of the Velums and the monsters that Gaia had summoned. the whole area was covered with arrows made of blood and it looks like the arrow were alive and breathing.

while watching the area, he saw a bird flying towards the interior of Velos Desi.

The bird flew safely and singing but when it got inside, it was suddenly hit by one of the arrows that suddenly appeared underground.

he observed how the body of the bird fell and the ground seemed to absorb its blood and the insides immediately fell out.

It's as if the whole area around Velos Desi is alive and the whole area is constantly being watched over. He could smell the foul blood with every breath of air and he heard a stuttering word as if coming from underground. J-j-j-u n no-o ! the words he heard over and over whispered by the wind.

he saw a shining object on the floor and it looks like the voice are coming from that thing.

he tried to move and get down from his tower that he was standing on but suddenly the arrows on the ground collided and focused in his direction.

Sirius felt that something bad would happen if he tried to get closer so he better think about what he should do before acting.


Gaia, on the other hand, was thinking inside his room and he realized that what he did was very wrong in destroying the entire Velos Desi. many innocent people were hurt because of what he did. but he couldn't do anything but follow what Sirius ordered him to do. Sirius's father was Gaia's best friend whom he used to serve. Sirius father was the one who fed and nurtured him when he was just a child and he had nowhere to live. so he owes a lot to him. but he also asks himself if this is still right? is it right for me to be submissive to his son even though what are doing is totally wrong?

there are times when Gaia wants to break free but he feels sorry for the fate of his Taurus Zodiac people that was inside the castle. he also felt fear whenever he was around Sirius and he knew Sirius wouldn't think twice about consuming them when they were no longer useful. if only there was a way for them to defeat a Royalty but no one ever planned or dared to revolt against those who royalties who reigned all over the kingdom.

while he was deep in thought, he took some food that was left on the floor of his table.

when he approached it, he saw his reflection in a mirror. he suddenly dropped the apple he was holding when he saw that the tattoo on his neck that was a sign of being a Zodiac Taurus was slowly disappearing.

he also noticed the freckle on his shoulder that still hasn't disappeared from being burned by Linhardt's flaming sword and it still hurts when he touched the scar that was burned.

this is bad news for him because he could become useless to the entire house of VEA and he could be removed from being a High Guardian because of what he discovered.

he wore a cloak to cover his neck to make sure no one would notice the tattoo on his neck that was slowly fading. the first thing that immediately came to his mind was that he wanted to see if there was a change in his ability.

he took the knife that was on the table and cut his finger. he tried to summon a monstrous bird like the one he rode to escape from Velos Desi but his face turned pale when he saw that he only summoned a small bird and cant even flapped its wings. He also noticed that the wound on his finger did not heal immediately like it used to.

little by little he was sweating and still couldn't believe what he found out. he was sure it would be a huge embarrassment to their entire Taurus clan and Sirius would surely resent him for it.

He quickly packed his things and secretly planned to escaped the castle.