
Chapter 283 Night Moon

Lin Wu came down from the electricity tower, took out paper and pen to draw and explain. Maya said, "With our previous way of thinking, we would choose a base close to the county town to prepare for the next step of development. Since there are such rich resources by the lake, I believe the player's base should be located near the lake, not far from the county town."

It's just a few kilometers from North Town to the mountaintop church, and only around a dozen kilometers from the mountaintop church to Left County. From this data, one could infer that Technology City is at least five times larger than Future City, if not more. Moreover, the North Town area of Technology City is vastly more expansive than its counterpart.

Maya drew lines on the hand-drawn map: "We should cross the desert while we do not need drinking water, using the lake circuit road as our base to look for players. If it's a freshwater lake, the resources of animals and plants around it would be very rich."