
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

Dragonic_Tamer · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

8. the monstrous bird and the young dragon

Lingxu sensing something is going on top of the hills gave out a new order "Ready to move, I want to see the battle of Duke hyou from above"

With that he leads his army to ascend and climb the hills to meet up with his brother and Feng

coincidentally Ouki also thought the same way and moving his army to the hills and the same moment helping the 1st, 2nd and 4th army to ascend the hills.

with long Lingxu starting to move, like a Dragon the Heilong Cavalry led by him infront goes past the horde of enemies with ease not leaving a single one alive on their path.

on the left side, The Monstrous bird of Qin did the same thing, the two movement of 2 beast changing the direction of the fight, Heki Unit and the rest of the army are following from behind.

also at the same moment, the Wall that have been defending the bottom of the hills, Heilong Infantry start to show their might and mowing down their enemy to met their lord on top of the hills.

"Lord, the left army are moving with us" Juton surprised by that fact knowing there are no known general who can do so in the left side.

"a stray ancient bird are taking interest in this battle, pick up the pace, I hate seeing his mocking face" said the Long Lingxu not wanting to lose out to Ouki army.

"General, the Right side seems to be moving" said Tou which make Ouki smile "nfufufu so young but you really did see the whole battlefield huh young Lizard" said Ouki while killing anyone who dares stand in his way.


Amidst all of what happening down below the top of the hills have a bit of quarrel with each other.

"Don't you understand, the infantry on the bottom need our help, even if we stay here we will be out run by the enemy, like general Baku Koshin said we will descend down below and regroup with the army" protest shin

"unknown soldier, right now I have the command of division when I say we hold then we hold, and by saying so, my brother Long Lingxu will be coming here shortly after knowing the top is clear" said Taidu not budging

"Long this Long that, do you think a thousand man can hold up to 2000 man, can you do simple calculations" shin still don't want to listen.

"HOW DARE A MERE PEASANT DISOBEY ORDER" scream one of the Taidu personal guards

shin ready himself up to fight him suddenly stopped by someone "what is this infighting inside of the army" said the man who stopped him calmly.

"nfufufu, it seems you guys are so eager to leave, evem though the battle just started to get interesting" said Ouki arriving on top of the hills.

while that happening, the Heilong infantry along with the rest of the army are successfully go up the hills with them meeting the two beeast who led the assult on both side

"nfufufu, our young lizard seems to managed to grow some wings" said Ouki looking at Long Lingxu.

"your jokes is as crude as this battle goes old Bird" answered Lingxu calmly.

"and I believe you are the boy that shoubokun said, that explain why you stick out like a sore thumb even from far away, I believe your name is shin, quite dissapointing really" said Ouki looking at Shin.

"what? do you say I am weak" said Shin

"Correct" answered General Ouki calmly, "dare you say that again and try to hit me with your giant queer" said shin not wanting to lose out.

"nfufufu, this Treasured blade of mine is the blade that have slain every enemy that stand in my way, knowing that you sure you want to continue?" said Ouki.

"Huh, I sure hell I am, how can you even hit me with that giant thing, I am pretty fast my self" said shin not knowing what is happening around him.

"Say that again while his blade is not on your neck next time Shin" commented Lingxu

Hearing that shin realise that the blade of Ouki is already inch away from his neck, with timely manner Shin manage to stop but got knocked distance away by the sheer power of it.

"YOU, BASTARD" shouting so, Shin Ludge forward ready to meet Ouki blade once again.

but this time, stopped by Lingxu "Before you challenge him, why not try to withstand my blade?" said Lingxu calmly like always.

Shin not knowing by what Lingxu means suddenly see a giant glaive fully black in color coming on his way from above.

*THUD!!!* all of shin injuries have blood coming out of it, with the passing moment he even sprout some blood while holding the sheer might of power that Lingxu delivers.

after a while, Lingxu took his Glaive slowly elevating the pressure shin receive, "By that moment what you see is power that has been trained for 5 long years, you managed to hold it in meant you have some potential, well if you manage to survive for that potential to bloom that is"

"I... *cough* still... Go" said shin between his heavy breath.

"stop, that strike just now compared to General Ouki strike would be his normal daily swing, each of his swint will be as heavy as that swing you just recieve" said Lingxu trying to reason with Shin.

"Out of my way!!!" he scream once again which make Ouki smile and even Lingxu smile for once.

"STOP" heki having enough of Shin impudent behavior walk towards them with Shou Kaku with him.

"General Ouki, and greetings Lord Lingxu" Heki said with a cusp hands

"we thank you for your timely assistance General Ouki, I as the ranking officer with all the rest of the army is at your command, please lead us to march towards the Wei army, and with you leading us, our victory will be guaranteed" said Heki in serious tone.

"nfufufu, I see you as serious as always Lieutenant Heki, but I did not come as reinforcement I just took a walk to see the battle from this hills and don't have any plan on joining the army" said Ouki in joking manner which surprised all the man hearing it.

To be continued