
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

Dragonic_Tamer · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

24. Fated Battle

as Houken and Ouki face against each other, both soldier from both different army understood the message that are in the air

both army instantly made some room for their duel not wanting to get cought or disturb the fated battle between two greatest individual under the heavens right now

Houken with all of his injuries still apparent in his body because of fighting the Long 4 way death trap is in a slight disadvantage but Ouki having seen it didn't even plan to go easy on him

as both of them charge against one another, with both swinging their glaive not holding back even an ounce of strength in their body just to let it all out to that one first clash against one another

*CLANG* as the glaive collide against each other the collision between the two blade are heard all across the battlefield, it is so loud that even the heaven seems to shivers from hearing he clash

with that initial clash, Houken glaive is ringing while his hand are numb even tye wound in his arms are opening due to the amount of pressure Ouki swing have in his glaive

"You are surprisingly light aren't you Houken san, or will you say that's because of those wound you got after facing of against the Young Lizard of Qin" said Ouki taunting Houken further

Houken having heard that words shown anger in his face remembering 4 kid no more than 20 years old managed to injure him so bad despite all his years of training in the path of martial arts

Houken charged again sending a strong swing after swings and Ouki counter with his attack swinging his Glaive with ease when he see some chance Ouki glaive are so close to Houken face that Houken are forced to defend

but not wanting to lose out, Houken counter him with thtrusting Ouki using his Glaive handle and Ouki know that much power would knock him down from his horse, and decide to defends against Houken thrust

with a swift motion after defending against Houken attack Ouki swing his glaive which Houken again defended but the force is so big that he get knocked back along with his horse

Houken is getting angry at something and decide to attack with a powerful swing that sent Ouki back so much even managed to injure him

"you should be stronger than this Ouki, you did not need to hold back" said Houken angry at Ouki who he says not giving his all to this fight

again after that they come into each other range and releasing barrage of attack against one another with its clanking from their blade heard all across of the battlefield

Ouki got pushed back but so do Houken with all his Injuries splurting blood all over his body while Ouki too is bleeding in some part because of Houken cuts

"even after all this years and having the physical wound caused by you healed, the throbbing pain in my soul remain the same Ouki" said Houken grabbing his face remembering the time Ouki strike that injure him 9 years ago

"Ouki, Use that rage bulbing inside of you, you too understand the pain, the pain of losing that person, yes, remember that person death Ou-" even before Houken finished speaking, Ouki sent a downward swing slashing Houken face once again

"nfufufu, no need to worry, the wounds in my heart has not been healed even for a moment" said Ouki with the eyes befitting of the renowned Monstrous bird of Qin

"Nine years... Nine whole years even after everyone said that you are dead, I have a feeling that my sole enemy in this world is still alive, today... I will kill you for sure Houken" said Ouki no longer smiling like he usually are

clash after clash, swing after swing and cut after cut, both sides did not want to back down from each other, but by every clash and swing delivered by Ouki, Houken felt something, a heavy swing after swing the he never felt, a swing so heavy like the heaven it self place that weight upon Houken very own soul

"you seems surprised Houken, by the weight of my swing" said Ouki looking down on Houken in his terrible state after that bout

"but on every strike that I delivered is filled with the burden and wills of every single man in my army, and of course Kyou's will is one of them, come houken, I will crush you with the weight of the man in my army, and kill you as the General of Qin" said Ouki

"what a waste of breath" said Houken regaining his breath and posture ready to Face ouki once again

"you a human that delude itself to carry the will of the death, You shall know that after death only dust remain, and there are only one true will in my soul, and that is THE WILL OF HEAVEN IT SELF" said Houken sending a swing to Ouki

"But yet" Ouki said as he defend against Houken strike "YOUR WOUND FROM THE BLOODLINE OF HEIFU, THE ONE BOY WHO GIVE YOU ALL THAT WOUND IS THE BOY WHO SHALL RULE THE HEAVEN" shouts Ouki to Houken

"The heaven has its own will and rules, but Long Lingxu, is someone who shall rules the Heaven after carrying and also fought against the fate of that Heaven decided, You a hermit who hides himself among the mountains are but a insignificant ant in the eyes of Heaven Challenger" said Ouki while sending a strike to Houken

then again after all that talk, both parties start to get into another bout with the two of them trying to strike down one another, one who carry the will of the death, and one who follow with the heaven wills, a fight that have been never seen before

but as they have this battle, Riboku who led his army come into the scene and rising the flag of Zhao Great Heavens in the rear of both army

Houken who did not want to delay the fight any longer continue his duel with Ouki with him suffering more and more wound with Ouki strike

"Hear me soldier of Ouki army, this very moment shall decide your true self, and that is the self that you are part of Ouki army, go and wreck havoc upon the battlefield, become and fight like you are a beast, we shall get trough this battle alive" ordered Ouki

after giving that order, Houken and Ouki fought once again with Houken glaive break at receiving Ouki strike and Ouki ready to deliver the last blow but before that, an arrow struck his back making him lost focus at the last moment resulting in Houken stabs Ouki

and Ouki having seen these return to his smile and struck Houken for once which Houken catch "This... what is this weight" asked Houken in surprise by the strength in Ouki glaive

"nfufufu, the weight of the Great general of heaven you bufoon" said Ouki and houken hearing this, took out his glaive from ouki body and sent another strike wanting to end it all here, but then... Tou come and deflect the strike at the nick of time

Shin who has come after slaying the disgraceful archer has come and mount the general Ouki horse in hope of getting him out from the battlefield

"the Tou unit would go and charge to enemy to distract them, while the hi shin unit would go and bring the general out of here to the left" said Tou with Shin questioning it

"I have a feeling that the left side should be opened up by now" said Tou while looking at that place

as they were charging towards the left Ouki guards with the Hi shin Unit in tow are fighting their way trough the horde of the Zhao soldier

with that fight and Ouki regain consciousness to help them get out of that situation fight their way together with Ouki explaining the view of a great general to Shin

with that being said, Ouki show that there are a path that have been set by the heavens, and Shin only need to look to it

after saying that he said "let us go and get out of this death trap together everyone" he said while still going to the line that heavens created

as the Zhao getting thicker and the charge gwtting more relentless

there are seen 2 different cavalry unit one who belongs to Moubu with all his wound in his body and the other one is charging at them with black armor and numbering 2k man full with their glaive slaying everyone in sight

"My lord is waiting in the forest general, we have come to get you from this place" cusping his hand Juton leading the Tai unit has come and cover the General retreat


To be continued

(Your name shall be remembered in our heart o greatest general under the heaven, Rest in peace General Ouki of Qin)

(even writing this it actually breaks my heart)