
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

Dragonic_Tamer · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

21. Long Taidu [ IV ]

"All troops CHARGEEE" said Moubu having been heard by taidu in the far left wing

"Ckckckck that man scream like he has unlimited voice, I pray you not having sore throat after today battle General Moubu" said Taidu still with his playful antics

"2nd army charge and 3rd army charge" said Moubu while charging

"huh? so we will defend this place to act as an anchor huh? tsk" said Taidu understanding why ouki have the right wing charge together with the middle army

"4th army CHARGE" said Moubu once again

"..." Taidu having heard the order drop his Jaw surprised are clear in his face seeing the moment Moubu use 100k man like a freaking do and smash unit

even with no understanding as of why they are ordered to charge too, the Heilong unit led by Taidu with Kanou acting as the General of the 4th unit still do as they are told

while all of this are happening Riboku arrive at the castle tower where Ten is at to observe the whole battlefield

and not far from there are a carriage having the Long flag fly above it as lingxu describe "I only intend to take a stroll around bayou, I will not joining anyway" said Lingxu when Sulan protested again that day

Riboku having climb the tower and are right now seeing the battle unfold with the Qin observer getting wary by their arrivel are surprised once again by another sudden arrival

"well you being here, explain a lot of things Riboku Dono" said Lingxu walking while Sulan support her Lord

"Watching the battle with your own eyes is better than watching it using the eagle right Lingxu of Long" said Riboku with a smile

"yes, and how I wish to bring my glaive to cut you down at this very moment Riboku Dono, you must thanks Sulan for not allowing me to bring my weapon" said Lingxu walking closer and right now are standing side by side with Riboku

with the intel having reached Lingxu from the Dragon eyes Unit, Lingxu found out about Riboku and his plan, which is why he wanted to see what happens with his own very eyes

even after guessing the plan, nothing can be done once again as he is an injured commander and a lord who is not called for battle, what he did by sending 10k man is already edging the Military state affairs which even force him to act as if the 10k man is not the man of Long army

he also already did his best by informing Ouki of the real plan of the Zhao by attacking Bayou

and with that being taken care of Lingxu has been only be able to act as the spectators of the show and not be able to do anything other than pray for the best of the Qin army fighting in bayou right now

with the battle getting dragged around the place and the armies starting to go into another mountain and with their view to the battle starting look terrible

Riboku offer them an observation place which have a better view around there for them to use and look into the battle

Lingxu knowing that only follow Riboku without fear of anything much to the surprise of the people of Qin who also watch the battle

as the night draw clear, Lingxu walk towards the place where the 4th army is at intending to greet his Brother and companions on that place

meanwhile on the 4th Army camp, Houken has finally shown himself up and right now Shin and Kyoukai is fighting him

while the two of them pincers Houken, almost at the same moment Taidu, Feng and Juton are moving towards them because Taidu felt there are violent fire in that place

while they were at it, when they finally arrive Kyoukai is out of breath while Kanou is moving with his personal army to the place

"Juton, Feng use Four Heavenly dragon formation" said Taidu getting much of Juton and Feng Surprise

before one of them could ask, a sound of eagle are heard and they see a man wearing a black war hanfu approaching them full speed

as Lingxu slide towards them at the same moment Taidu threw Lingxu sword at him which Lingxu catches with swift motion

"you good?" asked Taidu seeing Lingxu condition

"I can go 100% for about 15 minutes or mayne 20 if I pushed my self" Lingxu said and Taidu knowing that information Nod and get ready to face Houken in battle

"Juton, Feng" Lingxu command and both Juton and Feng immediately move as if they are both of Lingxu limbs

"Taidu go left" said Lingxu while he charged ahead grabbing some sword that fell off some dead soldier

Lingxu give barrage of slash not even thinking what might happens to his scalping wound

Houken has seen that counter and blocking all slash while saying "a mere destiny challenger dare to oppose me Houken the Bunshin" said Houken getting angry

not minding Houken comment, Lingxu kick houken glaive with the intention of disarming him but with no success and only manage the blast them away giving Taidu, Feng and Juton a chance to attack

while Houken get attacked by three way barrage, Lingxu did not stop there and kick bunch of weapon in the air and then spin kick 6 weapon in the same time aiming at Houken with insane speed

after he kick all that weapon, he also follow trough and charged once again making the once 3 way attack become the original Long signature 4 way Death trap

Houken with his title as bunshin did not back down as he kick Feng mid his charge initially dodge the weapon that Lingxu sent at him with only 2 of them scratch his arm and cheeks

he then followed trough with a side swing towards Juton at which Juton dug the handle of his Glaive to stop dodging the slash and counters with his own at which Houken stop his slash mid way and turn his glaive around forcing Juton to defend or he might get sliced in half

at the same moment where Juton defended and are sent flying to the friendly army, Taidu jump up and spin his body along with a spear in his hand which houken counter using the handle of his glaive stopping Taidu spins

but did not stop there, Taidu using the momentum spin himself at the opposite derection and with so much speed he put at his thrusts even Houken did not see it

instinctively Houken tilt his head to dodge the thrust which only scrath his Neck but the wound is quite deep and splurting some blood

Lingxu seen this use thus chance to grab Juton glaive in the ground while at the same time threw his double sword at houken and follow it with downward full swing with all his strength

Houken sensed it and kick Taidu away making him cough some blood with the impact and even denting the armor he wore

Houken then Swing his glaive full speed too intending to face Lingxu head on, at the clash of their glaive blade, Juton Glaive who are weilded by Lingxu shattered and sending shrapnel everywhere

Lingxu did not hesitate and use his Hanfu as a catcher and spin his body to again send all the sharpnel towards Houken at which Houken get so much injury just ny defending that move, but not stopping there, Lingxu take the handle of the glaive he weild and sent hurling swing toward houken

which houken receive it right in his left side of his body the force is so big making even Houken slide to the left

'Fucking hell this guy is a monster, I felt like I just hit a freaking elephant just now' he thought with only Feng who is at least able to fight with him and Lingxu starting to seems pale and blood are seen coming inside his hanfu

Houken have a look at this but before they even manage to continue their battle, Kanou and mangoku army arrive at the same exact moment and seeing that Lingxu passed out having not be able to keep up with Houken in this state


To be continued

(What do you think of the battle I wrote? any suggestions?)