

arriving at the car dealership williams and charlotte can't help but gasped by the luxury cars in front of them.

there are rolls royce, bugati, lincoln, porche, etc. from mid to high end cars are in display here.

while looking at the cars a dealer ship agent came forward and receive them "hello sir/ma'am welcome to the dealer ship i'm marian how may i help you sir?"

"can i see the rolls royce? do you still have it here?"

nodded "yes sir we still have a rolls royce in stock please follow me to introduce..."before marian could finish what she's saying she was interrupted by williams

"i would buy a 1 rolls royce phantom how much is it?"

marian could not believe by what williams said just by looking at his appearance he looks like does'nt have any money to buy it but she still do her job.

"for starter sir it's price at 45.5 million peso"

"well ill get one then can you recommend me a cars for my guards?"

marian looked at williams in stunned she froze by what williams just said *a cars for his guards? just how many guards is it?*

"well sir it depends on the type of vehicle you want as you know we have a mid range to high end cars here" politely said.

"a high end car would be preferable and a four seater with enough space for 5 people to sit in" williams said while still thinking on what else he could add.

"we have 2 high end suv type that fit to your description sir, first is lincoln corsair and the second is the mercedez G wagon" marian said while taking the three to the two cars she recommended.

"hmm this G wagon looks much better then ill buy 10 G wagon"

marian was stunned and can't help but think *just how much money this has first the rolls royce at the price of 45.5 million now he want's 10 g wagon which price almost 11million peso each calculating it all is 154.4 million*

"wait i second sir ill call the manager for a large transaction like this is not within my authority" she apologize to the three and speed up her walking to almost running towards the office the manager.

arriving at the office she got reprimanded for her posture running in the office "why are you running in the office you know that running is not allowed in the office right..." before finishing his words marian interrupted his words and said "sorry sir but there's a customer in the hall right now who wants to buy so many cars and i don't have enough authority in this kind of large transaction".

the manager was stunned by what marian just said then he hastily pick up his jacket and run towards the hall.

the three are still looking at the cars in the hall when they suddenly heard a footstep that almost running towards them.

"hello sir i'm chris the manager of this establishment i heard from my employee that you want to buy 1 rolls royce and 10 G wagon sir? chris said while still panting and are catching his breath.

nodded by what the manager said "yes do you have enough stock here if not ill go to other dealership"

"yes sir we do have enough stocks here but please forgive my disrespect sir may i ask your name?"chris look at william apologeticaly.

"i'm williams reid"

when chris heard the name he can't help but think that it seems there's no one in the city or the country who has the surname of reid but he suddenly remember that there seems to be someone who bought the largest manor in the country and rename it to reid's manor.

"hello mr.reid please follow to the lounge and ill take of the rest"

the three walk to the lounge while waiting charlotte can't help but still asks "seriously william how did you get rich all of a sudden?" she still could not believe what's happening in front of her.

william just laugh at what charlotte just said "it's a secret" while putting his fingers in his lips indicating to keep quite about it.

charlotte no longer asks and keep quite while imagining of how would it be if she and williams has a relationship since back then, while thinking of this she could not help but blush and touch her hot cheeks.

when williams saw this he can't help but asks " do you have a fever? why are your face looks red?"

hearing this charlotte made a yet another ran away from him and shaking her head indicating that nothing.

30 minutes later all the procedure's was done and he just paid directly and the manager gave his calling card to williams and told him that next time he wish to buy a vehicle he should not forget him.

"just send all of the vehicle at the reid's manor" williams just said it normally while his words stunned the manager and the dealership agent.

they could not help but feel cold cause of this seemingly simple sentence but contain a powerful background.

well who would'nt the renamed reid's manor the largest it has a 230,000 square meter it has 103 rooms and it's reported the 24 of which are the most luxurious marble en-suite bathrooms it's also reported that it has a large garden that it only describe to be the fairy land and it is said that this manor was so huge that it also has a private wood land/forest and within the house included to be fully set no matter what sport's the owner wish to play.

knowing this he can't help but feel lucky for knowing such a person from reid's manor and it seems that the man in front are the young master from it base on the spending.

"don't worry sir ill take care of it sir"

williams just nodded and went away taking the rolls royce and let codename 001 to drive it to the manor and send a message to other to go there now.

while driving he can't help but think of what he has now now that he has the largest manor in the country and multiple cars with equivalent to endless money now what he lacks is women looking at the beautifull girl beside him he can't help but have an idea about her.

"what are you whinking about?"she looks at him with confusion

"nothing it's just i'm thinking it would be good if i have someone to love" he hinted while it made charlotte blush to brim and her whole face was red and looks away.

arriving at the manor he saw the other soldiers waiting for their arrival  and suluted to them when the two of them saw the manor they were shocked as how magnificent and luxurious it is just from the outside alone but what about the inside they can't help but wonder about it.

10 mins later they arrive at the maindoor of the manor still with wide eye cause of shock and williams are having a hard time containing his excitement. 

like would'nt right suddenly having all of this it's a dream come true well it can no longer describe it with that words.

when he calmed down he suddenly though that this will be starting point of his whole kingdom this is where the operation will begins this is where the domination of the world begins he can't help but laugh at it.

  but before he could do anything he suddenly heard a growl he seems that he did'nt have anything to eat since the morning then he invited charlotte out now to eat cause he knows that tommorow is when the whole operation starts.

"well miss charlotte can i formally invite to dinner now?"

charlotte can't help but laugh lightly to his actions but still accepted it "it would be my pleasure mr.rich man"

they goes to the 5 star hotel the shangri-La one of the 5 stars hotel in the city.

when they arrive they took a private room which still cost so much for average person but for williams now that he has unlimited points which equivalent to unlimited money it's just a drizzled so he ordered the most expensive foods on the menu without even looking at price.

while eating he can't help but asks " uhh i know this is going to be kinda weird but are you single now?"

charlotte was stunned by the question william said and can't help but be silent for a few second then she nodded with expectation "yes i'm still single"

william was happy when he heard charlotte answer and said "you know i have a crush on you since university time but i just could'nt bring my self to confess so now i'm going to confess to you will you be my girlfriend?" and smile at charlotte with expectation.

charlotte felt her heart beat faster and could'nt help but blush but still nodded with affirmation that she is willing to be his girlfriend. thinking back she no longer knows how long she has a crush on him but since she's a conservative type she never gave any hint and she just let go with it's flow.

getting charlotte answer he was brimming with happiness.

after finishing the dinner they checked in the hotel and do the deed.