
Kingdom Building Done Right!

Ryan Von Roald was exiled from his Kingdom by his Father in order to avoid going to war with a powerful Empire. Instead of feeling depressed, the Sixth Prince of the Finis Kingdom even rejoiced because he could now do whatever he wanted. With the help of the Magical Grimoire, whom he named Builder, Ryan embarked on a journey in creating his own Kingdom. However, this grand undertaking wasn't smooth sailing. Soon, Ryan found himself fighting against nobles, and other factions who dared to get in his way, showing the world that even an exiled prince could build a majestic kingdom from scratch! ---------- Support me in Patreon!

Elyon · ファンタジー
100 Chs

Stonefall Village

“Ah, we’re finally here,” Ryan said.

“Oh. Indeed, we are.” Joan couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice when she realized that they had reached Stonefall Village.

Ryan saw the unsatisfied expression on her face and chuckled. He gently poked her forehead and flashed her a mischievous grin.

“Don’t worry. Your reward shall resume later, Joan. For now, let us see what we have for ourselves, alright?”

“O-of course!” Joan blushed and quickly got up from his lap. “I have not a single word of complaint! We shall get off now, Your Highness.”

“Okay.” Ryan knew that it would be difficult for Joan to start calling him by name, but surely she would get used to it after some time.

When Ryan peeked out of the carriage’s curtains, they were welcomed by the sight of the village.

The Stonefall village was small, with only a few dozen homes scattered throughout its winding dirt streets.

The buildings were made of sturdy stone and thatched roofs, and the doors and windows were adorned with colorful flowers and vines.

Ryan saw the distant mountains loom on the horizon like guardians of the land. He couldn’t help but feel like they were beckoning him to come, as if it was waiting for him to unravel its countless mysteries.

“A place like this may seem simple, but there is no doubt that a lot of resources are merely unfound, waiting to be discovered. It truly is a stunning place, untouched by the rest of the world.” Ryan grinned.

A crowd of villagers were gathered at the gates.

After Ryan stepped out of the carriage, he greeted them with a warm and charismatic smile on his face.

"Hello. My name is Ryan Luxem Roald. I will be the one in charge of Stonefall Village from now on. I hope you can all be at ease," he spoke in a friendly tone as he scanned his gaze across the villagers.

Behind him, Joan pulled out a royal decree and cleared her throat.

“Henceforth, according to the decree of His Majesty Reginald Roald, the son of Concubine Anne Luxem will be given rule over the land of Stonefall Village and will be referred to as Master Ryan Luxem Roald.”

“Welcome to Stonefall Village, Master Roald!” the villagers chorused in unison.

Ryan was glad to receive their welcome. Once again, he cast a look at the villagers’ faces, but he was disrupted by the sound of the Grimoire’s voice in his ear.

— — — — — —

< Where You Go, The People Speak! >

— The Great Grimoire of Kingdom Building Done Right has allowed you to gain more power through the presence and influence you create.

Status: Never Ending

< Possible Rewards >

Commoner - 1 Grimoire Point

Merchants - 10 Grimoire Points

Nobility - 50 Grimoire Points

Royalty - 100 Grimoire Points

— — — — — —

Even though the villagers had not said anything out loud in front of Ryan, it was clear that there were a lot of thoughts that churned in their heads.

‘He introduced himself as Roald… that means he is the son of King Reginald Roald! We have a Prince in our place!’

‘Did they say Concubine Anne Luxem Roald? He is a Luxem!’

‘Since he wasn't announced as a Prince, then it’s clear that he might be a commoner just like us. What happened?’

‘This is our first time seeing a Prince, but it is less impressive than I expected. Still, he is a Luxem.’

The events that occured in the capital, specifically in the palace of the Finis Kingdom, spread quickly.

However, in a backwater village like Stonefall, this news would reach them dead last. This meant that it was only now that they found out about Ryan losing his status as a prince.

— — — — — —

< Where You Go, The People Speak! >

Status: Never Ending

< Rewards >

10 Grimoire Points!

— — — — — —

"For now, since we’ve just arrived, we will first settle down. If you do not mind, may you tell us where we shall be staying?" Ryan asked the villagers.

He knew that there was probably a leader among the people, and he hoped that this figure would help him get to know the people better.

"There is a mansion here, owned by the Luxem family. They stay there every time they come to the village. Follow us, Master Ryan," one of the villagers said.

It was an old man with a long beard and a bald head. He looked distinguished and wise.

“Thank you. And you must be…?” Ryan asked politely.

“I am Albert, former Master of the Stonefall Village.” The old man introduced.

“Oh, is that so? Haha." Ryan chuckled nervously. "The announcement from earlier must have been a surprise retirement for you.”

It was truly a surprise decree for the old man, but fortunately, it did not look like the old man wanted to strangle him.

Ryan was glad that there were no objections as he did not want his ambitions to be blocked before he even got a chance to start them.

“Do you have everything that you need, Master Ryan?”

“Well… we have our luggage. But we’re actually a bit low on supplies, aren't we, Joan?”

“Allow me to assist. I will ensure that you have everything prepared.”

Old Man Albert pointed at some people. “I need people to gather supplies for Master Ryan. Some of you go to the market and bring in the harvest. As for the rest, help with carrying the luggage.”

“Thank you. We appreciate it,” Ryan thanked the old man.

“You’re welcome, Master Ryan. Please let me lead you to your new home.” Old Man Albert led them to their residence.

The mansion was not as luxurious as the palace Ryan lived in before, but it was great and incredible for commoners. It seemed to be an old vacation home for his ancestors.

It had plenty of guest rooms, as well as enough living quarters for servants and their families.

The mansion stood out among all the houses in the village, as if to make itself look more important.

"Is there anything else that we can do for you, Master Ryan?" Old Man Albert asked once they arrived.

The villagers already brought supplies and assisted with unloading everything from the carriage.

"No, not at the moment. However, I intend to host a meeting tomorrow. For now, we would like to rest first, as we are tired from traveling." Ryan said.

"Very well then. Please take your time. Stonefall Village shall await your call tomorrow." Old Man Albert said, and beckoned the rest of the villagers to leave with him.