
Kingdom: A Demon slayer

A determined soul is sent to the world of Kingdom. Will he follow the storyline and rise with Qin or make his own dynasty to last for millennia. - This is more wish fulfillment than anything - Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated as always. - I own nothing except oc's

Random_Name_7 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

The King is ...?

The start of the chapter is two paragraphs down

(AN: I moved this section from its own chapter to the top of this chapter. I made this just to answer a few questions that have popped up. The first being Yoriichi's personality and lack of background regarding the MC and his attitude. I am never going to go into depth about his actual background. The story he made up will be revealed towards the end of the arc. The most discussed thing his attitude, I never specifically covered his attitude currently because I am going to be changing it to match Yoriichi's with one of the pearls during the first or second arc. The romance is going to be a slow burn and they won't get together for a few hundred chapters in manga terms. That is what I am planning for romance at least for now.

The last and most commented question is yoriichi's combat power. The actual Yoriichi was a monster in combat and I know that so I am not trying to nerf anything. He has only been here for a little more than week and is still acclimating to the body. He will gain the rest of Yoriichi's combat power except for selfless state after the first arc and before the second. He will also gain the selfless state when he uses a pearl to gain Yoriichi's disposition and level headedness in the somewhat near future. Sun Breathing has also been discussed and yes he will start using it more while only murmuring or thinking it. He hasn't used it too much so far because he is getting used to things and is having it as a trump card. Thank you for reading this and I hoped it answered a few of your questions. If you have any other go to the auxiliary volume where I created a chapter to answer questions.)

Beginning of chapter

Just as I was beginning to feel we would be here awhile we hear Shi Shi, the top military advisor to Jie Shi and also the leader of the soldiers in front of us yell at us " Come out Ei Sei, I know that your here".

Ei Sei wanting to distract the people in front of us from our contingent step forward and takes off his mask showing his face to the soldiers in front of us. Ei Sei taunts the chancellor causing Weixing the leader of the crossbows' unit and an officer under Shi Shi to order his men forward.

Seeing this Sho Bun Kun urges the king to retreat while Yo Tan Wa looks at her fallen soldiers from the horse earlier and mutters " Mountain men don't fall to arrows" which Ei Sei hears and makes the decision to trust the mountain king ordering Sho Bun Kun and his men to follow the mountain king.

The crossbow unit continue moving forward to get into range as chancellor Jie Shi continues moving towards the palace to inform the king and plan according to what had just transpired. They pass by the supposed corpses of the mountain men and just as they are about to enter into range the three mountain men sprung up decapitating over 10 soldiers and destroying their formation. Not wasting the chance Yo Tan Wa orders her soldiers forward as she charged forward herself. Ei Sei not wanting to fall charges in himself with only two remaining soldiers, Sho Bun Kun and myself. The aura of death was around us as their soldiers just now switching to their swords were being slaughtered. I wove in and out of their ranks while constantly killing anyone who came at me. After a few minutes of combat our initial charge had lost its momentum and we were gradually being pushed away from each other and we were suffering casualties.

Just as I take another head I notice no one charging me so I take a closer look at the battlefield. From our initial 35 we are down to 27 and I can see wounds on most of our remaining combatants. 'It's time to show them the terror of the strongest demon slayer to ever live' I muse as I sheathe my sword shocking the soldiers who were maintaining a safe distance from me due to the large amount of corpses at my feet. A few seconds later the air around me changes and it sends cold shivers down the backs of the soldiers that were facing him.

Unbeknownst to Yoriichi an important figure was watching him with an interested gaze which turned a little serious and then playful as the air around him changed.

'Lets dance' is all I think as I practically disappear from where I was standing due to activating sun breathing before reappearing next to the nervous soldiers who still had yet to register my disappearance. "Sun Breathing myriad forms" " First form, Dance " I murmur before swinging my sword in a horizontal sweeping motion decapitating five soldiers at the same time who were just now looking for me. In this form I can feel my blood pumping at much higher levels than normal allowing my body to circulate more than five times as much oxygen than normal which is already two times larger than a normal human increasing my strength and speed to almost superhuman levels. "Seventh form, Beneficent Radiance" I whisper as I leap into the air while spinning constantly swinging my sword causing blood to spurt from more than 10 enemy soldiers who were in my reach. I continue sprinting in between soldiers switching in between the different forms of Sun Breathing demolishing any enemy soldiers I come upon letting my powerful combat instincts control my blade.

You could easily determine where Yoriichi had traveled from based on the trail of corpses left behind in his wake numbering almost one hundred over a fifth of Shi Shi force's present.

Not noticing any soldiers nearby I stop to catch my breath while marveling at the destruction I had caused. I paused to notice that people had stopped fighting and were staring at me as if I was a monster as even Yo Tan Wa one of the strongest characters in the series at her peak(something she hadn't yet reached due to her modified age) only had killed around 20 soldiers so far while I had a body count over six times as large.

The enemy soldiers were almost all trembling with many of them having peed their pants as they unconsciously backed away from me. Their numbers at this point were less than half what they were at the start and many didn't have the courage to continue.

Noticing his soldiers disturbed state of mind Weixing urges his horse forward and charges me with his spear in hand hoping to turn the tide of battle by killing me. I sigh before I move to meet his charge effortlessly deflecting his spear before stabbing him in the chest knocking him off his horse. Taking my eyes off of his corpse I turn towards the soldiers who were shaking. This being the last straw the soldiers collectively drop their weapons before running away scrambling to be the first to escape losing any sense of discipline they might have had before today.

I turn back to my allies to see even the mountain men staring at me with slack jaws utterly confused at the sight they had just witnessed. Yo Tan Wa walks up to me and says "You fought well flatlander you fight like a mountain warrior" with a tone of respect and a little something else in her voice.

'She couldn't be flirting with me could she' I think to myself before shaking my head in denial and moving towards Ei Sei who was still surprised at what had just happened.

"Your majesty you have a throne to reclaim" I state knocking him out of his stupor. He gives a me a serious and determined nod before moving to address the remaining soldiers "We stand on the cusp of victory, advance to the throne room" he shouts before leading our host towards the throne room with the intention to dethrone his younger brother Sei Kyou.

As we enter the throne room we are greeted by the sight of Shin thrusting his sword through Lankai's chest causing Lankai to fall powerlessly to the ground.

Our entrance causes everybody to turn their heads to look at us. When Shin notices us he gives us a big smile and waves while the rest of their group somewhat smaller than before nods in our direction with Heki on the floor dealing with blood loss and Ka Ryo Ten knocked out by one of the minters who managed to stab her.

The rest of the ministers including Jie Shi looked paler than a vampire when the saw us. They quickly began moving for the doors only to be stopped by Touki the right hand man of Ou Ki cleaving through several of them who were fleeing first. The Chancellor who had descended into madness lunged at the closest enemy to him who happened to be Shin Only to be stabbed in the chest causing him to fall to the floor in the same manner as Lankai. Kyou Sei the only person in the room left on his own side was clearly in denial as he picked up a sword before running at Ei Sei screaming "I am the king" only for Ei Sei to block his slash before knocking his weapon away.

Kyou Sei now defenseless attempted to punch Ei Sei only to be brutally punched by Ei Sei in the jaw knocking him down. Ei Sei proceeded to beat his brother until you could barely recognize his face. The king seeing the state of his brother ceases punching him before standing and gracefully walking to the throne. As soon as he reached it he sat down eliciting a round of cheers from everyone in the room save for the few remaining enemy ministers.

After a short but grueling two week experience the king had returned to Kanyou where he would prepare for a much greater battlefield that was about to unfold one against his biggest opponent yet, Chancellor Ryo Fui the most powerful man in all of Qin.


If you enjoyed the chapter please leave a powerstone, review or comment because I would greatly appreciate it.

This was the first time where there was a somewhat large deviation from canon. Let me know how it went so that I could improve future chapters.

This chapter covered manga chapters 30-46 (that's a lot of chapters)

(1776 words)