
King of the Tower

"You don't have the power to change anything, some things are just meant to be" "Then this world is wrong" [Everything You Desire Is Here] His lover's death and his incapability to save her leads Johan to answer the call of the tower.

CultivationKing · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The Guide

A meaningless life that neither served any purpose nor was it worth anything, the only direction it had was snuffed out by an unfair world. This must be punishment for freezing up when Isa was in trouble, another voice when I was the only one in the room?

[Everything You Desire Is Here]

Again, the mysterious voice echoed inside my head. The origin of the voice couldn't be from anywhere near me, after all, I cut off everyone I knew.

"Everything I desire..."

I must be crazy... the words that slipped out of my mouth uncontrollably were nothing more than a dream, a fantasy that never come true. But, if there was a slight chance that I could undo everything and save the people dear to me...


Hours turned to days which turned to weeks. Eventually, it came to the point where I couldn't differentiate night from day. The constant noise inside my head would not let me rest.

[Everything You Desire Is Here]

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that my sanity was far gone, what kind of sane man is kept awake by voices? Or rather... haunted by them.

I slowly stood up from my bed, which was practically falling apart. The stench coming from the entirety of my shack was nauseating, but it wasn't as if someone like me deserved anything more.

I left my house for the first time in months, my stubble itching like crazy and my hair blocking my view.

Whether or not I left to escape the voices, the guilt I felt... or for the slim chance that maybe I could change the past was irrelevant. I couldn't stop myself, I felt like my body was no longer mine.

I began to walk.

The stares I received from onlookers were far from subtle, with parents shielding their children's eyes and stall operators shielding their products. In the beginning, the stares did bother me and thus the desire to clean and groom myself had finally reemerged after 6 months.

After a while, even my wants and needs faded into obscurity. The scenery around me quickly changed from the place I had known all my life to a desolate desert wasteland. I was outside of the empire.

My feet were full of blisters, it was hard to tell if what I was walking on was sand or spikes. Even so I continued to walk, what I was hoping to find I wasn't sure.

Suddenly my eyes gravitated toward a grey figure, in an unchanging landscape like this something new was unexpected. I ran faster than I ever had before, if I could reach whatever I saw faster then maybe I could understand what was happening inside my head.

"hah..." I coughed and panted furiously.

I was standing in front of a tall tower, and now that I was face to face with it I could appreciate how big it really was. It was about as wide as the empire and its height... no matter how much I squinted my eyes I couldn't make out an end to the tower.

This was it, I understood immediately that this tower was what I was looking for. I placed my hand on the entrance of the tower. It shone brightly which blinded me and I quickly backed away.

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My feet didn't hurt anymore and the nausea and fatigue I felt from crossing into the desert was all gone. Somehow I was healed back to how I was before.

"Welcome traveller!"


Startled by the sudden yell I fell to the floor.

I looked up and locked eyes with a golden-haired young boy. He looked at me excitedly with his captivating golden eyes before breathing outward and composing himself.

"Sorry for scarin' you, been a long time since I've had a visitor."

"No it's ok..."

Why was I speaking formally to a child? And why did he speak so casually to me? Even though I looked like I wasn't worth a penny I still had to set this kid straight.


I stopped my sentence instantly as soon as I looked at him for the second time, finally taking in my surroundings. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before, with pristine white floorings and walls, held up by masterfully sculpted pillars... The work of the empire's artisans looked flimsy when compared to this.

"Me?" The boy questioned jokingly.

"You might've not guessed but I am older than you, a bit of respect would be nice"

"You sure bout' that?"

The boy grinned slyly as he took a seat on the floor. Him being older than me? what a joke. However, I did sense a mysterious aura from him, that of something inhuman.

"Since it's been a while I'll make an exception for you, be grateful!" The prideful boy gleefully grinned.

Was he serious about what he said? Well, it doesn't make sense for a young boy to be out by himself in the middle of the desert. I should probably be on guard.

"Don't be so tense, I ain't gonna kill you."

Wha- He read my mind?

"You're probably thinkin' I'm a mind reader right?"


"After meetin' all types of people you learn a thing or two."

"Ah! That reminds me." The golden-haired boy waved his hand and I suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I gotta' give you the run down before I let you go."


Before I had the chance to reply to the boy he gestured toward the air where orbs of light swirled together to form a blank letter.

"There's no words on it..." I squinted harder at the letter.

"Course' there isn't, it's cause I haven't gotten the chance to put anything on the screen."


"My bad I forgot that you wouldn't know bout' all of that."

"Since it's come to this I may as well do things differently from usual"

This really was strange, not just the appearance of a lone young boy but also the strange tricks he performed that I'd never seen before.

"As a new climber, there are a couple of things you should know."

"Climber? I don't plan to stay for long I was just-"

"You were called weren't you?"

"If you're talking about the constant ringing in my head then sure."

"You were called for a reason Johan, well if you really don't wanna be here you can always leave"

Though this was our first meaning somehow this kid knew my name, not that I was surprised now.

"Can I really do it? Find what I'm looking for I mean..."

"That's all up to you." The boy said as he pointed toward the roof.

"Whatever you're lookin' for, it's at the top."

With the boy's words in mind, I steeled my resolve. To make up for all my past mistakes and restore a life that should've been...

"Tell me what i need to know"