
King of Ruin

In his previous life, Damien’s destiny was one where he was enslaved and abused by an all-powerful family. The Ruxwells. But now been given the opportunity to go back in time to where this all started. He will make sure they are the ones that suffer from his wrath. He will show them how it feels to be the ones under the thumb of someone. Come watch as a quest for vengeance that transcends time is dished out. Damien will show the universe that the weak are not to be trifled with. Come read the thrilling story of the one who liberates and the one who will etch his name into the annals of the universe as the King Of Ruin. ------------------------------------------------------ While I agree the synopsis isn't the best BUTTTTTT please try the book and donate power stones!!!

Lieu · SF
4 Chs

Past Memories.

After enjoying the sumptuous meal his mother provided Damien headed up to his room to rest as today had been an eventful day and he needed to organize his thoughts and finalize his plan for when Arin comes to Earth.

"I'm stuffed full." Damien said as suddenly he felt a cool breeze pass around his neck as the urgent need to say "Pause" suddenly overtook his mind. Chucking it up to his tiredness Damien closed his eyes as he lay on his bed. Although on the outside he looked asleep his insides told a different story as his mind was currently active.

His face contorted and he tried to sense something there but it was so fleeting. It was almost impossible to get a hold of after trying for a few more minutes Damien gave up trying to hold on to the elusive feeling.

'The concentration of Aether on Earth is so shitty. It seems it truly is impossible to naturally awaken Aether. Those who awaken it are either those freakish heirs of the top families of the universe or those who went through the awakening process.' Damien thought as he stood up from his sweat-drenched bed, The strenuous effort he had put into this short exercise of his was apparent as his feeling of being stuffed previously had now been reduced to a light feeling of being full.

With his thoughts falling into order Damien decided to sleep. As he had an eventful day tomorrow as he planned to enjoy his last view days on Earth before he became a 'captive'.

Falling into a drowsy state Damien finally slept. As he slept he seemed to be having a vivid dream as his hands clenched.

[Damien's Previous Life.]

"Know your place slave." A towering figure said as he looked towards Damien who here looked ragged and deprived of food as he wore rags to cover his thin body. Squeezing his fists into balls Damien's rage flared as a look of defiance appeared in his eyes as this was a life less than anyone in the universe deserved.

Noticing the all too familiar look of defiance the guard smiled as it had presented him with the perfect opportunity to use The Collar.

The Collar was a piece of relatively primitive technology that stimulated the part of an organism's pain responsible for the sensation of pain and in the case of humans would be their primary and secondary somatosensory cortex.

Parts of the brain are responsible for the feeling of pain and storing it. But prior to this, all captives had been given a serum that expanded their Parietal Lobe's capacity for sensing and the integration of information into the larger parts of the brain.

The Collar functioned by sending minute bursts of electricity into the brains of disobedient and defiant slaves. Once the fully stimulated somatosensory cortexes receive this information and sends it to the Parietal Lobe the victim is in a state of convulsing pain as everywhere would hurt from the top of the head down to the soles of your feet. The serum for expanding the Parietal Lobe was for expanding the slave's capabilities for storing and sensing sensory information, in order to prevent them from going into shock from sensory overload. Of course, those who did go into shock could be saved but why waste resources on disposable items anyway? It was like using a disposable cup but washing it. The water and soap used to wash that cup could probably be used to buy a whole new pack of cups.

The guard after having his fill of sadistic torture from Damien. Said Damien was currently on the floor convulsing from the intense amount of pain coursing through his body right now. But if one looked at his trembling eyes they would see the intense rage bubbling within those set of dark eyes.'

"I will kill you, Everyone related to you no matter how distant, The mere utterance of your name will seek to invoke my wrath. I will wipe off your bloodline from the face of the universe." Through gritted teeth and trembling pain Damien muttered beneath his breath. Just as Damien said this although the constant pain had stopped. Damien still felt enough pain to make a regular person pass out.

He stood up and began to laugh with a psychotic grin planted across his face. His mind imagining various fantasies of brutally murdering and torturing every last one of the Ruxwell family.

If a higher-up of the Ruxwell clan had been nearby to feel the intense rage and bloodlust emanating from Damien at this very moment, He would have ordered for Damien to be executed as only those who bored a deep-seated hatred could release this level of bloodlust.

Damien was different from other slaves as while others had thoughts of revenge they had buried it deep within their hearts to the point where it was near forgotten. They had fully accepted their roles here and although there would be an act of defiance or two. The hatred had long been replaced with a deep sense of inferiority.

Damien refused to forget about this hatred as he would do anything in order to free himself and to take revenge against the family that enslaved him and took his last remaining family from him.

He would happily make a deal with the devil if that is what he took in order to get rid of his bonds and take revenge.

In a way, Damien's wish did get fulfilled the moment he signed a contract with The Cr….

[Damien's Current Life]

The rays of the sun-scorched Damien's face as he jolted awake due to the bright light. Still groggy Damien got up as he stretched a bit as he got up from bed still a bit disillusioned as he tried to recall the dream he had. Quickly deciding it was not worth the effort he decided to freshen up as he brushed his teeth and took a quick shower.

He opened his closet as he looked at his selection of clothes quickly grabbing a short-sleeved white shirt and a pair of black shorts. He headed downstairs as he noticed the lack of his mother and sister he just decided to head out anyway as he stepped onto the street.

Deciding to make the best of his last two days on Earth for the foreseeable future. Damien took out his phone after a few minutes of getting used to its primitive functions he found his way to his bank account he looked at it as he had a faint smile planted on his face as he looked at his balance.


"Well, what good is money if it isn't spent? It's gonna be useless in a few days anyway might as well splurge." Damien said as he tucked his phone in his pocket.

In his past life, Damien had always been frugal with his money as he had had plans of getting a house and numerous long-lasting amenities but that obviously was not the case any longer as soon Earth's currency would no longer play that much of a role in anything anymore.

Walking along Damien decided to spend his money on food as he stepped into a high-class restaurant.

As he stepped in he was faced with a receptionist who promptly asked.

"Good day sir, Do you happen to have a reservation?" She asked with a truly authentic smile on her face, But of course, this was all fake as she had practiced this with numerous customers in order to provide them with a comfortable atmosphere so they could come here to splurge their money.

"No, I do not have a reservation. I am just here to dine for a bit." Damien replied as a kind smile also graced his face.

As if expecting such a reply the lady replied promptly. "That's ok, We have a special section for guests." She said as she guided him toward a separate hallway different from the inner part of the restaurant.

Damien walked for a bit until he reached a dimly lit bar with a lot of flashing lights as the soft music in the background didn't go unnoticed by Damien. Walking up to a separate counter he reached what seemed to be a bar with the large assortment of drinks displayed in the back.

"What can I get you today?" The bartender asked as he looked at Damien with an interesting glint in his eye."Just give me the best stuff you have, I don't care about the price." If it was the previous Damien he would have never been found in a place like this.

"Of course sir." The bartender turned as he walked away to get their best wine. After a few minutes of waiting the bartender finally came back as in his hands he carried in his hand a black bottle with accents of red in it.

The bartender popped the cork of the wine as he promptly passed Damien a glass. To which Damien picked up as he sipped a bit of it. Damien's eyes widened as he hurriedly asked for more of the drink as it was quite possibly one of the best things he had tasted in both lives.

Quickly responding to his request the bartender once again filled his glass with more of the wine. As he drank Damien was also deep in thought.

'Unbelievable to this there are actually such flavours. If this is achievable on such a backward planet as Earth what is achievable on other more sophisticated and advanced planets.' Damien's eyes sparkled in curiosity and wonder.

As in that moment he swore that as soon as he had finished with the Ruxwell family he would enjoy all the universe had to offer as he felt as if he had a whole new world open up in front of him.

Damien quickly downed the rest of the wine as the tab quickly came which Damien promptly paid. That short encounter had shaved off $5,000 off Damiens funds but he had walked out of there with something more.

A curiosity of all the universe had to offer. But now he was unable to do that so he could only settle for what Earth had to offer.

And that was how the rest of Damien's day went as he went from place to place trying the different things they had to offer.

Damien had to abruptly stop his excess spree as he looked at the state of his bank account, Upon seeing what he had left a frown appeared on Damien's face as he recited the numbers again to make sure he was not going crazy.

"From $23,453.67 all the way to $20.65." Damien wondered if it was truly that easy to spend money. A minute ago he was a decently well-off individual now he was no better than a beggar on the street.

If one were to compare the state of the balances, The first one would be a healthy young male with a beaming smile on his face ready to battle all challenges that came his way while the second one would be a decrepit old man who had seen the vicissitudes of life and had a foot in death's door already.

While Damien's spree had come to a close the various experiences he had today were more than enough to reaffirm his goal. He wished to try everything Food, Drinks, Women any and everything possible.

The day had given Damien to strive for other than his original goal of revenge.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Its a LONG CHSAPTERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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