
Embers of Power

Mar slipped through the winding, narrow streets of the hive city, returning to the small corner of their shared home. It was early dawn, casting dim light across the streets, when she saw Lucien standing near the door, seemingly engrossed with something small and metallic on his chest. As she approached, he looked up, offering her a knowing smirk, his eyes glinting with a quiet pride.

"What are you doing?" she asked, peering curiously.

"Oh, just testing this out," Lucien replied with a sly smile, tapping a strange device affixed just above his collarbone. She noticed he was shirtless, revealing a scar here and there, and a certain leanness that hinted at his recent growth. She flushed a little but focused her attention on the orb-like device lodged just above his chest. Gently, she touched it, marveling at the smooth, cold surface.

"What is this?" she asked, tracing her fingers over it.

Lucien's smirk grew wider. "It's an aether drive," he said. "It's meant to enhance the ether a Magus can draw out. With this, I can channel ether far more effectively and actually use advanced Magia relics. That's what separates a Magus from regular people."

She nodded, trying to understand, her hand still on his chest. Lucien noticed, his smug confidence momentarily faltering as a faint blush crept across his cheeks.

"Your hand… it's still on my chest," he murmured.

Mar's eyes widened in realization, and she quickly pulled back her hand. "Sorry," she mumbled, looking away. Lucien brushed it off, the awkward moment passing between them like a brief cloud.

"So," he said, eager to switch topics, "how did your test go?"

Mar's face lit up with a quiet pride. "I passed. Soleli told me I have to train every day from now on."

Lucien nodded in approval, the two of them falling into an easy rhythm. He explained his upcoming plans—to dive deeper into studying Magia and to experiment with using his aether drive for even more complex spells. Mar listened with a faint smile, soaking up his enthusiasm.

Just then, Lara returned, her usual look of mild exhaustion tempered by a gentle smile. Lucien and Mar exchanged a glance; both knew better than to reveal anything to her just yet. Not until they were firmly entrenched in the gang and committed to the new path they were walking. For now, their plans were hidden behind Lucien's calm, determined gaze.

It's selfish of me as her brother, Lucien thought, but this is the best way for us to finally break free from this hive. This will give us a real chance.

They shared a modest dinner together—Lucien, Mar, Lara, and Mar's grandmother, whose warm smile never seemed to fade. The meal was quiet but comforting, the four of them drawing strength from each other's presence as nightfall settled over the hive city.

After dinner, the group turned in, Mar retiring to the small cot she now shared in their home with her grandmother. In the quiet, Lucien lay awake for some time, reflecting on his next steps. He was venturing deeper into a world of secrets, power, and danger—and he couldn't afford to make a single misstep.

The following morning, as dawn's first light crept into the narrow streets, he and Mar prepared to part ways. He looked at her, his face creasing with concern. "Be careful with Soleli. Don't push yourself too hard."

Mar gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. I promise." Then, with a slight pause, she leaned forward and brushed a kiss against his cheek like the day before. Before he could respond, she turned and walked off, leaving Lucien with a hand on his cheek and a quiet sigh as he composed himself.

He slipped into the crowded streets, navigating the winding corridors of the hive city until he reached the familiar, shadowed bar where Razor waited for him. Razor, with his piercing eyes and the signature half mask covering his face, nodded as Lucien took his seat.

"Good, you're here," Razor said in his usual clipped tone. He handed Lucien a stack of old, worn books, their bindings frayed from years of handling. But he didn't let Lucien get too comfortable with the books just yet. "There's something else for today. Follow me."

Lucien set the books aside, following Razor through a narrow passage to a small room. A single, narrow beam of light from a ceiling vent illuminated the center, casting faint shadows along the walls. Razor pointed to the empty space at the center.

"Today, you're going to learn how to use Effigy Magia," he said, crossing his arms.

Lucien raised an eyebrow. "Effigy Magia?"

Razor nodded. "Yes. It's the raw form of Magia that doesn't rely on Maguscraft or relics. It's pure ether manipulation—a skill that requires focus, precision, and discipline. Not every Magus can wield it."

A faint thrill of excitement rippled through Lucien. "I thought Maguscraft was what separated Magi from regular people?"

Razor gave a brief nod. "It is. But the ancient Magi, our ancestors, had what we call bloated heartstones, along with something known as the Aesir Path—a pathway in the body that allowed ether to flow at full force. Those Magi could command nature itself, conjuring storms, creating fire from nothing. But it came at a price. Their lives were painfully short, a mere fraction of a modern Solarian's. They barely reached 150 years."

The irony didn't escape Lucien, whose previous life had held a similar lifespan. He chuckled under his breath, but Razor wasn't finished.

"In comparison, your heartstone today is impressive," Razor admitted, giving Lucien an assessing look. "If you had a regular heartstone, you'd barely be able to create a single flame, a mere flicker. But the heartstone you have—and that aether drive between your neck—will give you just enough ether to attempt Effigy Magia."

Lucien nodded, his mind already alight with possibilities, the ancient stories of conjuring vast elemental storms firing his imagination. 

While Lucien began his training with Razor, across the hive, Mar arrived at her own training location.